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You had been separated from Tom for months now. The two of you were too busy to fly to see each other but had been keeping in contact nearly every day. I mean you kind of had to, considering that you two were in a long-distance relationship. It was a massive challenge organizing this and you only hoped you guys could pull it off. All the cast and crew at the premiere knew about what was happening thanks to the help of Zendaya and Nikki, so you only hoped it would go to plan. You remember it was only a couple of days ago that you were jetlagged and trying on the perfectly tailored dress that Zendaya had organised, she even joked that you were going to give Tom a heart attack because of the dress.

And now you were at the Far From Home premiere, waiting patiently in the area that had all the Spidey cosplayers in it. You had arrived there with Zendaya and headed straight there to the crowded area while the fans waiting outside were distracted by trying to gain Zendaya's attention. Harrison was going to come and get you so you could easily surprise Tom while he was doing his main interview for the live that Marvel was doing. You felt quite overwhelmed at first at how many people recognised you. So you went behind the background to try to get a little more air, you forgot there were only more spidey cosplayers, some of whom recognised you and started talking to you.

"Hey Y/N," A masked hero asked.

"Hi." You said out of breath.

"You okay?" Another masked hero asked.

"Just overwhelmed is all. Still not used to how many people there are."

"Yeah, we were like that before, that's why we're hanging back here. Get it, cause we're spiders." The masked hero tried to joke, making you laugh a little.

"Are you guys enjoying yourselves though?" You ask, offering the masked heroes a smile.

"Yeah! We're just aiming to get a selfie with everyone that we recognise today." A female spidey explained.

You smiled at this and asked. "How many have you got?"

"Only one with Jacob. Zendaya went to the other side a few people before us." The second spidey explained.

"Oh no! I'll see if I can bring you guys Tom later but I can't promise anything." You smile noticing one of the other Spideys that you hadn't talked to was videoing you.

"That's alright. Can you please take one with us though?"

"Of course! What are your guys' names by the way? Just so it's easier to find you guys when I come back."

"A hero never reveals his alter ego." The original spidey joked causing you to laugh.

"Just look for me cause I'm the only female spidey in here, otherwise just say the Holy Trinity or something. I'll go to the front again soon." The female spidey said. You smiled at her, took the selfie with the three of them and continued speaking to them until you saw Harrison looking frantically for you in the crowd of Spider-men.

"Sorry guys, I've got to go but hopefully I'll see you all again." You smile waving goodbye to the three of them before making security open the fence up to allow you out again. Harrison instantly recognising you and taking a sigh of relief.

"Holy shit, I thought you had run away or something." Harrison sighed hugging you. "You look gorgeous, Tom is going to lose his shit."

"Thanks. You look good too." You say looking over Harrison's shoulder to see Tom being interviewed.

"So we have to wait until they give him the tablet with your little video on it and the lady is going to give us a discreet wave when we should start walking across but I'm watching the live on my phone just in case."

Tom Holland & Peter Parker Imagines & Preferences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now