Bae Jinyoung X Reader

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The door slammed behind Jinyoung as he kicked off his shoes. His entire body ached from practice, it wasn't uncommon for his body to be sore after an intense day of working out and practicing, but this morning when he'd woken up with a headache it was almost as if Jinyoung couldn't tolerate anything. He blew up at the smallest accidents made by his members or himself during practice, effectively dampening the moods of his members and himself especially.

Jinyoung normally wasn't like this. The past week had been full of endless schedules, leaving Jinyoung to have only a few small hours of time to himself and time to rest. He had been bottling everything up, deciding that they it was best to just work hard until the end and worry about his own feelings later. But as time passed, his frustrations only jumbled up inside a small bottle until it was ready to burst open.

You were in the kitchen, humming quietly to a song that played softly through the bluetooth speakers you hooked up in your apartment when you first moved in, making one of Jinyoung's favorite meals. Normally your presence was enough to melt Jinyoung's worries and stress away, but for some reason he felt even more agitated as he reached the speakers and shut them off. You glanced over your shoulder, surprised.

"Why did you turn them off?" You ask.

"I just want some peace and quiet," Jinyoung grumbled as he dropped down onto the couch in the living room.

You nibble on your bottom lip, deciding it was best to not say anything. You were aware of how frustrated he has been lately. Having been one of his closest friends since childhood, and now his girlfriend, you were well in tune with him and his moods. It was one of the reasons why you'd decided to cook him one of his favorite meals after he'd finished with a long week of practicing.

You sigh and turn back to the stove, cooking silently for the next ten minutes until the meal is finally done. You smile softly and move the food over to two plates for Jinyoung and you, grabbing utensiles and then bringing the plated to the table.

"Dinner's done, I cooked your favorite," you smile.

Jinyoung is lying on the couch with an arm thrown over his eyes. He feels the frustration rise again, wanting nothing more than to just rest. "I'll eat it later, I'm too tired right now."

"Jinyoung, you need to eat something. You've been practicing all day, you need to put something in your system-" "I said I'll eat it later." His voice is stronger this time.

You grow quiet, not use to his tone of voice. Of course there were times in which Jinyoung has expressed his frustrations to you, but not once has he raised his voice towards you. Deciding to let it go, you grab his plate and take it over to the microwave, placing it inside gently so it wouldn't get too cold when he decided to eat. You sit down at the table, eating alone silently while scrolling through your social media. Sometimes people needed their space while they were frustrated, and you understood that while enough, so it was best to not press too much.

The next few days continue on the same, Jinyoung returning from a long of practice and not wanting to speak our eat. Every morning you wake up to an empty bed and a full plate of food in the microwave from the night before, proof that Jinyoung still hasn't eaten. You try your best to tell him to eat, but back down each and every time when he directs his anger towards you, telling you to just leave him alone. Until one day everything blows up.

"Why won't you just eat?!" You ask, slamming the plate of food down in front of Jinyoung as he watches TV.

"Because I don't have an appetite, why can't you get that through your head? It's not that hard of a concept to understand." Jinyoung bites, sliding the plate of food away from him with a single push of his fingers.

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