Kim Woosung X Reader

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You've been best friends with Park Dojoon since your childhood. He was a close friend of yours, when he grew an interest in music you were there to cheer him on along the way. Dojoon soon debuted in a band called The Rose, he was ecstatic and you were happy for him. You met the other three members of The Rose before they debuted, their members being Kim Woosung, Lee Hajoon, and Park Jaehyeong. You were close friends with all of them and was invited to multiple concerts.

The Rose recently had their second comeback with the song Baby, you were once again invited to the first concert to kick off the tour. While the four members played on stage and sang their hearts out, you stood in the crowd cheering them on the entire time. You were their biggest fan next to their parents. You loved to watch the boys play on stage, they always looked so at home while up there and playing their favorite songs. You admired Sammy the most.

When you first met Sammy it was undeinable that you found him attractive. He was beautiful to put it simply. Not only was Sammy attractive, but his personality made him more better. He was calm, gentle, and kind. A true gentleman. You became best friends with Sammy almost instantly when you first met him. You couldn't deny that you felt feelings for the man, but you continued to deny when his band members claimed he felt the same way for you. You were too much of a wimp to make a move.

You watched the band move around on stage and interact with their fans, answering questions and cracking jokes. You leaned against the metal gates and glanced around you at the fans surrounding you. You watched, from the very first show, the crowd grow and grow with more fans. You were proud of how far these boys were coming. Their crowds grew bigger and bigger with each show they held, you couldn't even imagine how their concerts would look overseas. Before you knew it, the concert came to an end and you were escorted backstage.

You met the boys in their dressing room where they were all collapsed onto the sofas, tired out from the exciting show.

"You guys did amazing, as always," you smile.

"Did we?" Dojoon asks with a smile.

You nod. "Of course, did you see how many fans came out tonight?" You asked.

"The crowd keeps growing," Sammy smiles tiredly.

"That's because of how amazing you boys are on stage and off." You smile and drop down onto an empty chair, crossing your arms as you leaned back. "Are you guys going to head back to your dorm after?" You ask.

Dojoon shakes his head. "No we're going to go eat in half an hour, care to join?"

"If I'm not inruding," you respond.

The other three boys immediately shake their heads and encourage you to join them. Half an hour passes and the boys are changed into a new pair of clothes, leading the way to a nearby restaurant that just so happened to be open so late. Their faces were covered by black mouth masks to not draw any attention to themselves. You follow them inside, the waiter leading the five of you to a private room where a table sat.

The night carries on, the five of you talking and cracking jokes. When the five of you are finished eating Dojoon offers to walk you home.

"No I'm fine," you respond while shaking your head.

"No, I can't let you walk home alone late at night," he says.

"I'll walk you home," Sammy offers as he stuffs his hands into his coat pockets.

The five of you walk out of the restaurant. You nibble on your bottom lip. "Are you sure? I really don't mind-" "it's fine." Sammy responds with a small smile.

While the two of you part ways from the group, Dojoon sends a wink your way. He was well aware of your crush on his band mate, as were the other members of The Rose. You huff as Dojoon turns away and walks with Jaehyeong and Hajoon. Sammy begins walking in the opposite direction with you. The two of you walk in complete silence, neither of you saying anything. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence.

Sammy eventually breaks it. "So what did you think of the show tonight?"

"It was amazing as always," you smile. "You're always so great on stage."

"Thanks," Sammy smiles. "That means a lot coming from you."

"Really?" You ask.

"Yeah.." Sammy trails off with an embarrassed chuckle.

You smile and stuff your hands deep into the pockets of your coat. Sammy's arm occasionally bumps against yours from how close the two of you walked beside one another. You look up at the sky, studying the twinkling stars and the bright moon.

"It's beautiful," you mumble.

"Yeah, it is." Sammy's gaze burns into the side of your face as he stares at you in complete awe.

You stop walking, turning to him in confusion. "Is there something on my face?" You ask.

Sammy shakes his head. His eyes stare deeply into yours. He lifts his hand to your cheek, his thumb caressing your soft skin. Your breath hitches as he leans closer. He's so close that you can feel his warm breath, you nibble on your bottom lip nervously.

"Don't do that." Sammy whispers.

"What?" You ask, clueless.

"Bite your lip." He responds.

You raise an eyebrow. Without any hesitation Sammy presses his lips to yours, your eyes fluttering shut. His lips are soft. Sammy's hands wrap around you, one hand pressing against your back to press your against him. Your hands grab his jacket, your fingers tightening around his jacket. Sammy pulls away slowly. You take a few seconds to catch your breath. Sammy presses his lips to yours once again, this time only for a few seconds.

Your face flushes as you let go of his jacket, pressing your hands to your face. Sammy smiles and presses his lips to your forehead.

"Let's get you home."

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