BamBam X Reader

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His hand felt warm in yours. It was a familiar feeling to have your hand encased in his. BamBam was normally a flirty jerk who loved to tease the life out of you, but he had his moments of bursting affection from time to time. The two of you strolled down the sidewalk late at night. It has been a while since the two of you last had alone time together.

"I missed you." BamBam suddenly admits.

You turn to look up at the taller boy, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Me too."

BamBam has been away on tour with the other members, after returning from their last tour date in Chile they were to rest until the beginning of August. That gave you more than enough time to spend with your boyfriend and your best friends, including your brother.

"Is there anything in particular you wanted to do today?" Bam asks, glancing around the crowded streets.

BamBam decided to take you out to Hongdae for the day. You were iffy considering that it wouldn't take much for the boy to be noticed, but he insisted on it. You couldn't say no.

"I'm not sure," you answer honestly.

"Are you hungry? We can go eat," Bam offers with a soft smile.

You agree to his offer and allow him to lead the way through the crowded sidewalk, his hand still grasping yours. It doesn't take long to reach the restaraunt of BamBam's choice. After being seated at a table near the back of the restaraunt where it was a little more secluded, the two of you read through the menus. You decide on what to eat and eventually order.

"It's been so long since we've eaten out like this," BamBam comments.

You nod in agreement, sipping your Coke quietly. "I almost forgot what it felt like to be on a date with you," he adds.

"When was the last time we had an actual date?" You ask, sitting up straight.

"The last time?" He hums. "Almost an entire six months now."

Your eyes widen in surprise. "Really?"

BamBam nods and slips his phone out of his pocket, dropping it down onto the table. Your relationship with BamBam has lasted for almost an entite year now. At first, when you admitted your relationship to not only the fans, but your brother as well, it took a bit of time getting use to the attention. Most of the fans were very supportive of the relationship, as were the members, but there were some fans that were still against it. You didn't pay much mind to them though. Maybe that was why BamBam thought it was fine to walk around freely with you.

"Well, let's enjoy our first date since the last six months.." you smile.


The day went by quickly. The sun was setting as BamBam and you walked through the seemingly more crowded streets of Hongdae, occasionally stopping now and again when a fan approaches. More than a few times BamBam had dragged you inside multiple shops, insisting to buy you new clothing and shoes and other accessories. You were against the idea but he never took no for an answer. Your hands were full of shopping bags, as were Bam's, and your feet ached. Today was definitely a nice day spent with your boyfriend.

"My feet hurt," BamBam admits.

"Are we going to my apartment or yours?" You ask while attempting to adjust your purse on your shoulder.

BamBam hums and glances down at you. "I'm more than sure that you have little to no room in your closet at the moment, so do you want to keep these clothes at mine?" He asks.

"W-What?" This was surprising to you. You've spoken in the past about moving in with one another, but you weren't expecting it to be so soon. Of course he was only asking if you wanted to keep your newly bought clothes at his place due to your limited amount of space in your own apartment, but it was still shocking.

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