Kim Yugyeom X Reader

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Your arms were wrapped around your legs as your body shook with sobs. You couldn't stop it. The tears kept flowing, your head pounded as you tried to cover your mouth to prevent the sobs from sounding louder. Your heart ached. There was a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, it was something that you couldn't get rid of. The darkness of your bedroom gave you a slight comfort, but the pounding on your bedroom door sent you into overdrive.

You covered your ears, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried your best to block the sound out. There was shouting on the other side of the door but you couldn't hear anything. Everything sounded distant, as if it were happening miles away.

The door is finally kicked open. Yugyeom stands in the doorway with his fists clenched. His eyes search the bedroom frantically before they finally land on you. His brown eyes soften as he unclenches his fists and rushes to you, he wraps you in his arms. You struggle against his chest, not liking the feeling of being touched. You wanted to push him away, to scream at him and hit him, but another part of you wanted him to hold you, to reassure you that things would be fine. Yugyeom held you against his chest, whispering soothing words as he rubbed your back.

"It's okay Y/N, I'm here now. You're okay, no one can hurt you anymore. I'm here now." He repeats these words over and over, they bring a sense of comfort over you.

You press your face into his chest, inhaling his familiar scent. It calmed you to know that he was here with you. He was holding you, comforting you. Your hands clutch his shirt tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Jaebum told me what happened," he whispers.

You squeeze your eyes shut, clenching your teeth. "I don't want to talk about it."

Yugyeom nods and pulls you away from him. He wipes the tears from your eyes and brushes your hair out of your face. "You're going to be okay."

A few minutes pass and Yugyeom carries you to your bed, he lies down beside you and pulls your comforter over the both of you. You bury your face into his chest as your stomach tightens, remembering the feeling of the man's rough hands grabbing you. Yugyeom's soft fingers glided across your skin, goosebumps following shortly afterwards. Your hands clutched onto his shirt as you refused to let him go. Your throat closes as you remember what it felt like when the man's hand wrapped around your neck, blocking your air. Yugyeom's fingers softly caressed your skin as he lifted his hands to cup your cheeks, coaxing you to look at him. Tears welled in your eyes as you remembered how roughly the stranger had grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. Yugyeom shushes you and presses delicate kisses all over your face. The contrast in Yugyeom and a stranger startled you. Yugyeom was someone that you had to have by your side, someone that you needed by your side. The stranger was someone you wanted to forget, someone you needed to forget.

"Everything's okay now," Yugyeom reassures you softly.

Your hand reaches up and take his hand in yours, lacing your fingers together. Tears slip down your cheeks as he presses his lips to the back of your hand. He was always so gentle with you, always so careful. Yugyeom was the one you depended on the most out of everyone you knew. Your brother was someone you could depend on, but Yugyeom was someone that you knew you couldn't bear to live without. He was your rock. Your comfort blanket.

"You have no idea how relieved I am to know you're okay." Yugyeom repeats himself from much earlier.

"But I'm not.." you whisper brokey.

Those simple three words tear Yugyeom's heart into pieces. Hearing the sadness and weak feeling in your words nearly bring him to tears as he pulls you closer to him. He presses his lips to your forehead, closing his eyes tightly. Yugyeom wasn't sure of what to do or say exactly. What the man did to you was something you didn't want to talk about, you were ashamed of it. But what was Yugyeom supposed to do? He was unsure of what to say to comfort you, to reassure you. The best he could do was hold you, to make sure that you were comfortable and okay.

"You're going to be okay. I promise you." Yugyeom whispers, his lips brushing against your skin.

He buries his face into your neck. You run your fingers through his soft black hair, your stomach flipping. You felt your heart race at just the simplest action from him. Yugyeom tightens his grasp around you, as if he were afraid that you would fade away if he didn't hold you tight enough. You close your eyes.

"I love you so much Y/N," Yugyeom whispers. "So, so much. You mean so much to me. I promise to always be by your side from here on out to protect you." Tears are slipping from Yugyeom's eyes now.

You cup his cheeks and force him to look at you, your own eyes filling with tears. "I love you so much Yugyeom."

The two of you lay in bed, embracing one another, repeating the same words as if it were your last time saying them.

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