BamBam X Reader

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Your heart was pounding as you sat beside your brother, your hands clammy and your voice caught in your throat. You were nervous. So many thoughts ran through your head as you waited for BamBam's mother to message you and let you know whether BamBam picked a red or a black card. Your head was whirling.

"Stop that," Yugyeom glares at you as he takes your hands and unclenches them.

Yugyeom was often thought to be the younger one, with how mature you were. But he was a year older than you. You met BamBam, your boyfriend, through Yugyeom when they first became best friends. You hadn't started going out with BamBam until the beginning of 2017. You knew the day would come when BamBam was supposed to draw his card to determine whether or not he would be drafted for the military of his country. You were nervous. You couldn't begin to imagine the two years without him.

"What am I going to do without him Gyeoms?" You ask softly.

Your brother glances at you but ignores you, seemingly affected by your question. It would be hard for him, too. He was his best friend after all. Not to mention, GOT7 would have to go on a two year hiatus for BamBam until he returned. But you would suffer as well. He was your boyfriend, your best friend, and the person you went to for help.

"What time is it there?" Yugyeom asks softly.

"It's 4:50 in Thailand right now," you respond nervously.

BamBam was supposed to draw his card around an hour or two ago, but it was delayed. He was getting ready to draw his card now though. You were still waiting for when BamBam's mother would call you and tell you the news. Yugyeom didn't understand Thai that well, but you did thanks to BamBam teaching you for the past year.

"Where are the others?" You ask.

The other boys were supposed to join the two of you at your shared apartment with BamBam, the first person who came was Yugyeom.

"Jackson's still resting, so I think we'll have to tell him ourselves later. As for the others I'm not sure." Yugyeom answers with a shrug as he sinks into the couch comfortably.

You sigh and unlock your phone, going to the Twitter app. Trending worldwide at #2 was the hashtag '#BamBamBlackCard'. You smile softly and click on it, immediately finding yourself immersed in the multiple tweets and retweets. Everyone was just as anxious as you were. You couldn't imagine how nervous GOT7's fans were at this moment. It was nerve racking to even think about BamBam reaching his hand in and pulling out a red or a black card. You felt a sense of comfort knowing that fans from all over the world was in it all together.

"Gamebam." You chuckle.

"What?" Yugyeom asks, peeking over your shoulder at your phone screen.

There were two or three pictures of BamBam sitting next to a man in white. He was smiling. You'd seen previous pictures of where he seemed to be really anxious, but the guy next to him seemed to be distracting him. "That's their ship name, Gamebam." You laugh.

"Bam already made a new best friend there," you add softly.

"I thought I was his best friend." Yugyeom scoffs.

You roll your eyes. "I ship it."

"What?! He's your boyfriend! Y/N-" "you're acting like he's your boyfriend right now!" You cut him off.

"But he's my best friend!" He shouts in defense.

"You're awfully jealous for someone who's just his best friend!" You respond.

The front door to the apartment is pushed open revealing the remaining six members of GOT7. Jaebum raises his eyebrows at the two of you. Your hands were balled into fists, ready to attack your brother at any given moment. Jinyoung quickly pushes you to the side and seats himself between the both of you in an attempt to stop the bickering, that would eventually lead to physical fighting. That was just the way you showed your love for your older brother, through violence.

"Seems like they're fighting over BamBam again," Jackson chuckles as he sits down on the other side of you.

Jaebum and Youngjae find themselves on the love seat. Mark sits down in a single chair. You were still glaring at your brother, who was simply ignoring your heated gaze like the usual pouty brat he was.

"I wouldn't have to be fighting him if he wouldn't be so jealous of-" "I'm not jealous!" Yugyeom is quick to cut you off.

You roll your eyes in response and sink back into the couch with a snort. Five minutes have passed and it's nearing 5:00. You were growing more nervous with every minute that passes.

"Have you guys seen the fans' reactions?" Mark asks as he scrolls through his phone carefully.

"Everyone's really anxious," you answer.

Mark nods in agreement and turns off his phone with a sigh. "What are we going to do if he does pick red?" He asks.

The members fall silent. BamBam was one of the other mood makers of the group apart from Jackson and Youngjae. He was always there to put a smile on the others' face with his jokes. The members loved him like a brother, so there's no doubt they would be affected by it so much if he were to draw a red card.

"Those chances are very slim though. From what I've seen online, there are only a few more slots open because a lot of people volunteered.." Jackson says as he locks his phone.

You nibble on your bottom lip. There was a minute left until it was 5:00 in Thailand. Your hands were shaking as you stared at the blank screen of your phone. You wondered how many other people were nervous and scared for the results. A shrill sound breaks out in the silence of the apartment, all of the members' eyes focusing on your phone that rang. You reach for it almost immediately and press the green button as you press the phone against your ear.

"He doesn't have to serve!" BamBam's mother's voice rushes through the phone.

You feel your eyes well with tears as you cover your mouth. There's a feeling of joy and excitement that spreads through your body. "Really?!"  You shout.

"Yes!" She responds quickly.

You let out a sudden sob, startling the boys. Your brother is quick to push Jinyoung out of the way and bring you closer to him.

"I'll have him call you as soon as we return home," she informs you.

"Of course, of course. Thank you so much." You whisper into the phone, closing your eyes as you let the tears flow freely.

The phone call ends as you look at the boys with a smile. "They met their quota, he doesn't have to serve." You smile.

The members begin to cheer loudly, all six of them celebrating the fact that they wouldn't be losing one of their maknaes so soon. You laugh and watch them go crazy. You wipe your tears away and lean against the couch in a comfortable silence.

You could not wait until BamBam got back home so you could just cuddle with him until your heart's content.

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