Choi Siwon X Helly

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I stare at the bright skin, slightly blurred from the tears in my eyes as I re-read the unchanging words. It was almost as long as an article, but it was actually a message. A message from Donghae who had taken it upon himself to relay a message that not even my husband could do himself.

The last few words of the message were simple.

Siwon briefly cheated on you.

How could a husband briefly cheat on his wife? That was the question here. I thank Donghae for being honest with me, eventually shutting off my phone. I didn't want to deal with anything at the moment. It was strange. This feeling. It was heartbreaking. I lean back in the couch and close my eyes, resting my palms on my stomach.

I'm a little over seven months pregnant with Siwon and I's first child. We've been married for three years now. I never imagined it to be like this. To get the news of my husband 'briefly' cheating on me while I was at home and he was on tour. There's an uneasy feeling in my gut. I sit up straight and grab my phone, standing up from the couch almost immediately.

Everything feels dizzy as I realize that I've stood up too fast. My vision turns black, I try my best to grab anything to prevent myself from falling over. I manage to clutch onto something but it's no use as I fall to the ground. There's a sharp pain as I cry out, tears now streaming down my face as I clench my teeth in pain. I dial the number for the paramedics while clutching my stomach. If there was one thing I did not need right now, it was going into early labour.


"Female, early thirties, pregnant collapsed. She's going into early labour." The paramedic states in a rush.

The doctor, a woman with dark black hair, rushes alongside the gurney with several other nurses and doctors. Everything is moving too fast.

"Name?" The doctors asks.

"Choi Helly," I answer through gasps. "Is there anyway you can get the contractions to stop? I'm only a little over seven months, it's too early for her to come out."

"That's what we're going to try and do." The doctor says.

I groan in pain from another contraction. They were too close together. There would be nothing for the doctors to do. They would have no choice but to deliver her. I yell out in pain once more, this time grasping onto one of the nurses hands as she tries her best to console me. "Call my parents!" I cry.


The faint, annoying beeping noise in the background is what seems to compell me to wake up. My mouth is dry, I try to sit up but only wince in pain. I glance around the brightly lit room. My mother sat in the corner of the room, her gaze full of worry. My father sat beside her, his face stern.

"W-What happened?" I ask.

I glance down, my eyes widening. "Where's my baby?"

"Helly," my mother stands, she quickly takes my hand in hers as she holds it tightly. "They're doing everything they can right now for her. Because she is pre-mature, there are still some things that need to be developed before she's able to breathe on her own."

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"Like I said, they're doing everything they can right now for her. We have to wait it out and see what happens."

I sigh and lean back into the pillows, allowing the tears flow freely down my cheeks. My mother caresses my cheek. "She's beautiful."

"I want to see her," I whisper.

Ten minutes later one of the nurses is wheeling me to the NICU where my baby was. She was sleeping peacefully. The nurse allows me to reach a hand in and touch her. I take her small hand in my two fingers, smiling as she immediately tightens her grasp around my index finger.

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