Mark Tuan X Reader

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Your body ached as you collapsed onto the bed, happy to finally be home in the comfort of your apartment. You kick off your shoes and curl up underneath the blankets and into a fetal position. It has been undeniably cold all day, so it was only fair that you warmed yourself up before cooking dinner for Mark and you. You allow your eyes to close, appreciating how comfortable the bed was and how you finally got to relax after a long day.

Your throat was sore and you were almost 99.9% sure that you were close to losing your voice. Your head pounded and you wanted nothing more than to fall asleep right then and then, but you remembered that Mark may have had a longer day than you-what with his practicing and preparations for his groups upcoming comeback this September. You didn't want to stress your boyfriend out anymore than he needed. With a loud sigh, you climb out of bed and change into a pair of sweats and one of Mark's many over sized hoodies. The next few hours go by fast with you having finished preparing dinner, a satisfied smile on your face as you admire your work that was spread across the table at the moment.

The front door to your shared apartment is opened and Mark stumbles in tiredly. His hair is a mess, but he still managed to look attractive even with his dishieveled appearance. Mark slides into the chair across from you and eyes the food appreciatively.

"You cooked all of this?" He asks, his eyes full of nothing but love.

You nod and gesture to the food before him. "Eat up." You smile.

Mark immediately digs into the food. He may have been one of the smallest members, but damn the boy could eat. You sneeze and it surprises Mark. "Are you sick?" He asks through a mouthful of food.

"No I'm not-" you sneeze again. "Just eat."

Mark raises an eyebrow yet continues his attack on the food, glancing at you every now and again to make sure you were okay. "Are you sure you're not sick? Because you look like the living dead." Mark notes out loud after a few more minutes in silence.

"Wow how romantic." You roll your eyes in sarcasm.

Mark sighs and leans back in his chair. He stares into your eyes from across the table. "How much sleep have you been getting lately?"

"The same amount of sleep I've always been getting," you wave him off.

Mark wipes his mouth with a napkin, dropping it onto the table as he studies your expression. "Your cheeks are flushed," he notes.

You lift your cool hands and place them against your cheeks, frowing the slightest bit. Your face felt warm. He sighs and stands up, motioning for you to do the same. Mark encircles a hand around your wrist and tugs you to him. He brushes a few strands of hair away from your face and rests the back of his hand against your forehead, frowning. "You're burning up."

"I'm fine," you croak out, your throat still in a bit of pain.

Mark shakes his head and leads you to the bedroom where he helps you into bed. "You're going to bed right now."

"It's only seven Mark," you try to protest.

Your boyfriend glares at you in response, abruptly silencing you. You sink back into the pillows and allow him to cover your with blankets. Mark leaves the bedroom briefly, returning with some medicine and a glass of water. He insists that you take the medicine, much to your dismay, and helps you get a little more comfortable.

An hour later Mark is finally settling into bed with you, having shut off the light. The movie you picked much earlier was still playing quietly, the screen lighting up the room. You struggle to keep your eyes open while Mark forces you to cuddle with him, refusing to take no for an answer while he holds you against his chest. "I have to take care of you." He says.

"You'll only get yourself sick," you snicker while resting your head on his chest.

Mark's hand rubs your arm. "It'll be worth it if it means I can take care of you right now."

"What you should be doing is taking care of your own health and not worrying about me," you mumble. Mark rolls his eyes in response.

"You always take care of me whenever I'm sick, so it's only fair that I do the same for you now," he presses his lips to your forehead.

You hum quietly and finally allow your eyes to drop. It was at times like these that you were especially thankful for Mark. Although his life as an idol often prevented him from spending time alone with you, it was the small things that mattered most to you. The small notes you would find from him proving his love for you. The dates he would take you out on whenever he got the chance. The unexpected kisses and cuddles that he often forced you into. The small surprises he would perform just to lighten up your day and make you smile. Mark wasn't the most perfect person in the world, neither were you, but there were still times where you believed he was nothing but an angel. You loved Mark with all your heart, and you were incredibly thankful to have him in your life.

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