Hwang Hyunjin X Reader

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Your crack your fingers, staring at the screen as it loads. The only source of light in the room emitted from your screen. The headphones that covered your ears played music from your phone that lay face down on the desk beside the mouse.

You hum along to the song while choosing your character on the screen. Before you know it, you're fully emersed in the game. Everything around you turns into nothing as you lose yourself into Overwatch. Time passes, and you don't feel the buzz of your phone as it rings. The lights switch on all of a sudden an hour later. You groan as in that exact moment you die. The headphones that set atop your head are removed, the music still playing loudly.

"You seriously ignored me for a game?" Hyunjin asks.

"You have no room to speak," you say, your eyes still trained on the screen. "You use to blow me off for practice."

Hyunjin rolls his eyes in response. He knew you would use that against him. The two of you have been dating for a few months now, having been able to keep it underneath the radar without any fansites or Dispatch finding out. But because of Hyunjin's job as an idol, he is constantly at practice trying to perfect his dancing. You didn't really mind all that much, but when he would blow you off on your dates to continue practicing, only then did it bug you the most. In all honesty, you hadn't intentionally been ignoring Hyunjin. Your focus was on the game.

"How long have you been playing?" He asks while dropping down onto your bed, his gaze staring up at the ceiling.

You hum, trying to remember when you got home from class. You lived off campus in your own apartment. Granted, the apartment was pretty small, but you were still able to live a pretty comfortable life on your own. Balancing school and work was considerably easy for you as you were great at multitasking, and you loved the aspect of working nonstop. Except today you were let out of class early, and you had only one class today, and you had the day off. So what better way to spend the rest of the day playing games?

"Since noon," you answer.

Hyunjin sits up, glancing at the digital clock on your bedside table. "It's nearing six thirty, you've been playing the entire day."

"So?" You huff, a little annoyed from this one player who keeps singling you out from the rest of the others on your team. Hyunjin watches the screen over your shoulder. He snorts as you die.

"You're the worst." Hyunjin criticizes.

"Oh really?" You ask. "Then why don't you play?"

Hyunjin shakes his head. "Nah. I'll just go over here."

Hyunjin leaves you alone for the next hour. The smell of food assaults your nostrils, your stomach growling as you leave the game. You log out of your computer and leave your bedroom quickly, finding yourself in the kitchen. Hyunjin stood over the stove, scooping kimchi fried rice onto his plate. He looks up and smiles. "Look who finally left her game."

You roll your eyes and grab yourself a plate, scooping your own helping of rice onto your plate. The two of you settle down at the small table.

"It actually smells and looks good, the question is, is does it taste as good as it looks?" You tease him.

Hyunjin feigns hurt, placing a hand over his chest. "Wow okay."

You laugh and scoop a spoonful of rice into your mouth, humming happily. The rice did taste as good as it looked thankfully. You remain quiet the rest of the time, enjoying the rice to yourself. Hyunjin watches you eat with a smile on his face. He loved that you were unlike any other girl he has met before. Most girls preferred to eat salad or small portions, but you on the other hand, you would eat like there was no tomorrow. Food was practically your best friend. Not only were you a huge foodie, you were a gamer. Your personality was far different from any girl he has ever met, and for that, he was thankful. He loved you for both your perfections and imperfections.

When the two of you finally finish eating, the both of you retire to the living room to sit and watch TV. You insisted on watching a thriller/horror movie while Hyunjin insisted on a romcom. He eventually won in the end, picking one of his favorite romcoms with a huge grin on his lips as you complained. Truth be told, you didn't mind at all. His presence was enough to please you, and you really didn't care what you watched so long as you were with him.

You lie your head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. The rest of the night passes with the two of you watching movies, eating snacks, and teasing one another. You couldn't help but feel the most at home with him near you. He was your home in the simplest of terms. Hyunjin had this knack of making you feel comfortable and accepted around him. His kind and teasing personality often brought a smile to your face. Hyunjin's life as an idol could be seen as complicated in the eyes of others; he was expected to hold his image to a certain extent, and to please his fans. But around you he didn't have to worry about any of that. He was glad for you, just as much as you were for him. Being with each other brought happiness to the both of you, it made things simpler.

You lay in bed, your head resting on Hyunjin's chest as your fingers played with his. Your heart pounded in your chest as you came to the realization of your feelings for the boy lying beside you. You loved him. And there was no way that these feelings would be going away anytime soon.

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