Yanan X Reader

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He watched from his table, his eyes never once leaving your figure as you helped a new employee with the drinks. You were smiling brightly at the boy, reassuring him that everything was fine as you offered to do the rest of the work for him. Yanan had been watching you the past few days, admiring your kind personality towards others. He didn't know who you were aside from your name, Y/N, and he was sure that you didn't know who he was.

He had stumbled into the coffee shop with a few of his members, wanting a iced coffee from a nearby café. When he first saw you he couldn't deny that you were beautiful. Your smile was radiant, it could put a smile on anyone's face and even brighten someone's day. Your laugh was even better. Yanan heard it thanks to one of his member's carefree attitude.

Your hair was tied up in a pony tail, a pair of glasses perched on your nose. You were still smiling brightly as you presented the drink to the grumpy customer who smiled a little thanks to your bright smile. He couldn't stop the smile from forming on his own face.

He feels his heart skip a beat as you glance around the shop, your eyes connecting with his. Yanan quickly looks down in embarrassment, knowing that he'd been caught red handed staring at you. If you were to approach him, what would he say? He didn't have an excuse as to why he was staring at you. Maybe he would just have to be honest. Without a second thought he lifts his gaze, his eyes locking with yours once more. You offer him a smile before turning around to help the new employee again, this time making sure to go over every step with the trainee.

A few minutes pass and Yanan's phone buzzes. He glances down at the message that flashes across the screen. It was a message from Yeo One.

You're at the coffee shop again aren't you?

Yanan feels a blush form on his cheeks as he reads the message to himself silently. The members had been teasing him, knowing that he had taken a special liking towards you.

What do you want?

He sends the message in a heart beat, trying his best to ignore the embarrassment he felt. Yanan gets a reply quickly.

I want you to talk to her and ask her out already, you seem a little stalkerish by just watching her every day.

Yanan controls his frustration with his member, quickly typing a response to him.

Butt out.

He puts his messages on mute with a sigh, deciding to check out his social media instead. Before he has the chance to someone is suddenly setting something down in front of him. It's a iced americano, he sees the small hand and immediately feels his face start to heat up once again. Yanan looks up to see Y/N standing in front of him. She was smiling.

"Do you mind if I sit?"


"That man has been staring at you for the past hour now," Dongwook comments while glancing over his shoulder.

You smile a little. "I'm sure he's not staring at me."

Dongwook shakes his head. "He's been staring at you. Did you see when he looked away when you caught him staring?"

You turn around to glance at where the man was sitting. He was looking down at his phone, his eyebrows furrowed as he typed. You turn back to Dongwook who now stood with a iced americano in his hand. He offers it to you.

"Go take it to him."

"What? Why?" You furrow your eyebrows, a blush suddenly forming on your cheeks as he shoved the cool drink into your hands.

Dongwook rolls his eyes. "Because you obviously like him back. Talk to him, learn his name, get his number."

Before you can protest Dongwook is slowly guiding you around the counter. Luckily there wasn't any guests in the café currently, or else you would be a bit worried about leaving him alone behind the counter. You slowly approach the blond hair man, your heart pounding in your chest. You slowly place the iced americano down on the table, startling him. He slowly looks up to lock eyes with you.

"Do you mind if I sit?" You ask with a polite smile.

The man shakes his head quickly before motioning for you to sit across from him. You smile brightly and take the seat. "My name's Y/N," you introduce yourself.

"Yanan." His voice is light and soft.

"Yanan?" You repeat.

He nods, offering you a smile. "Yes."

"Well Yanan, I couldn't help but notice that you have been staring at me this entire time. I feel a bit insensitive for asking this, but may I please know why?" You ask him curiously.

Yanan clears his throat awkwardly, a blush rising to his cheeks. How could he explain this to you? He would seem like a stalker. What was he talking about, he already seemed like a stalker.

"Well, if I must be honest, when I first saw you a few days ago I was.." he trails off, trying to find the correct words. "I was attracted to you by your smile and your kind personality."

Upon hearing his words a smile tugs at your lips. You lean against the table, your fingers laced together as you study Yanan's shy face. He refused to make eye contact with you, which you found to be the most adorable thing. You couldn't deny that you found him rather attractive as well. Someone as handsome as him being attracted to someone like you? You couldn't believe it, yet at the same time, you felt happiness surge through you.

"If I must be honest myself," you begin to admit. "I find you attractive as well."

Your words are shocking to Yanan. He finally gathers the courage to lift his eyes. Your eyes are twinkling, his breath gets caught in his throat and he suddenly forgets how to speak. You yourself was speechless. It was almost as if something had clicked. The two of you continued staring at one another. To others it may have seemed awkward, but to you, it felt as if everything had fallen into place. The look in Yanan's eyes provided you a sense of comfort and safety. You were encaptured by him, his beauty and his personality. Whatever this exchange was between the two of you in this moment, it had sent your heart in a flurry.

That night you return to your apartment with a slip of paper tucked in your pocket, a number scrawled across it in black ink.

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