Kim Wonpil X Reader

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The thunder crashes loudly outside, the lightening lighting up the darkness outside. You watch as the tree just outside your window scratches against it. You sigh and press your face into Wonpil's chest, his hand soothingly rubbing your back. The rain pelted loudly against the glass of your window.

"It's only a storm," Wonpil soothes. "It'll be gone soon."

You tighten your arms around his torso in response, not daring to move. Your legs were tangled with his in a mess underneath the blankets. The both of you were wrapped in a comforter, his arms wrapped around you to hold you against him. Wonpil didn't mind the fact that you were scared of thunderstorms, if anything he found it adorable. He was one of the few people who could calm you during a storm, the other person being your mother.

"I hate storms," you grumble.

Wonpil's chest vibrates with laughter. "Anyone could tell that from a mile away Y/N," he teases.

"What time is it?" You ask, changing the topic.

Wonpil strains his neck to read the digital clock on your bedside table. "It's two in the morning," he informs you softly.

Your nose wrinkles. "Don't you have to go in the studio tomorrow morning to record?"

"Yes, but right now my top priority is protecting you from the storm." He excuses while kissing the top of your head.

"I'm sorry for keeping you up late," you apologize.

"It's fine," he shakes his head in response.

You sigh and close your eyes. "I'm such a big baby when it comes to storms," you mumble unhappily.

"You're my big baby when it comes to storms," Wonpil corrects you cheekily.

You snort and hit him on his chest lightly. Wonpil laughs and lifts one of his hands to run his fingers through your soft hair, a smile playing on his lips. You sigh and draw circles with the tip of your finger on his chest.

"You're not falling asleep yet?" He asks.

"I'm wide awake," you answer.

"Do you want me to put you to sleep?" Wonpil questions you softly.

"Yes please."

Wonpil smiles. If there was one thing you could wish for, for the rest of your life, it would be for Wonpil to sing you to sleep. He knew how much you loved his voice. It was soothing and easily lulled you to sleep. He sang softly, always making sure it was one of your favorite songs. You loved his voice.

"Which song?" He hums.

You smile softly. "You Were Beautiful."

Wonpil begins the beginning of the song softly, starting off with Jae's part. You listen intently as he sings the song with ease. Your eyes slowly begin to close as you drift to sleep halfway through the song, your breathing now steady. Wonpil smiles as he finishes the song softly, staring at you with pure love in his eyes. He leans down and presses his lips to your forehead before finally falling asleep himself.


The next morning you wake up to an empy space. You yawn and sit up, glancing at the time. It was nearing nine in the morning. Wonpil was due at the studio at six in the morning. Deciding that today you would repay him for his help in lulling you to sleep last night, you get up with a sense of determination and get ready for the day. You spend the entire afternoon preparing the ingredients you would need for the dinner you would make for him.

You make the dessert first, deciding that it would be best to get that out of the way. When it begins to near six in the evening you start cooking considering Wonpil would return to your shared apartment in two hours from them, maybe even three. You spend the next few hours cooking and singing along to your favorite songs that played through the Bluetooth speakers you owned. While cooking you clear off the table, making sure to wipe it down and set it up.

Not long later the front door is unlocked. Wonpil enters the kitchen with a smile, he sets his bag down and pulls you into a hug as he sees all the food that you've prepared.

"Did you do all this?" He asks happily.

He loved your cooking. You were an excellent cooker, especially since you were a current student at a culinary school. Wonpil always loved to try your meals and rate them for you, always being 100% honest with you.

"Of course!" You grin.

Wonpil thanks you as you move the food to the table, grinning as he begins to load his plate with the food. You sit across from him and begin to do the same thing. You spend the evening talking with Wonpil, learning about the process of creating new songs and even producing new ones as well. He talks with a smile on his face, his eyes twinkling as he speaks about new lyrics that he has been writing. You listen and absorb every single detail of the new song he's been working on.

"It sounds like a good song!" You compliment.

"I still have to go through and make sure the lyrics are fine with the rest of the members, so we'll see how good it actually is then," he responds.

"I'm sure they'll love it." You reassure him.

Wonpil smiles and continues eating. An hour later and the both of you are finally moving onto the dessert your prepared earlier. He smiles at the cake and the way it was decorated nicely. You cut the both of a slice. It was beginning to near ten pm when the both of you decided it was best to start cleaning up. While cleaning Wonpil would occasionally encase you in a quick hug, or peck your cheek or lips. You couldn't stop grinning the entire night until the two of you climbed into bed once again after cleaning up the kitchen and table.

"Thank you for the meal Y/N," Wonpil thanks you again for the twentieth time that night.

You shake your head and climb into bed beside him, pulling the blankets over your legs. "It was no problem at all. You've done so much for me that I thought it was about time I repaid you." You smile softly.

Wonpil smiles and wraps an arm around you, pulling you into his side. He presses his lips to your forehead, letting them linger for a few seconds. "I love you so much."

You smile. "I love you too."

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