Lee Jaehyeong X Reader

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"Where are you?" Jaehyeong asks.

You remove your mouth mask to speak clearly into the phone. "I'm outside right now, I'll be in in just a moment." You chuckle as you pull open the door for the entertainment building.

A minute passes and Jaehyeong is running down the hallway towards you, smiling as he pulls you into a tight hug. His taller frame towered over yours as he held you close to him. You smile up at him while pulling away from the hug the slightest bit. The sack of snacks you'd brought for him and his band members caught his attention as he reached down, taking the sack from you.

"Thank you," he grins as he grabs your hand and leads you to the studio where he and his band members were recording.

"It's no problem," you smile as you follow him inside.

Dojoon was currently inside the booth recording. He waves at you from inside, Sam immediately turning around from inside his seat and grinning as he stands up. "Hey Y/N!" He greets you happily.

Sam pulls you into a hug, Hajoon also pulling you into a hug. Jaehyeong stands behind you glaring at the two of them as they whisk you away from him. You listen to Dojoon sing, sending him thumbs up when he looks at all of you through the window. Jaehyeong sits down on the couch in the back of the recording studio with a sour look on his face.

As much as he loved you, he hated it when you payed more attention to the other members. You were busy talking with Sam about new song he'd written, going over the lyrics with him. Hajoon sits down next to Jaehyeong and grins as he watches the youngest member struggle to contain his emotions. "Jealous much?" Hajoon teases.

"No," Jaehyeong answers stiffly.

Hajoon snorts and turns to look at Sam and you. "So you're meaning to tell me that you're glaring at Sam for no reason?"

"I'm not glaring," Jaehyeong denies.

"That's such a lie. You're totally jealous." Hajoon laughs loudly, capturing the attention of both you and Sam.

The door is opened and Dojoon enters the room with a grin on his face. You turn to him, smiling. "You were amazing!" You compliment him with a huge grin.

"Really? Thanks!" Dojoon grins as he drops down onto the cushion between Jaehyeong and Hajoon.

"The last one to record now is just you Sammie," the producer says.

Sam nods and stands up from his seat and grins at you. "Wish me luck."

Ten minutes pass and Sam finishes in recording the song, sending you a thumbs up as you do the same in response. You turn to your boyfriend with a smile. Jaehyeong chooses to ignore you, turning his attention to Dojoon and Hajoon who were busy participating in an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. You frown as Sam returns back to the room and speaks with the producer, agreeing that today had gone great and that they would continue recording early in the morning.

The four members gather their stuff to leave as you pull your jacket on, noticing how Jaehyeong refused to look at you. You felt bad for ignoring the poor guy the entire time you were there. Jaehyeong tries his best to preoccupy himself with talking with the other three members, but they take notice of his intentions and start to talk in English, causing Jaehyeong to glare at them. You reach for Jaehyeong's hand and tug him back to fall into step with you, staring up at the tall boy as he refuses to meet your eyes.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

Jaehyeong doesn't say anything.

"Jae," you call his nickname that you had given him.

"What?" He mumbles.

"What's wrong?" You attempt one more time.

Jaehyeong sighs and glances down at you, his cheeks tinging a bright red color in the moonlight. "I may have been a little jealous.."

"What?" You ask with a small laugh.

"I was jealous," he says more clearer.

"Jealous? Of your band members?" You ask, your eyes twinkling as you gaze up at him.

Jaehyeong sighs and turns his gaze to the ground. You reach your arms up and wrap them around his neck, pulling him down more to your height as you lean up and press your lips to his cheek. "I'm sorry for neglecting you when we were supposed to be spending time together." You apologize half heartedly, a huge grin playing on your lips.

Jaehyeong shakes his head and wraps his arms around your waist comfortably. "No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so jealous."

You press your lips to his lightly before dropping your arms, taking his hand in yours as you begin dragging him down the sidewalk. Jaehyeong wraps an arm around your shoulders and presses his lips to the side of your head.

"I want to spend the night at your apartment," he says.

You grin and shake your head. "No, because if you do stay then you'll end up being late to recording in the morning."

It was true. When Jaehyeong spent the night at your apartment it seemed like he lost any ability in his legs and refused to move from the bed, keeping you with him until he finally decided it was time for the both of you to move. You didn't mind though. Any time you spent with Jaehyeong you cherished, you loved to spend time with him, especially now with how busy he has been lately.

Jaehyeong sighs and nods in agreement. "At least let me walk you back to your apartment," he says.

You smile up at him. "I suppose I can allow that."

Jaehyeong grins and leans down, pressing his lips to yours in a soft manner. "You have no idea how much I love you." He mumbles, his lips brushing against yours.

You smile. "Me too."

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