Lee Taemin X Reader

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Taemin sighs quietly beneath his breath as he enters the silent apartment, closing the door tightly behind him. He sheds his jacket and removes his shoes, eyes tired and body aching from learning a new choreo earlier in the day. His stomach rumbles, demanding food, but he ignores it as he shuffles towards the bedroom tiredly, sleep suddenly far more important than food.

Taemin pushes the door open lightly. A smile tugs at his lips as his eyes fall upon the sleeping figure, curled up beneath the blankets. He grabs a fresh pair of sweats and a shirt and quietly enters the bathroom, taking a quick shower before entering the bedroom once again, hair dripping. Taemin shuffles closer to the bed and frowns as a sense of guilt washes over him.

With the impending debut in a new group, Taemin had hardly been able to spend much time with you due to him working so late in preparation for the debut. Taemin knew it was hard on you. Having a relationship while working as an idol was hard, you had to conform to the demanding hours Taemin worked, as he would spend countless hours practicing or recording or promoting something. The main thing that amazed Taemin was that you stayed by his side through it all. You helped him in his hardest times, comforted him on his bad days, and you were always at home, waiting for him to return and welcoming him home with open arms. Taemin would trade anything to just lie in your arms for a little longer in the mornings.

Taemin pulls the blankets back and climbs into the bed, and just as he begins to settle beneath the covers and into the comforting pillows, he feels some shuffling. Your arm is reaching out, swatting around until your fingers finally graze softly across his arm. You shuffle closer to Taemin and practically wrap yourself around him, still deep asleep. Taemin smiles brightly at his as he allows you to wrap your arms around him, securely wrapping his own arms around you in response. He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head.

"Goodnight darling."


"You don't have any work today?" You ask as you set the plate down in front of Taemin, sliding into the seat beside his as he immediately digs into the meal you'd prepared for him this morning.

Taemin shakes his head, answering through a mouthful of meat, "Nope, we were given the day off to rest."

"Well then you should spend the day resting," you say with a smile. "I have a few errands to run today, I should be back this evening."

"I'll go with you," Taemin states as he sips his glass of water, eyes never leaving yours.

You shake your head almost immediately. "Today is one of your only days you get off before you return to practicing nonstop in that horrid practice room, you are spending it resting."

"First of all," Taemin swallows another mouthful of meat. "That 'horrid practice room' is the room where we met, so it's a meaningful place to me," Taemin grins as you roll your eyes. "Second of all, we hardly get to spend any time together, so in conclusion, I will be along your side as you run those errands today."

You sigh, leaning back in your seat, "fine. No whining though when you get tired."

Taemin nods, smiling brightly as he agrees to your simple request. "Good, now here, eat something, I need you to be healthy."


Taemin wonders around the grocery store, occasionally pausing to read the labels of spices and other foods. His hands are nearly covered by the sleeves of his sweater as he reaches out and plucks a bag of candies off of the shelf, deciding to go find you.

You're on the other side of the store near the vegetables section, reading your list silently to yourself as you pick certain things out and place them into the cart, crossing things out and then moving onto the next. Taemin finds you a few minutes later, smiling softly as he watches you ponder over how much meat you should grab. You sense someone staring at you and glance around until your eyes land on Taemin, a smile tugging at your lips.

Taemin's heart lurches in his chest as you wave him over. If there was one thing that Taemin loved the most, it was when the two of you would get separated at any time of the day or any place, because when the two of you would find each other again you never failed to smile at him. Sometimes Taemin would purposefully wonder off just to bump into you to see your smile. He never told you this before in fear that you would stop. He loved your smile, it could brighten his mood right away.

When Taemin finally reaches you, he dumps the bag of candies into the cart and wraps you into a hug. You look up at him curiously. "What's this about?"

"I just missed you," Taemin admits quietly as he closes his eyes.

You allow yourself to relax in his hold, giggling. "We were just together fifteen minutes ago."

"That's not what I meant," Taemin mumbles as he pulls away. "I know how hard it is for you to always wait for me, and I know that it's not easy to be in a relationship with someone who is rarely home. I love you for always trying."

"I love you, too." You smile up at him, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek before pulling away. "Now let's finish getting these groceries and then we can go home and spend the rest of the day laying on the couch and watching some sappy drama."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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