Im Jaebum X Reader

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You've been with Jaebum for as long as you can remember. Always by his side, supporting him, encouraging him to follow his dreams as a Kpop idol. You were one of his best friends. Things changed though. Contact became minimal, the two of you rarely had time to talk with one another, and it became harder to just have a simple conversation with him. It didn't help with the fact that you were head over heels for him, knowing that he most likely did not feel the same for you.

You managed to keep in contact with your friend Jackson, who you met through JB, always updated you on Jaebum. He knew of your feelings for the leader. Jackson encouraged you to admit your feelings for him, but you just didn't have the heart to do so. It was frightening to say the least. No matter what you did you could never shake your feelings for him, and it hurt knowing he wouldn't feel the same. That was your biggest fear. Admitting your feelings only to find that Jaebum only thought of you as a friend. Maybe that's part of the reason why you stopped talking with him, you tried your best to get over your feelings for him. It was hard to say the least. You loved every single thing about Jaebum; his personality, his appearance, his presence, his flaws, etc. It was hard not to fall for someone like him.

Speaking of the devil, he messaged you. He claimed that he wanted to speak with you. Your heart pounded in your chest at the simple message. You wondered if Jackson had let it slip that you had feelings for him.

You responded with a time and place, deciding that it was finally time for you to get up and out of bed. You take your time getting ready. It was hard to think straight when the only thing you could think about was Jaebum and the possibility of him being aware of your feelings. You leave your apartment with your heart thumping loudly in your chest. It takes a few minute to finally reach the destination where you agreed to meet JB. He wasn't here yet.

You find purchase on a swing, swaying back and forth while staring up at the cloudless sky. It was bright, nice weather. You close your eyes and allow yourself to soak in the warmth that the sun provided. It was calming.

"Y/N," Jaebum greets casually from a distance.

Your eyes open. Jaebum stood five feet away from you, a soft smile on his lips. "Thanks for meeting with me."

"Of course, anything for a friend," it hurt to say those words. You wished you mattered more to him than that, more than just a friend.

"I actually came for some advice." Jaebum laughs awkwardly as he slowly sits down on the swing next to yours.

You frown. "For what?"

"I uh... I like this girl," he coughs awkwardly, turning slightly red in the face.

With just those four simple words, your heart seems to crush. There's this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as you feel all hope wash away from your finger tips. Your chest tightens as you try to process his words to the best of your extent.

"And?" You urge him to go on.

"And I want to admit my feelings for her, but I'm a little too.. anxious to do just that. I was just curious because you're a female, and you know what exactly females want when it comes to confessions." Jaebum rambles on.

You rub your hands on your jeans. It hurt to hear these words coming from him, knowing that he was practically head over heels for someone while you were head over heels for him was painful. But you were his friend, what chance did you have?

"Just be straightforward with her," you smile softly. "Take her out to somewhere nice and then admit your feelings for her. It might be a little awkward at first, but give her a chance to process it."

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