Park Chanyeol X Reader

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Requested by: Anon

Deception was a monster. You could trust someone with your heart, trust them to not let you down and allow them to hold it in their very own hands, only to be let down. You witnessed deception as a young girl while growing up. Your father cheated on your mother, but for the sake of her marriage and her family she chose to stay with him. It was at the age of ten that you promised yourself that you would never be fooled by a man. Little did you know.

Deception hid itself deep within those who seemed absolutely perfect. It hid within those beautiful souls with the most beautiful smiles, the sparkling eyes, and the warm hugs. It never once occurred to you that you yourself would experience something that your own mother experienced before you.

There was a burn within your chest as you stared at the man that you thought you once loved with your whole being. The man you devoted yourself to. The man that you trusted your heart to. Chanyeol knew of your past and how much you trusted him, but the green eyed monster within him told him to continue this little game of his to the end. And it was the end but also the beginning of a storm.

Your fingernails dug into the palm of your hands as you clenched your fists tightly. You felt nothing but utter hatred for the man that stood before you. He leaned against the wall dressed ever so perfectly, he looked handsome. He looked perfect. Anger boiled beneath your skin as you glared at the man that you once adored so much, and you couldn't stop the urge to stalk up to him and slap him across that beautiful face of his. How can someone who beautiful be so decieving? It was cruel.

Chanyeol didn't look bothered an ounce by the choice words you'd called him mere minutes ago. He looked amused. You felt disgusted, not only with him, but with yourself. Disgusted because you would have never imagined that you would fall for someone so decieving as him. You painted a picture in the beginning of your relationship, imagining a house and a family with the man who you spent a total of three years with. Those three years had been flushed down the drain the minute he climbed into bed with some whore from a pub he'd met. You wanted nothing more than to wring his neck and have him gasping for air, the same way that you felt in this moment.

It was almost as if you were drowning. There was a heavy weight on your chest that seemed to prevent you from breathing properly. The room was dark and hot. The shirt and sweats you wore belonged to him, and to you it felt like the fabric was burning your skin to the bone. Hot tears were now streaming down your face as you watched him push himself off the wall to remove his jacket. You take a step back, suddenly feeling the need to leave that room as you felt like you were going to throw up at the simple sight of him. You turn and leave to your bedroom, ripping off his shirt at the same time.

When you enter the bedroom you make sure to slam the door shut and lock it. You quickly undress yourself and climb into the shower. Scalding hot water washed over you. It was both relaxing and sickening at the same time as that's what you felt in your insides at that moment. Your insides were burning and twisting within you, urging you to throw up the food you'd made earlier that evening for Chanyeol and you. After showering you quickly dry off and throw on a random pair of skinny jeans and a oversized sweat shirt of yours.

You rip a bag out of the closet and begin to pack Chanyeol's things, your hands shaking as you do so. The tears never stopped. You zip up the bag and bring another bag out, throwing the last of his things inside of it.

You hurriedly wipe the tears from your eyes and yank open the door to your bedroom, dragging both of his bags along with you. Chanyeol is now sat at the dining table. He looks up and watches you lug two suit cases to the front door. He's confused, standing up to follow you. You yank the door to your apartment open and chuck his bags out into the hall, kicking his shoes out the door in the process. Chanyeol stares at you with wide eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

His voice is too overwhelming for you in that moment. That simple question of his triggers something inside you, and you snap. You grab the nearest thing to you-which just so happens to be Chanyeol's favorite book-and chuck it straight at the mirror that hangs on the wall near the front door. The glass shatters loudly and you scream, your hands finding purchase in your hair as you tug at the ends of it. Chanyeol is staring at you with wide eyes. Tears are streaming down your face, your chest is heaving and you can hear your heart beating rapidly within your chest. You grab an umbrella that rests against the wall and begin to swing it at the pictures that line the walls, all moments that had been captured of the two of you. Those moments were in the past. Neither of you were the same person in those pictures that night. Some pictures shatter, others fall to the ground and the glass scatters across the wooden floor. Chanyeol never moves from his spot as he watches you tear the apartment to literal pieces.

Chanyeol cheated on you with your own sister in your very own apartment. The very thought of your sister and him together sickened you. You lashed out, and you had the right to. Chanyeol never intervened. He simply watched as you tore everything in the living room down. The feeling inside your stomach twisted and writhed deep within you, and it hurt so much that you could feel it in your chest. Everything hurt. It hurt so so much.

You drop to your knees, your hair a mess. Chanyeol doesn't say a word as he leaves the apartment silently, the door clicking shut behind him. You're left alone, your heart and apartment shredded to pieces. Everything hurts.

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