Jung Hoseok X Reader

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"I'm not lying!" You groan while dropping your head to the table.

Your boyfriend, Hoseok, scoffed at your words and leaned back in his seat. "I think you are. There is no way you could hear someone walking back and forth in the room next to yours." He responds with a raised eyebrow.

You glare at him. "I heard what I heard," you say through clenched teeth.

"For all we know-" "if you don't believe me, then spend the night at mine tonight." You cut your boyfriend off with a stern look.

Hoseok stutters. It wouldn't be the first night the two of you spent together alone, but it would be the first night spending it in your new apartmemt. Your boyfriend often invited you over to his shared dorm with his members, other times he would stay with you at your old apartment until you moved into your new one. You hadn't moved until last week. This entire week has been full of sleepless nights, mainly because you've been too freaked out to actually try and fall asleep in your own apartment.

"I-I can't," he excuses.

You narrow your eyes. "Oh that's right, you're too much of a wimp to even think about the possibility of a ghost haunting my apartment."

Hoseok attempts to scoff. "No. I just.." he trails off, unsure of what to say next.

You raise an eyebrow at your boyfriend. If there was one thing you adored the most about your boyfriend, it was his constant denial in being frightened by the simplest of things. Truth be told, he was nothing but a scaredy cat. But you still loved him for that. You found it cute.

"Fine," Hoseok sighs. "But if I do hear something, I'm leaving right away."


Hoseok lay flat on his back. Your head was resting on his chest, a single arm wrapped around your shoulders to hold you against his side. You were fast asleep as soon as you laid down with Hoseok. It was the first actual deep sleep that you'd gotten in the last week. Hoseok's eyes were heavy, he wanted to close them but he was preventing himself from doing so. There was a constant shuffle in the empty bedroom next to yours that seemed to keep him awake.

The one thing about your apartment was that it was bigger than you previous one. You had gotten a apartment with two bedrooms, you didn't use the second room for anythiny besides storage.

Hoseok's grip tightened around you as he listens closely to the sounds from the room. It sounded like someone was moving the boxes around, possibly rummaging through them. He nibbles on his bottom lip as he contemplates on whether or not he should wake you up. You were finally getting the rest you needed, he didn't want to interrupt that. Hoseok manages to detach you from him and stands up from the bed. He walks to your bedroom door and peeks his head out, glancing around the apartment slowly. It was dark but the light from the moon streamed in through the open windows. He glances at the closed door across from yours.

Hoseok takes one last glance at your sleeping figure and leaves the bedroom, crossing the short distance to the door. He rests a single hand on the door knob and twists it, pushing the door open a few inches. His stomach lurches as hears something slide across the wooden floor of the bedroom. He takes a deep breath and throws the door open, his dark eyes scanning the room for any signs of intruders. To his surprise, there's no one.

Hoseok frowns and glances around the room once more, this time flicking on the bedroom light. He takes notice of the multiple boxes. There's a slight breeze that causes goosebumps to raise on his arms. Hoseok crosses the room, careful to not step on anything or knock anything over, and shuts the open window. After he locks it there's a shuffle from within the slightly open closet. Hoseok's eyes widen, realizing that there was an intruder inside your apartment.

Unbeknowest to Hoseok, you stood at the door quietly. Your hair was a mess but you were clutching a bat tightly in your hands. He motions for you to hand him the bat. When he takes the bat, he uses it to push open the closet door. He frowns when he sees nothing inside.

"There's nothing," Hoseok mumbles.

You frown and creep into the room. Hoseok forces you to stand behind him. You peek over his shoulder, your hands clutching onto his loose t-shirt tightly. There's another shuffle from inside the closet. The both of you jump back in surprise. Hoseok lifts an arm to prevent you from going any closer to the moving thing inside your closet. He takes a step closer, the fear twisting and clenching within his stomach. You stand a few feet away from your boyfriend in silence.

Hoseok lifts box, screaming as a black figure scurries across the floor. You scream and practically jump onto Hoseok's back, wrapping your legs around his waist as you yell at him to leave the bedroom. Hoseok struggles to keep himself upright as he studies the ball of fur that had ran across the wooden floors. His eyes soften as he drops the bat to the ground. You open your eyes, immediately melting at the sight of the tiny kitten that was currently staring up at the two of you with pure blue eyes.

You detach yourself from Hoseok, dropping to your feet with a light thud. You drop to your knees and coo at the kitten. The fur was black, a tuft of white hair on it's chest and on the tip of it's tail as well as it's paws. You smile and take the small kitten into your hands, smiling as it softly meows. You scratch the top of it's head fondly.

Hoseok drops to his knees beside you, reaching a hand out to pet the kitten as well. He chuckles. "I guess it wasn't a ghost after all." He teases.

You narrow your eyes. "You have no room to talk, you screamed when it ran out from the closet."

"So did you!" Hoseok defends. "You even jumped on my back and screamed in my ear."

You shake your head, humming as you cuddle the cat to your chest and stand from the ground. "I don't recall such a thing." You say while leaving the room, heading to the kitchen to get the kitten some milk.

Hoseok follows behind you, flipping off the light switch to the bedroom and shutting the door behind him. He wrinkles his nose. "I remember it clearly, and I'm pretty sure the kitten witnessed it with it's own eyes."

"Speaking of, it has pretty eyes." You say while lifting the kitten to look at it's eyes once again.

"It's a she." Hoseok points out.

You roll your eyes. "Well, she has pretty eyes."

Hoseok smiles cheekily and takes the kitten from your hands. You prepare a bowl of milk for the kitten and set the milk down on the floor. Hoseok allows the kitten on the ground. She finds the milk and begin to drink it. You coo and stand up from the ground. Hoseok wraps an arm around your shoulders, tugging you into his side.

"Well would you look at that, our first kid." He jokes.

You elbow him in the stomach.

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