Hwang Hyunjin X Reader

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"I'm done with dating, I'm ready to be a thirty year old living with ten cats," you grumble while dropping down onro the chair.

Hyunjin raises his eyebrows. "What happened now?"

"I found out that Jihyun was cheating on me the entire time," you roll your eyes.

Hyunjin hums and leans back in his chair. "You're taking this better than I thought you would," he says.

"Sure I may have loved him, but I saw it coming. What kind of boy ditches his girlfriend on countless dates?" You scoff while leaning against the table.

Hyunjin sighs and shakes his head. "I think that you've just been seeing the wrong guys," he says while taking a sip of his drink.

"You know, it would just be easier if I stopped dating. I'm done." You mumble while pulling your phone out to scroll through your newsfeed on Instagram. "I'm just going to buy a cat."

"You're exaggerating Y/N," Hyunjin rolls his eyes. "I'm sure there's a boy out there who would love to date and have you. You're just looking in all the wrong places for him. And besides, you'll be violating your contract when you debut."

You sigh and rub your temples. "Maybe you're right, or maybe I just need some coffee."

"I'll get you some," Hyunjin chuckles and stands from the table, going to order your usual cup of iced americano.

Hyunjin has been your best friend ever since you can remember. He has always been by your side to help you through countless things. Hyunjin was the one to stick by your side when most of your friends abandoned you after you cut yourself off from the rest of the world. He was there for you when your parents filed a divorce, and your mother gained custody of you. He was there for you when your father passed due to a car accident a year after the divorce. Hyunjin was by your side through thick and thin, always comforting you and helping you when you needed it. Sometimes you felt as if he were the only one in the entire world that you could count on. He deserved a lot.

You tie your perfectly curled H/C into a pony tail, resting your chin on your fist. Hyunjin returns with an inced americano. He sets the coffee down before you, offering a small smile. "So on the other hand, how has your mother been lately?"

Your mother lived in Busan. You've been a trainee under JYP for two years now, and you've also been student at School of Performing Arts. Hyunjin was the one to convince you to try out for JYP, and you were amongst the lucky ones who were accepeted. Hyunjin was set to debut soon as a member of a new boy group. You were proud of your best friend. The last time you spoke to your mother was two nights ago when she called you, filling you in on your grandfather's sickness.

"She's stressed. I know that she's taking time off from her job to be with my grandparents," you say.

Your mother was a surgeon. She was one of the best surgeons. You loved her for who she was, in the past you dreamed of becoming just like her, but things changed. You took an interest in entertaining others. Because your mother was a surgeon, most of her life was dedicated to the hospital and it's patients. Your grandparents helped raise you. Your mother moved to Busan shortly after your grandparents so she could take care of them.

"If you hadn't been accepted to JYP, do you think you would be studying to be a surgeon?" Hyunjin asks suddenly.

You glance at the boy sitting before you. He was focused on playing with the paper surrounding his own drink. You stare down at your fingers, playing with them. "Most likely yes, I dreamed of being a surgeon as a little girl. But I grew intersted in entertainment more. If you hadn't forced me to try out for JYP then I think I would be studying to be a surgeon."

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