Jackson Wang X Reader

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Your hand ruffles through Jackson's soft, brown hair as your lips lock with Jackson's. His hand moves underneath your shirt as his fingers glide across your soft skin, his other hand gripping your waist. Jackson held you close to him as you wrapped your arms around Jackson's neck, pulling yourself closer to him. Eventually the both of you break away from the kiss. Jackson kisses down to your neck, nuzzling his face against your neck. He breathes deeply.

"I love you." He whispers.

You smile and close your eyes, running your fingers through his hair. "I love you, too."

Jackson leads you to where you're lying on your back on the bed. He pushes himself up on his hands so that he's hovering above you. You stare up at him and smile softly. Jackson leans down and kisses you, leading his kisses to your neck where he nibbles on your skin. Your stomach flips as you gasp. Jackson smirks against your skin and kisses your neck softly a few times. You sigh and close your eyes, allowing your hands to find their way underneath his shirt and run up his stomach. He shivers and pulls away from your neck.

"We have to tell your brother some time soon," he says.

You sigh and reopen your eyes. Jackson raises an eyebrow at you, a small smile decorating his lips. He allows you to sit up.

"I know we do," you admit and run your hands down your face.

Jackson moves your hair out of your face and brings you closer, laying a kiss on your lips. "We've been together for three months now and none of them know." Jackson sighs.

You nod. "I know that we need to tell them, but I'm just scared," you reply.

"Of what? The guys already love you, and I'm pretty sure your own brother won't disown you for this." Jackson says while tilting his head the slightest bit to the right.

"But I'm scared that he'll force us to break up," you whisper.

Jackson chuckles and presses his lips to your forehead. "No one's going to keep me away from you." He says with a smile.

You smile at him and lay down on the bed, Jackson lying down beside you with his arm draped across your stomach. You play with his fingers while staring up at the ceiling. "Do you think he'll accept us?" You ask.

"I'm sure Jinyoung will accept us," Jackson chuckles and pulls you closer to him.

You rest your head on his chest and close your eyes. "We can tell him tonight."

Jackson smiles at the idea and nods, pressing his lips on top of your head. You fall asleep, your mind whirling with the possible reactions your brother will have.


Your hand clutches Jackson's in nervousness. Jackson runs a hand through his hair and reaches his hand out, unlocking and opening the door to his shared dorm with his members. Your heart beats rapidly as you grip Jackson's hand tightly, pulling him back. He glances at back at you and sees the nervousness on your face. He turns towards your and presses his lips against your forehead, comforting you. "We'll be fine, now come on, let's do this."

Jackson leads you inside and into the living room. He squeezes your hand in reassurance. In the living room was none other than Yugyeom, BamBam, Jinyoung, Jaebum, and Mark. Youngjae entered the living room from the kitchen.

"Y/N?" Jinyoung's eyes drift down to yours and Jackson's hands.

"What's going on here," BamBam motions towards your hands.

Jackson glances at you once. "Y/N and I are dating." He admits.

The six members grow quiet, the only sound coming from the TV. Jinyoung stands up, capturing everyone's attention. Your heart pounds as you step closer to Jackson. Your brother nears the two of you and stands before the both of you, his eyes unreadable. Eventually a smile tugs at his lips as he pulls the both of you into a hug.

"You should have told us sooner," he states with a laugh.

You let out a sigh of relief and let go of Jackson's hand, hugging your brother back. Jackson smiles brightly and stands to the side. Jinyoung pulls away and holds you away at arms length.

"I'm sorry," you apologize.

Jinyoung shakes his head with a smile. "Why did it take the both of you so long?"

"Well, you hated the thought of me going out with anyone in the past," you sigh and look down.

"Because I've never actually trusted anyone you've gone out with in the past," Jinyoung admits.

You look up at him with narrowed eyes. He smiles innocently.

"Wait, so does this mean you trust me?" Jackson asks with a huge smile.

Jinyoung nods truthfully. You wrap an arm around Jackson's waist as he wraps his arms arohnd your shoulder, pulling you into his side. He kisses the top of your head.

Before you know it Jackson's members are teasing the both of you, your face reddening from shyness. You bury your face into Jackson's chest as he laughs. Jinyoung returns to his seat as the youngest members continue their teasing, the rest of the members returning to their show they had been watching. Jackson smiles down at you.

"Now that didn't go so bad, did it?" he laughs.

Crappy one-shot, srry.

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