Park Jinyoung X Reader

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"Be careful," Jinyoung warns you as you grab onto his arm on instinct to balance yourself.

It was currently eight in the evening and Jinyoung had decided to take you to eat, but while walking inside the both of you discovered that the sidewalk leading to the doors was covered in complete ice. Your heart was practically pounding against your ribcage in anticipation. Jinyoung allowed you to hold onto him, as well as using his other hand to hold onto your other hand just in case you leaning against him wasn't enough to keep you upright.

Unlike Jinyoung, you were an actress under JYP's label. He was a debuted singer and an actor. You sucked at singing. Jinyoung could dance pretty well. You could hardly walk a short distance without tripping over your own feet. You were really clusmy compared to your boyfriend, which he found rather cute in some kind of way.

"I swear, if I slip-" you nearly lose your footing, your fingernails digging into Jinyoung's jacket as you let out a squeal.

Jinyoung manages to pull you back to his side before you fall onto your back. You hold onto him tightly, your eyes wide and face burning from embarrassment and the cold wind nipping at your skin. Jinyoung holds you close to his side as a small smile graces his lips.

"How about I lead the way?" he chuckles.

You nod, holding onto your boyfriend for support as he practically drags you across the ice. Once the both of you are inside the restaurant you drop your hands from Jinyoung's, letting out a sigh of relief. You smile at Jinyoung. "See, I told you it wasn't that hard!"

Jinyoung raises his eyebrows once then drops them. He requests a private room for the both of you to eat in with a polite smile. The hostess takes the both of you back to a room, setting both of your menus down and smiling before leaving. Jinyoung pulls your chair out and motions for you to sit down, pushing it back in when you sit. He seats himself across from you and opens the menu.

The both of you scan over the menu. Your waiter enters the room, the two of you order your drinks and meals. A short two minutes later the waiter returns with your drinks and disappears as quickly as he had appeared.

"So how have things been lately?" You ask Jinyoung with a smile.

Recently the boys have been working on a upcoming comeback for mid March. Because of the conflicting schedules, Jinyoung and you have had a hard time to video call each other and spend more than five minutes talking to each other. Not that you minded, the both of you knew what exactly you were signing up for when you first began the realtionship. The dating ban had lifted and Jinyoung didn't waste any time in announcing your relationship to his members and JYP himself. The support was helpful, especially from Jinyoung's fans. You were glad that your relationship was accepeted.

"Tiring but it will all be worth it when Aghases hear the new songs," Jinyoung smiles tiredly.

You smile apologetically. "It must be tiring. You've also been doing multiple shows."

Jinyoung nods but smiles once again. "As long as the fans are happy, I'll be happy."

Your smile brightens at his words. If there was one thing you admired most about Jinyoung, it was his love for his fans. Every time he spoke of GOT7's fans his eyes lit up like a child on Christmas, like he was proud.

"How has it been in filming the new drama?" Jinyoung asks.

"It's been fine, tiring but I'm sure it will all turn it well in the end." You grin at the thought of the drama you were currently filming.

You recently got a two week break from filming, and in that two week break you finally found some time to spend with Jinyoung. You were happy to say the least. Your life was a little tiring but it was all worth it in the end. You were thankful for your fans, and for JYP making your dreams of being an actress come true. And most of all you were thankful for Jinyoung. He was your main supporter, always there to root you on along with his members. You loved him.

A few minutes pass and the conversation is light, full of mainly work-related topics. Soon your waiter enters the room with your food. He sets down the plates in front of you and the food you'd both ordered. When he leaves Jinyoung and you dig into the food. You pick at your food for a bit until Jinyoung notices, nudging your foot with his.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"Diet," you mumble with a sigh.

If there was one thing you disliked about being an idol it was the fact that you had to constantly meet the beauty standards, and keep up the same image in the process of it all. The constant need to be perfect in the eyes of your fans and the people you entertained.

Jinyoung sighs and sets his chopsticks down, cocking his head to the lift a little bit. You refuse to meet his gaze.

"You're starving yourself again, aren't you?" Jinyoung's voice is quiet but stern. He hated it when you did this to yourself.

In the past you had struggled with a lot of insecurities, which resulted into you ending up in the hospital due to exhaustian and stress. Jinyoung was there by your side through it all, helping nurse you back to a healthy weight. You've seen a few comments on your weight, which is what compelled you to start your strict diet in the first place. Jinyoung had no clue of it until now.

"No." You deny.

Jinyoung's eyes narrow the slightest bit before he moves his chair around the table to sit closer to you. He grabs some of the stir-fry you ordered and lifts to your mouth. You try to protest, but the look that Jinyoung gives you shuts you up. Eventually you give in and take a bite of the stir-fry. He seems content with you eating and continues feeding it to you, completely forgetting about his own food.

"You need to take care of yourself," Jinyoung eventually mutters as he sets your chopsticks down and leans against the table, watching you closely.

You refuse to meet his gaze and stare down at the food. That was another thing about Jinyoung. He cared too much sometimes, but it's what helped you loved him more. You knew that without him and his concern for your well being you'd probably still be on a road to recovery.

Jinyoung sighs and wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. He presses his lips to your temple and closes his eyes.

"I love you, Y/N." He admits silently.

You feel yourself smile. "I love you, too."

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