Mark Tuan X Reader

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Your heart drops as you re-read the pregnancy test. You felt tears prick at your eyes as you re-read it, over and over again. Your feelings were mixed, there was a sense of happiness that had washed over you but also a sense of fear. How would Mark react to this? His job as a Kpop idol is what mattered a lot more, but what were you supposed to do? How were you supposed to tell him? How was he going to react?

You've been in a relationship with Mark for two years now. He's been nothing but sweet and loving, spoiling you with every chance he got. You loved him and he loved you, there was no denying it. Of course you've discussed the possibility of having kids in the future, but you never planned on having them this early. You didn't know how Mark would react to the news but you knew you'd have to find a way to tell him.

You run a hand through your hair as you hide the pregnancy test. Mark was due back from practice (with the rest of his members of course) in an hour from now. That gave you an hour to prepare yourself. You left the bathroom after washing your hands, walking into Mark's room. He lived in the dorm with his members while you often visited him, you lived in your apartment. Today you had stopped by their dorm to clean it up and prepare dinner for them. Maybe you'd tell Mark and the rest of the his members then.

Eventually you begin to prepare dinner, your heart pounding anxiously in your chest. You didn't know how to feel about any of this. You were scared. How would Mark react? Would he be happy? Mad? How would his members react? How would their fans react to the news? You weren't even married, and here you are pregnant.

Before you know it the front door to the dorm is being pushed open, Mark entering. He glances at the couch to see you. He smiles and walks over, lying down on top of you as he wraps you in his arms. Mark buries his face into the crook of your neck.

"Did you cook?" Mark asks.

You nod. "Yes, I knew you boys would be hungry," you reply.

Mark hums and sits up, unwrapping his arms from you. "I'm starving," he says as he shrugs off his jacket and begins his way to the kitchen.

You sigh uneasily and stand up from the couch, following after him. "Where are the others?" You ask.

"They're on their way, I just left a bit earlier than them," Mark waves off the question.

You lean against the counter as you watch him grab a plate, filling it up with the food you'd made. You decided it was best to just say it. There was no need to beat around the bush. You wait until Mark is seated beside you.

"Mark, I have something to tell you," you say softly.

Mark glances up at you as he eats the noodles you'd prepared for him. He hums in response, looking back down at the plate as he continues eating. You sigh and run a hand through your hair once more, your heart pounding in your chest. Mark notices your hesitance and wipes his mouth with a napkin, eventually taking your hands into his.

"What is it? Did I do something wrong?" he asks you worriedly.

You shake your head immediately. "No, it's something that you and I both did. I.. I'm pregnant." You whisper the last part, your breath caught in your throat as you wait for Mark's reaction.

He's shocked. His eyes are wide as he stares into yours. Without your knowing his eyes begin to water, a small smile tugging at his lips. "You're pregnant?" he asks in disbelief.

You nod, taking his face into your hands as you wipe the tears away from his eyes. "Yes.."

Mark chokes out a sob as he pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist as he buries his face into your hair. "I'm going to be a dad," he whispers shakily.

You nod, tears now pouring out of your eyes. Mark pulls away and wipes the tears away as you do the same for him. He kisses you passionately. He pulls away and peppers your face in small kisses, a shaky laugh leaving his lips.

"I can't believe this," he laughs as he wipes your tears away once again. "We're going to be parents."

You nod, laughing softly as you run your fingers through Mark's hair. He grins and kisses you once again. When he calms down you rest your head against his chest, his arms still wrapped around your waist.

"I thought you'd be mad," you admit.

Mark shakes his head. "I'd never be mad at you Y/N. We both did this, and it's not like we haven't discussed this before." He replies, rubbing your back.

You close your eyes. "I'm so glad to have you Mark," you whisper.

"And I'm so lucky to have someone as amazing and beautiful as you Y/N," he replies, kissing your forehead.

A few minutes later the front door is opened. You listen as the six members of GOT7 pile into the dorm loudly, arguing amongst one another about a video game. Mark and you enter the living room. It takes awhile but you eventually manage to get the six of them to sit down, still clutching onto Mark's hand as they watch the both of you curiously. Mark smiles down at you as he presses a kiss to the side of your head, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

"We have something to tell you," you announce slowly.

The three maknaes quiet down from the bickering with Jackson, Jinyoung and Jaebum already listening intently. You sigh shakily and look up at Mark for help. He nods down at you. You pull the pregnancy test out from your back pocket, smiling nervously. "I'm pregnant."

It's silent inside of the GOT7 dorm for once. There's no shouting or arguments. You feel nervous, waiting for their reactions. Eventually your older brother, Jinyoung, stands up and approaches you. He pulls you into a tight hug as he kisses the top of your head. Mark stands off to the side as you hug your brother.

"I'm so happy for you Y/N," he whispers.

You smile and pull away from him, smiling up at him. Jinyoung pulls Mark into a hug next. The rest of the members eventually begin to get up and hug you, congratulating you. Jackson is the most excited as he pulls both you and Mark into a tight hug.

"This is such a happy moment!" he practically shouts.

The rest of the members join in on the hug. You're crying by then, emotional from the amount of support you're recieving from the boys of GOT7. You were happy that you ended up with a family like them. You were happy that you had them as your support system. Mark, your boyfriend, Jinyoung your actual brother, and the other five like other brothers. You knew that with the seven of them around you wouldn't have to worry about a single thing, because they would be there for you, and you were happy because of that.

sucky ending again sorryyy

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