Kim Woosung X Reader

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"Sammie!" You scream as you scramble across the wooden floor in excitement.

He stood in front of the door with a huge smile on his face as you ran to him and encased him in a tight hug. Sam shuts the door behind him and wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close to him. His face was buried into your neck as he held you.

"You've been gone for so long," you mumble and pull away from him with a pout.

Sam sighs and brushes your hair out of your eyes. "I know, I'm sorry. I should have kept in touch longer, too." A look of guilt crossed his face as you stiffen up.

"No it's fine, you were working anyway," you respond with a shake of your head.

That was one thing you didn't want to do, make him feel bad for not keeping in touch longer while he was away on tour in Europe. You knew how much his music meant to him and you didn't want to get in the way of that. His health came first, then his career, and then creating newer music. You didn't mind if you were his first priority or not.

"What did you do while I was gone?" Sam asks as you return to the living room in your apartment.

"I just went to class, ate, slept, socialized," you shrug as you pull your feet up onto the couch. Sam sits down beside you and wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side.

"I missed you so much." He mumbles while pressing a kiss to the side of your head.

You smile softly. "I missed you more Sammie."

Sam has been your boyfriend for the past three years now. You first met him through a mutual friend, and the two of you had clicked that first moment the both of you began talking to each other. One thing lead to another and the two of you had started to go on dates, you started making plans together for your future because you couldn't seem to imagine yourself without him. He was your everything. He made you smile, laugh. He made your heart flutter. After all the years you have been with Sam he has never failed to treat you right, always making sure that you had a great time on your dates, always making sure you were happy and never sad around him, always a gentlemen around you.

You were so glad to have been so lucky to find someone like him.

"How are the members?" You ask him.

Sam yawns and runs a hand through his hair. "They're fine, they are back at the dorm right now unpacking. I'm going to dye my hair tomorrow for the upcoming comeback." He informs you.

You smile up at him. "Really? What color?" You ask.

"Maybe a blonde color? I don't know," Sam wrinkles his nose as you laugh.

"When's the comeback going to be?" You ask him while pulling away from his embrace, sitting up so you were eye level with the man.

"It's not that far away. We worked on a late of songs while we were away, and plus the songs we have been working on since our first comeback. We just have to record and perfect it then we'll be good." Sam answers with a smile.

You smile. "Well I'm glad you're happy about it. When are you leaving for the U.S?" You ask.

"Well the first date is on May 20th, so probably on the 18th or 19th of May I'm guessing. I'm not really sure because they're having us concentrate more on the comeback right now than anything else." Sam shrugs while stretching and lying down on the couch, placing his head in your lap while he closed his eyes.

You ran your fingers through his soft hair. "Then what are you doing here silly? You should be with your band mates right now," you chuckle.

"I wanted to see you." Sam mumbles quietly.

He was falling asleep. You couldn't imagine how tired he felt. It was nearing ten at night, his flight had only landed a bit ago and the first place he came to was your shared apartment with your best friend who was currently out at the moment.

"You're tired," you whisper. "You should stay over for tonight and sleep."

Sam hums quietly in his sleep, agreeing with you. With that you push him up and lead him to your bedroom where you force him to dress into much more comfortable clothes, allowing him to lay down in your bed comfortably. You quickly get changed and lay down next to him under the covers, resting your head on his chest as his arm wrapped around you.

"I love you." Sam mumbles, pressing his lips to your forehead tiredly.

You smile. "I love you more."

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