Jeong Yunho X Reader

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"I'm going to fail this semester," Yunho sighs as he plops down into the seat across from you.

You glance up from your computer, momentarily haulting your typing. You were working on a paper for your literature class that Yunho also happened to be in. He was frowning as he dug in his bag, pulling out some notebooks and a text book. "I haven't even finished the required amount of pages for the book we're reading," he says.

"What have you been doing this entire time then?" You ask with a chuckle, seeing that the work he pulled out was for your math class and not literature.

He shrugs. "Practicing," he responds.

Yunho was in the midst of balancing his trainee and his student life. He was very adament on debuting, but in order to do so he had to make a promise to his parents that he would do his best to graduate first. You've been close friends with Yunho since the two of you were in diapers. Like Yunho, you also were balancing your trainee and student life, and so far things have been going good. Yunho was smart, but when it came to reading, he hated it. Which would be the explanation as to why he's currently not passing in class. He was the one who arranged for this meeting, claiming that he would rather have the help from someone who actually knew what they were doing.

"You're never going to pass if you keep neglecting your work," you snort while tearing the math book from his hands. He attempts to whine at this. "I'm here to help you catch up in Lit, I can't do that if you're working on the subject that I have little to no knowledge in." You say, gesturing to his math text book.

Yunho rolls his eyes but agrees nonetheless, allowing you to take his text book away from him and set it aside. You force him to take out the required book that was meant to be finished by the end of next week. Time passes by and the sun begins to set. Yunho ordered the both of you coffee a few hours ago, but it was now long forgotten as he struggled to cram the subject at hand in his head. He points at one of the sentences. "This makes no sense!" He nearly shouts in distress.

You hit his hand. "Quiet down!" You hiss, smiling apologetically to everyone who sat around the two of you. "And re-read it, slowly." You instruct him.

Yunho resists the urge to groan, following your instructions. He re-reads the sentence. Then the entire paragraph. And then the entire page. Something clicks inside of his head, his mouth forming an 'o' shape as he finally understands what the sentence meant. You snort at his reaction and return to writing your paper that you've been procrastinating on for almost an entire month now. Yunho finishes the book an hour later, a huge smile on his lips as he slams it shut. He holds his notebook up in triumph that contains notes on the book. "I'm going to pass."

"That's a first," you attempt to joke.

Yunho kicks your ankle from underneath the table in response. "Don't be rude." He grumbles.

You roll your eyes, a smile playing on your lips as you begin to pack your things away, having finally finished your paper. Yunho begins to pack his things away as well.

"Are you hungry?" He asks while checking the time on his phone.

You shrug. "A little, why?"

"Let's go eat, I'll pay." Yunho insists while standing up, shouldering his backpack. You hum and stand up, doing the same thing. "Alright." You agree.

The two of you exit the café that you spent nearly five hours at. He leads the way to a BBQ restaurant. The two of you are lead to a table for two near the back of the restaurant, music blasting through the speakers overhead. There's multiple people inside of the restaurant, everyone speaking loudly or glued to their phone. You shed your jacket and sit across from Yunho who takes the menu and begins to list things off that he thinks would be a good meal. You listen, not objecting when he offers to order for you. He calls the waiter over and relays the meat that he would like. You take those few minutes to catch up on your social media and respond to a few unread messages.

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