Lee Taeyong X Reader

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His cold expression always threw people off. They often thought of him as a heartless person, someone who could careless of others. First impressions for Taeyong were always awkward. He was normally a quiet person, someone who wouldn't speak up unless he had to. But he could be pretty loud around those he was comfortable with. Taeyong was never the one to initiate a conversation first, especially with someone who he didn't know personally. So what made you different?

You weren't any different from anyone else he's met, but in a way there was something mysterious about you that drew him to you like a moth to a light. Taeyong hated to admit it, but upon first sight he was captured and drawn to you.

You were undeniably beautiful. You had the ability to light up an entire room, compelling everyone around you to smile and laugh. You were able to break through Taeyong's cold front and see the other side of him that people never often saw, aside from his members that is. To anyone on the outside it would seem as if he couldn't care what his members did, it seemed as if he were cold hearted. But to you, and his members, you could see through that. You could see the warm side of the boy who spent years training to get to where he was now.

And now, as you sat across from Taeyong, you couldn't help but feel thankful for the way things have turned out. It's true that Taeyong had been the one to pursue you first, but you were the one who convinced him to go on a date with you. After months of sharing feelings for one another, the two of you have finally agreed to go out on a date. Of course it had to be somewhere private with little to no people so there would be no articles in the morning. NCT did not need a scandal at the peak of their career. What you were doing was rather risky, but the two of you just couldn't seem to help it. No matter how hard you tried to stay away from one another, something just kept bringing the two of you together.

"You're beautiful." Taeyong comments.

You blush at his simple compliment. It was moments like these that compelled you to fall for someone like him. He was undeniably handsome, and a charmer. Your brother, Doyoung, had said that it was only a matter of time before the two of you fell for each other. He was right. Taeyong was like your favorite drink. Once you had a taste of it, you just couldn't seem to get enough of it. He was addicting, like your own personal drug. Taeyong made you feel something that no one else could ever come close to. Your heart would flutter at the simple mention of his name, just the thought of him would send your heart over the edge.

"Are you ready?" Taeyong asks.

You nod, slipping your arms into your jacket as he pays for the meal. The two of you leave the restaurant in silence. On your way home Taeyong opts to take a more secluded path through the park, his hand slipping in yours. His skin is soft and warm. You walk in silence, and you don't mind it one bit because you genuinely enjoy his presence.

"I miss spending time with you," Taeyong admits softly.

Sometimes he hated admitting things like this, he thought it made him seem vulnerable. But deep down he knew that you would never make him feel bad for his feelings. If there was one thing he loved the most about you, it was your ability to make him feel so comfortable. You were someone he could talk to about everything. When he had the worst days at work, or the best days. It didn't matter because you were always there to listen to him and help him. And that's what he loved.

"I do too," you admit with a sigh.

Taeyong's job as an idol was straining on your relationship, but you still stayed. It surprised him that you were willing to stay with him when someone else could offer you so much more. He knew he wasn't the ideal person for a relationship, considering that he rarely often showed his true emotions, and that his chosen career path required him to be gone almost five or six days out of the entire week. But you didn't seem to mind it in the slightest bit. You were very understanding.

"I know I don't tell you this enough," Taeyong says suddenly, tugging you to a stop. "But I love you, and I truly do appreciate you Y/N. For all that you've done and continue to do."

His words are simple yet still send your heart fluttering. You lean up to press a kiss against his cheek, smiling as he blushes a little. "I love you too Tae."

The two of you return home that night and fall asleep in each other's arms peacefully, thankful to have met one another and to have each other.

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