Lee Taeyong X Reader

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The alcohol burned your throat, your eyes were blurry as you stared out at the colorful lights of the city. You felt a sense of serenity wash over you. The only thoughts that rushed through your head were the memories of your ex boyfriend. The memories that you shared with him, the memories that could no longer be relived.


You turn your head the slightest bit, offering a small smile. "Taeyong," you chuckle. "Long time no see. What brings you here?"

Lee Taeyong, your childhood best friend who grew up to one of the famous Kpop idols you see on TV and all over the internet. Not only was he known for his rapping and his group, but also for his incredibly good looks.

"Doyoung called me, he said he was worried," Taeyong says.

Doyoung, your other closest friend who also happened to be another member of NCT. Your best friend at that. After Taeyong became increasingly busy and unable to reach through the phone, Doyoung was there to help you with your troubles. Doyoung was a friend of yours who just so happened to be one of the first to know about your horrible breakup with your boyfriend.

"You can tell him he has no reason to worry," you laugh airly, lifting the bottle to your lips.

Taeyong shifts closer until he's standing before you, his dark eyes wondering your face carefully. He was searching for something, something that would give him the hint of why you were drinking at two in the morning while overlooking the city. Taeyong sighs and climbs to sit beside you on the hood of your car.

"What's wrong Y/N?" He finally asks.

You don't answer. You stare out at the city, smiling softly. "It's beautiful isn't it? The colorful lights. Not to mention, you can get a pretty good view of the stars from here as well." You say while glancing up at the night sky, admiring the brightly shining stars.

"Y/N," Taeyong starts.

"Hyunsoo brought me here on our first date," you say while staring up at the sky, leaning back on your elbows now as support. "Our first date was a disaster. He took me out to eat at a really fancy restaurant, the food wasn't even that good. After we ate dinner he took me to a coffee shop, where we ran into his ex, who wasn't very happy to see him or me, and she spilt her iced americano all over his head. He smelt like coffee for the rest of the night. And then he brought me here."

Taeyong doesn't interrupt, he watches you as you pause to take another drink of the alochol. You continue on with the story. "While we were here he told me about himself, his family and where he was from. I told him about myself too of course. We kissed and all of that sappy stuff, and we fell asleep on the hood of his car, just watching the stars. That night I didn't go home and my roommate called me in the morning panicking, she thought I'd got stolen or something. Truth is, we lost track of time and woke up as the sun rose." You laugh at the memory. "I should have saw the signs you know?"

Taeyong frowns at your words. "What signs?"

"Hyunsoo cheated on me," you finally answer.

There's a certain ache in your chest, a longing look in your eyes. Taeyong takes notice of the tears in your eyes that seem to threaten to spill at any moment. He wants to hold you in his arms, assure you that everything is fine and that you'll be okay. But he knew he couldn't.

"When his ex seen us in the coffee shop that night, she warned me. She said that I better get out before I fall for his charms. That's when he stepped in and she spilled the coffee on his head. I didn't believe her of course, but now I see what she meant. Do you know how I found out that Hyunsoo was cheating on me? I found out by walking into my own apartment, and I seen the clothes scattered around the floor. I couldn't find my roommate. The apartment was quiet, and I went to her room and opened the door to see if she was alright, and I found them sleeping in bed together. Cuddling. Peaceful." You scoff and down the rest of the alcohol in your bottle. "I was pissed. I slammed the door and left the apartment, I didn't even check to see it Hyunsoo knew I caught them. I called her boyfriend and let him know what I saw, figured that I'd let him deal with the both of them. And now I'm here."

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