Moon Bin X Reader

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Request from: pritawanggraini

Let's end it.

You stare at those three simple words, debating on whether or not it would be a great idea to send the message to Moonbin. He has been your boyfriend for a few months now. You nibble on your bottom lip, finally deciding to send it. The message sends and you sigh quietly while allowing your phone to drop onto the desk.

Your friend, Sohee, rests her head against her hand as she raises an eyebrow at you. "Did you finally do it?" She asks.

"Yes," you mumble.

Your teacher drones on in the front of the class. You can't stop glancing at your phone nervously. Truth be told, breaking up with Moonbin was one of the things you dreaded the most. You tried your best to deal with him and his annoying attitude, but you grew tired of it. It grew to be too much for you to handle. In the past, you loved Moonbin and his attitude. He was always so blunt and honest, cold and snarky, but with you it was like he turned into a whole other person. He would become soft and caring, but he eventually became friends with Jinjin, Rocky, and MJ. Three of the most out of control boys next to Lucas and his group of friends.

Your younger brother, Sanha, admired Moonbin and his friends. You knew that at this rate it would only be a matter of time before Sanha began to act the same way Moonbin did.

Another close friend of yours, Eunwoo, had eventually began to change his appearance and attitude. Moonbin had managed to convince him to be friends with him.

"How do you think he'll react?" Sohee asks.

"Who knows," you respond with a sigh.

Sohee hums and turns her attention to the front of the class. The rest of class flies by, you still never recieve a message from Moonbin. You pack up your things and go to follow Sohee. The two of you were one of the last few students out of class, the halls crowded with hundreds of other students who filed out of their classes.

While walking, Sohee goes on about a test she still has to do for her Calculus class. In the midst of her talking you're tugged aside. Sohee turns in surprise, her eyes widening as you turn to see who it was. Moonbin stood before you. His eyes were narrowed into a glare as he tugged you closer to him, sending a glare to Sohee who sighs and walks away without another word. You nibble on your bottom lip as Moonbin tugs you into an empty class.

"Care to explain this?" He asks while lifting his phone to your face.

You shove his hand away and tug your wrist out of his grip, glaring up at the taller boy. "It's over. I've had enough of your attitude." Your voice is stern.

Moonbin scoffs. "Oh really? And when did you decide that?" He asks.

"A long time ago."

Moonbin's eyes narrow at your words. He clenches his jaw and takes a step back from you. "Fine. If you're going to be a bitch then-" you slap him, your hand stinging as you take a step away from the taller boy. Tears were threatening to fall now as you glared at him.

"This is exactly why I'm ending things. You use to be so nice and kind, but things changed. You changed. I'm fed up with your attitude Moonbin. Just leave me alone from here on out." You say, leaving the classroom.

While leaving the class you bumped into Lucas, another one of your school's jerks. He raises an eyebrow at you.

"What are you running away from?" Lucas asks.

"None of your business," you respond and shove him out of your way, walking to your next class.

The rest of the school day goes by quickly. Throughout the entire day Lucas was watching you, along with the rest of the school body. It seems as if the news of your break up with Moonbin got around school. Sohee claimed that Lucas has kept his eye on you since your relationship with Moonbin began, and now that you were free of Moonbin there was a possibility of Lucas swooping in. You were disgusted. Not only with Lucas, but his intentions. It was no doubt a way of paybacks for when Moonbin practically stole Sarah (a past girl) from Lucas's clutches.

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