Kim Yugyeom X Reader

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"Can't you be a little faster?" You snort while twisting around, grinning at your boyfriend who was struggling to climb up the rocks behind you.

Yugyeom wrinkles his nose while whining. "Why are you in such rush?"

You sigh while waiting for Yugyeom to catch up. "I'm not in a rush," you say while Yugyeom climbs the last rock to stand beside you, breathless.

"When you said you had something fun in mind I wasn't expecting hiking," he mumbles while straightening his back.

You sheepishly smile. "It is fun though, right? I mean we're outside and enjoying nature." You gesture around you towards the tall trees and the flowers that grew from the ground.

"It's hot," Yugyeom whines while shedding his sweater.

You sigh. "Let's keep going."

It doesn't take long for the two of you to reach the top of the mountain. When you reach the flat surface at the top Yugyeom is quick to collapse to the ground, groaning out in pain as he stretched his long legs. "I really hope that the way down won't be as torturing."

You drop down to the ground beside him and brush his black hair out of his eyes, smiling. "I promise it's not as bad."

"Why did you bring me up here in the first place?" Yugyeom asks, finally opening his eyes.

He admires the bright blue sky, the sun shining through the leaves of the trees. He watches as you stare out over the edge of the mountain, his eyes studying your features. He loved how bright your eyes shone, the small smile tugging at your lips.

"I love to come up here whenever I have the time, just to think and get a fresh breath of air. It's always so peaceful up here." You smile.

Yugyeom sits up, scooting beside you. He stares out at the scene. The trees are a bright green color, he could see the tall buildings of the city in the distance. It was weird to see how different two places were. The city was always loud and bustling with people and tourists, but out here everything seemed calm and relaxing. He could feel himself relax while he sat beside you, his hand gently encasing yours and lacing your fingers together.

"It's beautiful," Yugyeom notes softly.

"It really is, isn't it?" You turn to smile at him brightly.

Yugyeom laughs at your silly expression and leans down the slightest bit to press a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth. "But it's not nearly as beautiful as you."

"Smooth talker," you scoff after pushing his head away.

Yugyeom merely grins in response and begins to press multiple kisses all over your face. You laugh while trying to push him away, slightly embarrassed with his sudden burst of affection. Normally the two of you were shy when it came to kissing in public, but the two of you were alone hiking up the trail and you were the only pair of people at the top of the mountain.

"Let's eat." You insist.

Yugyeom removes the backpack he carried on the way up and unzips it, pulling out the snacks you bought at a convinence store before beginning to hike this morning. The water is still cool. The two of you eat the healthy snacks you bought and chat about the most random of things.

"How has practicing been going?" You ask.

"Great," Yugyeom responds with a smile.

The two of you spend around half an hour taking pictures and talking quietly amongst each other, discussing his upcoming comeback and packed schedule. You were to be spending time with him just before his comeback. It was your last vacation to have with your boyfriend before he returned to the busy lifestyle of a Kpop idol. Taking Yugyeom out to hike wasn't really part of your plan, it was sort of a last minute decision seeing as you needed to take the time to destress and help Yugyeom feel more at ease before jumping back into the lifestyle he's grown so acustom to in the last four years.

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