Park Jinyoung X Reader Pt 2

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The next morning you wake up to a blaring alarm. It's six in the morning, a little later than the when you would normally wake. You force yourself to climb out of bed and take a shower, dressing into a pair of normal clothes. The sky was still dark with grey clouds and it was raining once again. Today marked the anniversary of your father's death. It never occurred to you how odd it was that your father died a year after your mother on the day after her anniversary. Thinking about it now sent chills down your spine, and you wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed and sleep the rest of the day and mourn the passing of your parents, but you knew that you had quite the day planned.

After finishing dinner last night Jinyoung and you had come to conclusion that if you were to choose new furniture and paint the walls a completely different color, that the two of you would have to go out and shop for new curtains for the windows. Not only that, but also redo your bedrooms and bathrooms and much more. Your apartment would go under drastic changes in the next month.

This entire day would be dedicated to picking out the largest and smallest of details for your apartment. You take your time to apply your makeup, allowing your hair to air dry while doing so. After finishing you decide to finally leave the comfort of your room and find yourself in the quiet kitchen. You immediately get to work and begin cooking breakfast for Jinyoung and you.

An hour later Jinyoung finally comes walking into the kitchen, his gaze finding the food almost instantly as he enters. You begin to set the table silently with his help. It was weird to say the least. Normally the two of you would never eat together for breakfast or lunch, only dinner. It was out of the ordinary for you. Things were starting to change, and you weren't noticing it until now.

Most of breakfast is quiet, the two of you only speaking when discussing what color to pick for the curtains. Jinyoung wanted the curtains to be the same navy blue color as the paint you'd painted the walls, but you wanted them to be white. He claimed that it didn't make sense for the curtains to be white if the couch was going to be white.

"What are we going to do about our rooms?" You ask suddenly, picking at the last of your food that remained on your plate.

Jinyoung hums and shrugs. "Maybe we shouldn't focus on that right now, let's just focus on the living room."

You decide to agree with him on this. The two of you eventually finish eating and quickly begin to clean up, it seemed as if Jinyoung was eager to go out and start shopping for more stuff to decorate the living room. It surprised you a little, you never pegged him as the type of person to enjoy these kinds of things. The rest of the morning consists of Jinyoung practically dragging you from store to store, where he grabs the things he deems fit for the living room. Every once in a while you'll pitch in a few items only for them to be turned down by the oh so great interior designer.

Jinyoung seemed to be a completely different person from who he normally was in the office. It was a nice change, and you wouldn't mind seeing more of this side, it was a complete contrast from his stoic face he maintained while at work.

"Slow down turbo," you wheeze after finally catching up to the man who seemed to have the same stamina as a hyperactive five year old.

The wind was cold and it seemed like rain would pour from the sky at any second now with how dark the clouds have grown since earlier this morning. Your hands were buried deep within your pockets in a desparate attempt to keep them warm. Jinyoung was dressed in a simple pair of black slacks, a white shirt, and a black jacket. He made even the most simplest items look expensive and well put together. Maybe that was the effect of being handsome.

You follow closely beside Jinyoung, glancing at him every now and again. He finally seems to catch onto this. "What is it?" He sighs.

"I was just going to ask when we were going to stop and have lunch, because it's nearing one in the afternoon and I'd really like to have a meal right now." You shrug as if it were nothing in particular.

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