Choi Seungcheol X Reader

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"Where are you right now?" Seungcheol's voice is urgent.

You chuckle. "I'm like two blocks away, don't worry," you try your best to calm him.

"Hurry, you know how anxious I get with you walking around late at night." Seungcheol sighs.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, I promise. If anything happens I'll call you right away." You reassure your boyfriend, swinging the plastic sack of snacks that you were bringing him and his twelve friends.

The phone call ends quickly. You continue down the sidewalk, humming a soft tune to yourself along the way. While you were walking you had taken notice of a man who had began following you, he kept a good ten feet between the two of you but you were positive he was following you. You nibble on your bottom lip and cross the street to test whether or not he was actually following you. He follows you across the street. Your hand clenches around your phone as you convince yourself to not turn around to look at the man. You quicken your pace, you were still a good block away from the building where the boys of Seventeen were practicing.

You unlock your phone and quickly press on any contact, pressing the phone to your ear. They pick up on the third ring.

"Hey Y/N!" Joshua greets happily.

"Joshua, I'm in a bit of trouble," you whisper.

"What is it?" Joshua's voice turns serious.

"I um.. I'm sort of being followed right now," you say stiffly.

There's a muffled sound on the other side of the line, and suddenly there's yelling. You hear the sound of the phone being passed around a few times before someone finally speaks. "Hey Y/N, it's Dino," he greets softly.

"Where's Joshua? Or Seungcheol?" You ask.

"They all ran off like a few seconds go to save you," Dino responds as if it were nothing.

"Can you stay on the phone with me until-" a hand clasps across your mouth, tugging you back. You drop your phone as the man wraps his arms around your neck.

You stand your ground and pull his wrist down, pushing his elbow up as you twist your body out of his hold. You grasp his shoulder and bring your knee up to knee him in the groin. He doubles over in pain as you reach down and grab your phone, running away from the man. Maybe the self defense classes you were forced into as a teen came in handy after all. Twenty feet away from you, you see four men running. It was Seungcheol, Joshua, Mingyu, and Wonwoo. Seungcheol immediately encases you in a tight hug, holding you against him tightly as the other three glare at the man who was now limping away.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Seungcheol asks, brushing your messy hair out of your face as he continues to lift your arms to make sure you weren't hurt anywhere.

"I'm fine," you reassure him breathlessly.

"I swear to god, that ass-" you immediately cut Seungcheol off with a slap to his chest. "No cussing."

Seungcheol sighs and pulls you into another tight hug, pressing his lips to your forehead. "I'm so glad you're okay."


"She beat him up pretty good for someone half his size," Mingyu shrugs with a laugh.

Seungcheol was holding you tightly to his side. As soon as the five of you entered the practice room you were surrounded by the rest of the boys, all of them asking if you were okay. When they realized you weren't hurt they teared the snacks away from you and returned to their own personal groups to continue working. You sat beside Seungcheol, he refused to let you leave his side. You didn't mind though. It seemed like he was a lot more shaken up than you were. His arms were wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly so his side.

"I was surprised with myself," you say with a slight shake of your head. "I honestly had no idea I was going to resort to violence."

"It's a good thing you did, otherwise who knows what would have happened to you?" Jeonghan asks with a sigh.

The others nod in agreement, everyone falling silent. Seungcheol sighs and tugs you closer to his chest. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"S.Coups nearly lost it when I said that you needed our help," Joshua says.

You look up at Seungcheol and press your lips to the corner of his mouth. "I'm fine now," you reassure him.

Seungcheol buries his head into your neck and sighs shakily. You feel your heart strings tug. You couldn't imagine the amount of panic and anxiousness Seungcheol may have felt when you called Joshua. Seungcheol always worried about you, he always wanted to make sure that you were fine when walking alone. Day or night. You brush your fingers through his soft hair.

The rest of the members fall silent, deciding to not tease their leader. You hold Seungcheol as he refuses to let you go. A minute later the rest of the members decide it was best to give the both of you some alone time. They exit the practice room quietly.

"You don't know how worried I was," Seungcheol finally expresses his feelings out loud.

Your stomach twists at his words. "I'm sorry," you apologize.

"Joshua told me you sounded scared. Something inside of me just snapped, I ran out of the practice room but I didn't know where to go. I just ran. I just needed to make sure that you were okay. You have no idea how much you mean to me Y/N, you're one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't find you, or if I didn't come in time. We almost didn't make it. But then you fought back." Seungcheol smiles softly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I'm sorry for making you worry," you apologize.

Seungcheol shakes his head. "No you're okay, you're okay.. I should have at least walked to your apartment to walk you here instead of having you walk alone. If anyone's sorry it's me. It's my job to protect you-" you cut Seungcheol off by pressing your lips to his.

"It's okay. As long as I know that you would have done everything to save me, then that's all." You reassure him with a soft smile.

Seungcheol smiles softly and presses his lips to your forehead. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

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