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The silence filled the air as all eyes glued onto you.

"Clearly you're troubled in the mind and so took out your anger and frustration from your past out onto our princess when murdering her" the judge said, not shouting for once, but almost stating it as a fact.

"I'm innocent. How many times do I have to tell you, I never killed her. Of all the crap my father has put me through I promised myself never to become like him. I don't touch people, no matter how much I want to hit someone I will never, ever, because I am not my father. And I didn't do it" you cried, sobbing, looking up at the judge with pleading eyes.

"You have no witnesses during the time period where the murder took place. You were missing for three hours" the judge stated.

You sighed, closing your eyes.

"It was the prince!" You seethed, clenching your teeth, trying to control the anger.

"And why would my son do something like that to his own wife to be!" A woman spoke, sitting next to the prince.

She was clearly his mother and was protective of her son.

"Because he never wanted to marry her in the first place. Did you even ask him what he wanted? Did you ever stop and ask him if he wanted to go ahead with it? Did you ever ask whether he had someone else in mind to be his spouse? Before you rushed and forced him into the unwanted proposal" you asked her.

She opened her mouth only to close it again, staring at her son. He dared not make eye contact with his mother. She stared at him in confusion and deep thoughtful.

"He was happy..." the queen said, staring back at you.

"Enough! This conversation is over! I have come to my conclusion." The judge bellowed.

You locked down to your fisted hands, trying to control the panic rising.

"Due to the fact that you have had no witness for the time period during the late princess' murder, and the fact that you gave death threats before hand, and your troubled mind clearly causing you to act irrationally. I have come to the conclusion that you are, and must be found guilty!" The judge said.

You kept your eyes closed, shaking your head. Your eyes were hurting and stinging from the tears you couldn't control.

"Now...the death of a royal member is of the most serious crime. And the only way to justify your disgusting actions is to sentence you to the death penalty!" The judge announced.

Your eyes snapped up as you heard loud gasps from the audience. You shook your head in disbelief.

"I'm...I'm innocent...please...." you begged.

"I'm sorry your honour but I can't allow you to inflict the death penalty on (y/n)" you heard a voice behind you say sternly.

You didn't even have to turn to know who it was. That authority and that thick Yorkshire accent was so clearly the doctors.

"It is not your decision to make doctor! And you yourself believe she is guilty so why protect her and stop justice!" The judge argued.

The doctor stepped forward. You didn't look at her. Your pleading eyes were fixed onto the judge.

"I... admit it does look as though (y/n) did it. And... I'm sorry to say I actually believe she did it. She wasn't herself that day your honour. And a crime such as murder is not to go unpunished. However the death penalty is something I disagree with profoundly! I won't let you kill her off!" The doctor said sternly.

Your heart sank. So she had said it herself now. She believed you were guilty.

"It's not your decision to make doctor! The death penalty is the only way I can ensure that she won't commit murder again. She may be able to escape a cell but nobody can escape death" she said in disgust towards you more than the doctor.

"Please...I swear I didn't do it..." you whispered, moving your eyes towards the prince.

"I can't let you kill her!" The doctor shouted.

"The decision is final! Miss (y/n)(l/n) is to be executed tomorrow morning. Justice is swift" she shouted loudly.

This made the doctor stop, knowing she couldn't overrule the judge nor change her mind. You felt her eyes on you but you didn't make eye contact. You stared at the prince with pleading eyes. He was unphased.

"Any last words miss (l/n)?" The judge asked.

You kept staring at the prince.

"Just a word to the queen. Your son doesn't want to simply marry someone you choose for him. Let him go out and find someone for himself. Let him be happy with whom he pleases. Don't force him into doing something he doesn't want to because no matter who you are, prince or not, you have a right to your life. Let him choose ma'am. Maybe he can go through with the next wedding then" you said, giving the prince a small smile, letting him know that he won't have to go through something he doesn't want to.

"That's it! You won't protest!" The judge asked in complete shock.

"I've already tried. There's no point anymore is there. You all think I did it... no matter how much I beg... no matter who I beg...." you said, bowing your head, feeling the doctor's gaze upon you strengthen "just....please...make it quick..." you whispered, looking up to the judge.

She nodded, hitting her hammer down on the desk announcing the trial was over.

You were quickly grabbed by the guards again, leading you back to your cell. You gave the prince one last smile, showing him the true person you were. The kind self. Also letting him know that you forgave him and he won't have to simply do as his mother says anymore.

You were dragged down into your cell again and locked in. You curled up into a ball in the corner again, letting everything sink in. You were going to die tomorrow. That wasn't the worst part, although you really weren't suicidal today, but it was the fact that the doctor herself said that she thought you were guilty.

You let out a deep, shuddery sigh, bringing your knees up and burying your head in them. You cried properly now, letting out more tears you thought you could have and loud sobs escaped your lips.

You stayed like this for ages, until you yourself didn't even know how long you'd been there. You refused to sleep, knowing you wanted to be awake and feel every second of life you had left. It was strange, you'd often thought of killing yourself, but you didn't want to be killed out of fear that you yourself were a murderer.

Your heart at was still erratic but your breathing had somewhat calmed down, although you let out shuddery breaths and kept your head in your knees.

You heard footsteps coming towards your cell. It sounded as though there were several of them but you didn't look up, still letting out shaky breaths and trying to stop the panic in your chest. Your head was still buried in your knees, tears flowing down. You assumed it was just more guards but when you heard the unmistakable buzz of the sonic your heart stopped.

The door opened and you felt someone, most likely the doctor kneel down in front of your shaking body.

"(Y/n)" the doctor spoke in her most soft voice.

You didn't look up and instead let out a sharp sob.

"(Y/n) I'm so sorry we didn't believe you. The prince...he just owned up to what he did. How he framed you because he didn't want to go through with the marriage. He said with your kindness he couldn't simply sit quiet. He did it. And we all know now. (Y/n) I'm so sorry..." the doctor explained in her soft voice, placing a hand on your shoulder and rubbing your arm comfortingly.

You didn't move, your body relaxing a little from the comforting touch of the doctor you'd missed so much. But your face remained in your knees and your arms drooped around your legs up against your chest. The doctor sighed.

"Come on (y/n). Let's go to the TARDIS" she said softly.

13th Doctor x readerOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara