The trial

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You awoke in the corner of the cold cell room, curled into a ball. For a moment you were confused as to where you were and how you got there but you soon remembered everything. It was your trial today and you knew you had to prove your innocence no matter what. Your face was still stained from the tears you'd cried over your friends, or you thought were friends. Your eyes hurt from the crying, the sleep having done nothing to help.

You sighed, rubbing your eyes and sitting up a little straighter. Your stomach rumbles and you realised you hadn't eaten anything for a whole day. You started to wonder if they even fed prisoners on this planet. That was a cruel way to die, starvation.

Some footsteps came closer to your cell. You assumed it was simply the guard that regularly came to check on you but there were two of them. They opened the door, walking towards you. You scrambled back as far as you could, which wasn't far as you were already leaning against the back wall.

"W...what do you want.." you asked shakily.

"Your trial starts now" one of them simply replied as the other grabbed you by the arm.

You winced from the harsh contact as he pulled you to your feet and led you out. Your stomach rumbles to which you looked at the guard in embarrassment.

"Haven't really eaten. Got anything I could snack on for a bit?" You asked them, smiling.

They simply rolledtheir eyes and continued walking. You frowned. You really were hungry. But the two guards didn't seem to interested. They were each holding an arm of yours on either side as to not let you escape. You passed many corridors and doors, feeling really tired by the time you reached what looked like a court room.

You walked in with the guards, seeing crowds of people sitting down to watch the trail take place. It was quite full and you wondered if you were really seen as a horrific murderer across the planet. You saw the doctor and the others sitting on the front row. You tried not to make eye contact and looked in the opposite direction as you walked closer to your seat in front of the judge.

This was when the guards stopped walking. You stood awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what you were supposed to do. You hesitantly walked over to the chair and sat down slowly, feeling incredibly self conscious with all eyes on you. You sat down, bowing your head as you looked at your fidgeting hands.

"Trial of miss (y/n)(l/n), human, for the accused murder of the princess celatriss, found dead in a hole yesterday evening" the judge said as she looked down on you from her raised seat. "Does the accused plead guilty or not guilty?"

You swallowed, fidgeting harder as you dared not look up. The deafening silence filled your ears and all you could hear was the drumming of your heartbeat.

"Erm...n...not guilty" you said in a nearly audible voice.

The judge seemed to be filling papers out as you brought up your head, looking around. Everyone had that horrified and disgusted look in their eyes. You dared not look in the doctor's direction.

"Did you or did you not make death threats to the princess before she was murdered" the judge asked, making your eyes snap up to her.

"Well...yes but I didn't mean it. I was just a bit grumpy that's all" you protested.

The judge didn't give you time to pause before she started asking more questions.

"And why would you need to threaten our late Princess?" She pressed.

"I erm...was...grumpy like I said so when she spilt a drink on my food...I kinda overreacted" you said, sighing in embarrassment.

"So you give death threats!" The woman screeched.

You flinched, closing your eyes for a second before opening them to her anger filled gaze.

"I'm innocent!" You pressed "I didn't kill her I swear on my sisters life!" You shouted.

"You made the death threats! And she ends up dead in a hole just as you wished after not being seen for over three hours" the woman shouted back.

"For gods sake I swear I never!" You persisted "it was him!" You stretched, pointing at the prince.

You heard a few gasps from the crowd and a few laughs and scoffs.

"Have you ever killed anyone before! Hurt anyone?" The judge asked.

"No! I have never ever killed or hurt someone ever in my life. I never would and I never could. I'm not capable of that!" You said, staring into the judges eyes.

"You claim you've never hurt anyone yet your own body tells me different! You have many battle wounds and scars over your body. You clearly have attacked others before with those many scars" the judge said, pointing at your scars.

You bowed you head, feeling a lump in your throat.

"'re not..." you chocked on your words as you stared at your scarred arms.

"Simply the number of scars you have tells me the amount of people you have gotten into battle with and killed!" The woman shouted.

"They're from something else..." you said quietly, tears looking in your eyes.

"Well where are they from if not from the people you've tried to kill!" She shouted.

A sob escaped your lips "they're not..." you chocked again, the lump in your throat bringing another sob and tears started to fall.

"Where from then!" She shouted.

You remained silent, crying as you clenched your fists, your eyes blurry from the tears as you looked at your battered arms.

"Where!" She repeated loudly.

"WHERE!" She screamed, hitting her hand on the desk in front of her.

"ITS CALLED SELF HARM BITCH!" You screamed, staring up at her in anger. "You want to know where my scars come from. Let me show you!" You shouted, standing up and taking off your shirt.

You took off your shirt and corset until nothing but your bra remained.There were gasps from everyone, even from the doctors direction when they saw your body. Scars were engraved along your whole body.

"My abusive father gave me these ones!" You shouted, turning your back to the judge. "Daddy's wrath was never far from me. He used belts, fists, glass, knives, guns..."

She reasoned silent as you turned around, pointing to your stomach where scars lay.

"These came from the bullies in school. They'd hit me and use the schools science tools to create the most pain they could. The teachers were never fast enough to stop them from giving me these scars" you shouted.

You once again heard nothing but gasps and silence. You held out your arms, shaking as you cried.

"And these ones I gave to myself with knives. Because I'm so fucked up in the head! Every day is a battle for me! Simply to tell myself I can achieve what I want is almost impossible for me and the thoughts of my past and the fears of my future and it's failures drive me to do this to myself! That's where I got these scars from!" You screamed.

The room was silent now and you could hear a pin drop. Your face was covered with tears as you shakily sat back down, dropping the shirt over yourself. You sat and cried, sobbing for a few seconds.

You dared not look towards your friend's expressions which were all just as shocked as everyone else's in The room. But the doctors eyes radiated sadness and sorrow. But how could you even look at her, never mind love her as a close friend again if she simply just sat and watched throughout that whole trial.

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