Together and happy

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You all stared at him in shock, your eyes widening. He doctor however crossed her arms, scoffing.

"Of course you can. Just get rid of that dimension, it'll actually save you a load of energy and effort and we can all go out separate ways" the doctor told him.

You nodded in agreement, as if to tell Anicus to get on with it. However he didn't respond. He looked down a little, a hint of sorrow in his eyes. You were confused and started to grow less and less confident that he could sort this.

"What is it?" You asked him.

He looked up, glancing at you then the doctor. You could see that he was looking between the gap of the doctor and you behind you both to look at Isla.

"If I get rid of that dimension...they'll die" he said.

Your mouth dropped in shock. You couldn't help but turn around to Isla and the rat. She didn't seem to look too upset about just finding that out however. In fact, it was as though she didn't really care. But you were not having that. You weren't just going to let Anicus kill them. And how would they die just because a dimension was got rid off around them?

"Of course" you heard the doctor breathe.

You turned around, watching her face. She seemed to understand what was going on and the sadness in her face was unmissable.

"That dimension had been forcing them to stay alive. We take that away it's like pulling the plug from life support. They'll die instantly. They lived out their normal life span many many years ago" the doctor explained sadly.

Your heart dropped. You looked back at Isla who still didn't look to bothered about the information. You didn't know if she even understood what you were saying and what was going to happen to her and Archie. You looked back at Anicus who was hanging his head in sadness, slowly nodding his head at what the doctor had said.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen" he said in a voice barely over a whisper.

You clenched your hands into fists in pure anger of this man.

"Didn't mean for this to happen! You did all of this and on top of that stabbed her and turned Archie into a rat! You sure as hell meant for this to happen! You even came in here with that evil ass smirk on your face just now!" You shouted at him.

"That's really messed up mate" Graham said in disgust.

"I was angry okay! For so long I've never been refused and turned away so quickly. And I was angry and took my revenge. But..." he sighed, looking away.

"But?" The doctor prompted, raising a brow.

You knew that look from the doctor. She would often get you to talk in this exact way and it wasn't easy not to open up if you didn't just run away from her.

" time went on, my anger went away and I knew I'd done wrong. I just...couldn't find them again. I was trying to for years and years, but the perception filter worked too well. Now that I've finally gotten to them, if I undo everything I was going to, I'd end up killing them both" he said sadly.

You furrowed your eyebrows, crossing your arms. You rolled your eyes at his excuse, scoffing.

"Yeah right. Why the heck were you looking at Isla and Archie as though you were ready to kill them then?" You asked.

"Okay fine! Seeing them made me angry again! But...I don't want to kill them. I never have. This wasn't supposed to happen" he protested. "If I change anything now, it'll set off the process of getting rid of the dimension. Even if I change Archie back, they'll have about thirty seconds before....." he trailed off, looking down and gulping down the lump in his throat.

You softened your glare, sighing as you looked back at Isla. Your eyes were saddened for her and your heart was swelling. The thought that she'd have to either live on forever separated from her love or that they'd both die instantly was horrible. You truly felt powerless and didn't know what to do.

"Isla. Do you understand what we're saying? Do you understand what is going on?" You asked her softly.

She looked to you, nodding "of course"

You looked at her in sadness, knowing you couldn't help her. But she still didn't look scared or even sad.

"Why are you not scared? Or sad or....well showing any emotion?" You asked her.

"I have lived so long, longer than I wanted to and longer than I should have. I've held my Archie with me, crying over him and knowing that we will never be able to see each other as we once both were. Im not even been allowed to die, not even death allows me to see him again. If I least I'll see him again. And then we can finally and triply live together in peace forever" Isla told you, a small smile on her face.

You didn't know what to say or do. You were at a complete loss for words. You looked at the doctor for answers. She turned to you, sharing a saddened sigh before turning around to Isla and Archie. She gave a sympathetic look to which Isla simply nodded.

"Are you sure? Because you don't have to...we could just leave everything as it is" the doctor said.

"No. I've lived too long without seeing my lovers eyes. At least before we go we'll have seen each other grown old. And we leave together." she smiled.

You knew what Isla was saying. You all knew. She wanted you to finally let her go. The doctor turned around to Anicus who was extremely guilt ridden.

"I think you should change Archie back. That way they have thirty seconds together" she told him.

He nodded, walking forward, taking out some strange device. She pointed it at the rat, pressing a button.

You all saw a bright light and a cloud of mist appear around the two. Then it parted and you could see an old and extremely happy man sitting beside Isla. It was Archie!

"Archie" Isla whispered, tears trickling down her cheek.

Archie smiled, placing a hand on her cheek and whipping away the tear with his thumb, cupping her face.

"Isla my love. You've cried too many tears for me already. This is a happy time" he smiled.

"They're tears of joy. For so many years, I'm finally crying of joy!" She smiled, hugging Archie tightly, before parting and attaching their lips together.

They savoured the moment, holding each other closely after not seeing each other for so many years and knowing they only have a few seconds left. And they only seemed to part when they couldn't breathe anymore, panting for air, gazing into each others eyes.

"I've missed you dearly" Isla whispered, placing a hand over his old and wrinkling cheek. "I love you"

"I love you too" Archie whispered back, smiling at Isla.

"I'm sorry" you heard Anicus say from behind you.

Both Archie and Isla turned their heads towards him. However they were not angry. They seemed happier than they'd ever been.

"It's okay. We're happy. We're together" Archie said.

"And most importantly, we forgive you" Isla smiled.

They both looked deep into each others eyes, their foreheads touching before the mist swirled around them once again. And you knew it was their time. Their time to leave. To leave together.

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