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The doctor walked forward, all of you following behind. You knew what was in there and didn't truly know if you wanted to see that scene again. It was heartbreaking and scary at the same time.

You walked up to the entrance of the tunnel and all of you stood there for a second, just looking into the darkness. You wondered if anyone was going to actually go inside but seeing as even the doctor wasn't moving, you decided to make the first move. You stepped forward a little, only for the doctor to call out for you.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked.

You turned around, facing the others.

"Im going inside. I though you could see that. I am in the tunnel now" You replied.

Ryan and Yaz sniggered a little at your answer. The doctor turned and gave them both a look, making them clear their throats and compose themselves. You smiled yourself a little, trying to make a little light out of the situation. The doctor however didn't look impressed at your answer. She was already protective of all her companions and clearly hadn't bought your whole lie about getting lost. She purses her lips together, looking at you then behind you in the tunnel. She couldn't see anything and sighed, stepping forward into the tunnel as well.

You smiled, turning around and walking confidently down with the others following suit. The doctor however wasn't too comfortable with having you out in front walking into danger.

"(Y/n) can you stay behind me please. I want you safe" the doctor said.

You sighed, rolling your eyes. You turned around, walking backwards and facing her.

"Doctor I'm fine. Trust me. Isla's a good person, she's just...a little upset about her whole situation." You told her.

"Are you really walking backwards right now?" Ryan asked you with an amused look "who actually does that?"

You laughed, turning around and continuing to walk down the tunnel. You tried to keep yourself quiet as not to scare Isla when you got to her. The doctor was still uncomfortable with you walking so confidently in through there.

"Be careful (y/n)" you heard the doctor call from behind you.

You didn't know why she was being so worried. She was literally a few steps behind you, if even that. She really had no need to be worried so much about you.

"Guys you might want to be a little quieter. Don't want to scare Isla" you said.

You heard the others all quieten down behind you. You all stepped down the tunnel and you could hear the familiar drumming of Isla's heartbeat again.

"Guys. Can you hear that beating?" Graham whispered.

"That's Isla's heart. You'll get to see it through her chest in a minute" you replied quietly.

You heard Graham mumble something along the lines of 'lovely' behind you. You smiled in amusement at his response. You weren't really creeped out by Isla's heart. That wasn't what scared you, in fact you thought that was pretty cool. But it was the way she got so angry about the wizard not letting them go and also the way she asked and practically begged you for your help.

You continued to quietly move down the tunnel until you could start to hear the soft crying again that became more and more clearer the further you moved.

"Is that...crying?" Yaz whispered quietly.

"Isla's weeping over her Archie remember" Anicus replied just as quietly.

You heard the doctor quietly hush everyone. You continued to move down until you could see the old and withering figure of Isla in the corner. You all continued to move towards her very very quietly until you were only a few meters away.

You could properly see how the gaping hole in her back which was stabbed into her and shattered her ribs revealed her heart still beating in her chest. This was the first time that the others had seen it and you knew that they were taken aback, the drumming of her constant and everlasting heart loud in your ears as the noise echoed off the walls. The doctor walked up next to you, more protective than before now she'd actually seen the scene.

"Isla" you called out for her softly.

You saw the doctor give you a glare out of the corner of your eye as to ask you 'why would you do that'. She was usually the person to be doing the talking.

Isla's head raised at the mention of her name.

"I came back. And I've brought my friends. We can help" you told her.

She turned around, her silver strands were frizzed around her sunken and wrinkled face. You wondered how long she'd actually been down here with this curse over her and Archie. As she turned, you could all see her holding her Archie in her hands, crying over the rat.

As she turned she looked at you, studying your face. You smiled at her, trying to show her some form of sympathy and friendship. Her face softened a little as she realised who you were.

She looked over to your friends, studying them all but you saw her eyes fix on someone behind you and she instantly started to clamber away in fear. She put her back against the cold wall, her visible heart beating faster.

"No! W...why is he here?!" She asked in utter fear.

You were utterly confused as to her reaction. The doctor however stepped forward with her hands held in front of her.

"It's okay. We're here to help. There's no need to be afraid Isla" the doctor said calmly.

You looked around, trying to find who she had her eyes fixed on. You looked and saw she was staring directly at Anicus. You had no idea why though, why Isla had such a frightened reaction towards him. Surely he'd never seen her before.

"My name is the doctor. This is (y/n) who you met before. That's Ryan, Yaz and Graham. And this is Anicus, our new friend" the doctor smiled.

You turned around, to see her still staring at Anicus. However she was shaking her head, holding Archie away.

"That is not Anicus. That is the wizard who cursed us both"

13th Doctor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now