Getting to work

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"So, we know that she's trying to collect an army to train to take over the planet with. She's chosen these people because they have shown to be able to fight. But we're not going to let that happen. We need to get these people out" the doctor said, walking over to the glass.

"Smash it!" You smiled, running to grab a bat and trying to hit it against the window.

You hit it a few times and huffed when it wasn't even leaving a scratch. You threw the bat on the floor, crossing your arms in frustration.

"I didn't think I was that weak" you mumbled.

"It's not you. The windows made of a material around five times stronger than diamond" JJ explained.

You nodded, looking at the window in front of you. You started to wonder how you would be able to escape yourselves from the cell let alone save the others.

" do we get out?" You asked, looking at the doctor for answers.

She was already doing something about it but the looks of things as she scanned the window.

"If I could get the right frequency I could disturb the electrons in the windows enough and shatter them. Might take some time though. And even with that, I'm not sure how to amplify the frequency enough to get to all the other windows and shatter those too" the doctor explained as she fiddled with her sonic.

"I may be able to help with that. Throughout my many hundreds of years of travelling I've gathered and acquired a few useful gadgets and gizmos. I'll be able to transmit the signal at least ten times larger and more powerful with some of the things in my backpack" JJ said, looking through his backpack.

You breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that you did indeed have a plan. The doctor always did. And JJ was a lot like his mother. Able to come up with solutions to everything. Time lords were amazing.

"In the mean time, we need to act normal. You guys need to keep hitting the dummy or...pretend to fight each other. JJ, we need to be kept unseen while we work so wear this" the doctor ordered.

She took out two necklaces with keys on the end. They both put them on and you straight away found yourself unable to focus on either of them.

"Perception filter. You can't really focus on us anymore. Like something in the corner of your eye. We should be able to work like this unnoticed now" the doctor explained.

You tried to focus on the two as they worked but the doctor was right, you couldn't, it was like something in the corner of your eye. They were still there but you couldn't really register what they were doing. The perception filters worked well. You turned around to find the others a little taken aback by it too. But they all turned around eventually, looking at the different weapons and the dummy.

" I like...have to hit someone? Because I really don't want to" you said, looking at the others for some sort of comfort.

Graham sighed, looking at you.

"Hey. It's okay. You don't have to hit someone. Just, take a swing at the dummy" he smiled, staring at the puffed up dummy.

You sighed, swallowing as you looked at the dummy and the different weapons. Any type of violence, whether it be a person or not, you didn't want to be the cause of.

"Erm...can I go last..." you stuttered, looking down.

"Sure" Yaz smiled at you.

You looked up, nodding a thank you. She walked up to the dummy, cracking her fingers.

"Well if there's one thing the police force taught me it was how to defend myself" she said.

She stretched her arms before punching the dummy a few times. She took some good swings because the dummy seemed to be losing its feathers and was being pushed back with every hit. You sighed, sitting down on the floor, crossing your legs as you watched Yaz. After Yaz took a good few hits with her legs and arms, showing off her police training it was Graham's turn.

"I'm way too old for this" you heard him mutter.

He sighed, taking a weak hit at it. The dummy barely moved and you couldn't help but smirk, knowing that you'd be the same. You tried to look over to the doctor and JJ, hoping that they'd made some progress. You still couldn't really focus so you huffed, turning back around. But just as you turned around you heard the doctor call for you all.

"Okay guys. I think we're ready here" she said, taking off her necklace perception filter.

JJ did the same and you were relieved when you could finally see them properly. You got up from your sitting position to stand face to face with them properly. The doctor was fiddling with her sonic as JJ looked at you all.

"We should stand back. Don't want sharp shards cutting you" he said, moving back.

You all nodded, doing the same. You were all back up against the wall.

"Now the shards should be really small so in theory it shouldn't hurt anyone else in the cells either" the doctor said.

You closed your eyes as you awaited the impact. You heard the familiar buzz of the sonic followed by the cracking and shattering of the windows. You slowly opened your eyes and saw the glass was all shattered to fine pieces on the floor. The doctor scurried to the escape exit and you all followed suit.

You rushed to check if everyone was okay in their cells. They all seemed fine, maybe just a little dazed and confused as to what just happened. You saw them step out of their cells and into the corridors.

"Listen up everyone, I'm the doctor! And these are my friends. We're here to get you all out of here"

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