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You shot up from your bed covered in sweat and panting for air. You looked around you and you instantly calmed down, knowing you were safe in the TARDIS. Nightmares were something you often still had even at your age. You sighed, getting out of bed, trying to get the image out of your mind. You thought you sounded childish still having nightmares and being afraid of them but you couldn't help but be a little shaken by the dream.

You walked towards the door, wrapping your nightie around you a little tighter as you slipped in some slippers. You opened the door and walked over to the kitchen, knowing that you needed a drink to just distract yourself.

Once you reached the kitchen to your surprise you saw Yaz already sitting there. She was surrounded by a ton of chocolates that she was eating and she looked like she was really upset.

"Guess I'm not the only one who's awake" you said, walking into the kitchen.

Yaz simply hummed, taking another bite of chocolate. You walked to the cupboards and pulled out a bottle of wine. You got a glass and poured yourself a very full glass. Picking it up you took a huge gulp, leaning against the counter, breathing heavily. You hated nightmares and as much as you hated to admit it, alcohol was one of the only things that helped distract you.

"You know, drinking is bad for you" Yaz said, stuffing a load of chocolates in her mouth.

"So is eating a load of chocolates" you replied, taking another sip of the drink "I'm assuming that's your comfort food"

She continued to eat chocolate and you could see the tears that had fallen down her cheek.

"Why are you still up?" She asked.

"Nightmares" you simply responded with, sighing and taking another swing at the drink "you having them too?"

"Can't sleep" she simply said.

"Why?" You asked.

"I hate my family" she seethed, taking another angry bite out of the chocolate bar.

"Yaz. I'm serious when I say this. Don't ever take your family for granted. Because one day they'll all be gone's the hardest thing in the world" your voice quivered as you took a big gulp of the drink, trying to get your voice away from the thoughts.

"They're so annoying" she mumbled.

"I'd give anything to have my family around. My mum and my sister. I miss them so much. I'd give anything for my mum to shout at me or my little sister to have a go at me. I just...wish they were here. God my sister would be twenty now.... ten years without them is too long..." you took the glass and chugged the whole drink, trying to stop the images.

You got the bottle and poured yourself another glass, knowing you'd need it after realising your sister would have grown up. You turned and looked at Yaz eating more chocolate.

"What keeps you up then?" You asked.

She sighed through her nose, swallowing the chocolate bite.

"I think I've upset the doctor" she sighed, flopping her head into her arms. "I think she hates me"

You walked over to her, sitting on the chair next to her. She seemed to be sobbing and you could see her persona shaking slightly.

"Yaz don't cry" you said "it's okay, I'm sure the doctor's fine" you tried, hoping that the doctor wasn't mad at Yaz.

The doctor did seem upset but you're sure if they talked it would be fine. She lifted her head and faced you, whipping her tears a little with her sleeve. You looked at her with saddened eyes.

"Why on earth do you think she hates you?! Yaz she loves you" you told her.

"I think when I told my family we were just friends it upset the doctor." She said sadly.

You looked down and fiddled with your fingers, biting your lip as you prepared to ask her something.

"Why did you tell your mum you were just friends?" You asked, instantly looking over to your glass of wine, not making eye contact.

She sighed "How do you think a strictly Islamic family would react if they found out I was dating a girl" she said.

You looked over to her, raising your eyebrows a little. So that was what she was afraid of.

"Yaz your family loves you. I'm sure they'll be happy if you told them" you smiled, trying to comfort her. "They seem to already be onto it and they don't seem angry with you"

She shook her hand, another tear slipping down her cheek.

"(Y/n) you don't understand. They'll probably disown me or worse, never let me see the doctor again" she said.

"So that's why you said we were friends" you heard a voice call from the doorway.

You didn't even need to look over to know it was the doctor. She always seemed to snoop around and listen in on conversations. Yaz instantly looked around and saw the doctor walk over to her with a sad look on her face.

"Yaz I would never let that happen" the doctor said, sitting down next to Yaz.

" family's not really one for gay couples" Yaz sighed, tears falling down her face.

The doctor moved her hands up to her cheeks, cupping them and whipping the tears away with her thumbs.

"Yaz I love you. And nothing and no one is going to change that" the doctor told her. "Where there's tears there's hope"

"I love you too doctor" Yaz whispered. "But I can't face telling my family"

"Yaz I don't mind if you don't tell them, I understand. And you don't have to face them if you don't want to. You can stay here on the TARDIS for as long as you want" the doctor smiled, kissing her cheek.

Yaz held the doctor's hands, leaning into her touch.

"Thank you" Yaz whispered.

They smiled at each other. The doctor leant in and gave Yaz a meaningful kiss on the lips, letting her know she wasn't going anywhere. They both kept their lips together, savouring the moment and letting each other know of their love. No one in the universe could take this away from them.

You smiled and quietly walked out of the room, leaving the two alone. They had something special and you were glad they'd sorted this out.

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