Mood swings

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You instantly snapped your head back to Anicus...or the wizard. He smiled evilly directly at Isla, reminding you of how so many people looked at you before doing things to you which you'd rather never like to think about. You knew Isla's fear more than anything and your hate for Anicus instantly grew.

You stepped in between Anicus and Isla, as to make sure he couldn't see Isla anymore and Isla wouldn't have to see Anicus. You frowned at him, clenching your teeth in anger of what he did. How could someone be so cruel to two people and yet make them live through their pain of being separated forever.

"Isla I'm so sorry. I didn't know who he was" you said, glaring at Anicus.

You saw Yaz and Ryan staring at him too, almost as if they were ready to intervene if he made a move. Graham took a few cautious steps away from him.

"How could you do something like that!" You seethed at Anicus.

He stared directly into your eyes. He had a cold look on his face and you cursed yourself for not ha big seen this side of him before.

"You have no idea how long I've been trying to find this cave again. That perception filter worked well. A little too well that even I couldn't find the tunnel anymore. I've been going round to so many people telling the story and hoping to find someone who would five curious enough to find it for me. Most people of course just thought of it as a story or weren't even going to try to find them. But then I found you. You're curiosity gets the better of you too many times I can see that now. And you went to go find the tunnels themselves" he smirked evilly at you.

You gulped a little, trying not to break under his gaze.

"So you did wander off! To find the tunnels as well!" The doctor shouted at you.

"I would have let you fall off the edge of that mountainside. But, I knew that your friend here was the only one smart enough to actually be able to get rid of the perception filter" he said in a low voice. "So, you should be greatful you aren't dead on the floor right now"

You saw the doctor looking at you out of the corner of your eye. Damn now two people were giving you glares.

"You could have died!" The doctor shouted at you like an angry mother.

You flinched a little at the volume which seemed ten times louder as her voice echoed in the cave. But you tried to ignore her and keep your eyes on Anicus.

"Doctor I'm not kidding when I say this isn't the right time" you muttered.

"You're wandering off has consequences!" She snapped angrily.

You weren't sure whether she was referring to you nearly falling off the mountain or her not letting you travel with her anymore. The thought of you being forced to stay back home churned your stomach.

You knew she was shooting you a cold look which you tried not to look at. However by looking at the cold look you were getting from Anicus you kinda felt targeted and trapped right now. But you'd much rather face Anicus' looks than the doctor's though. You did not want to face her grilling today.

"Okay. Putting all the beef aside, can we just raise the point that there's no such thing as wizards and magic" Ryan broke the silence.

The doctor finally stopped staring at you, looking back at Anicus who's smile had grown maniacally. You were super weirded out by this and were sure you were pulling a face right now.

"Maybe it's not magic. But brilliant technology" the doctor hypothesised. "He's not a wizard"

You started to laugh really hard, sniggering and gasping for air. Everyone snapped their heads towards your wheezing figure as you tried to control yourself. You took some deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. Dear god your mood swings were at a high today.

"Is it just me that thought...the wizard would be an old dude with a full on beard and some wizard cloak Gandalf.." you laughed really hard.

Ryan and Yaz both burst out laughing with you at that stupid thought then looking back at Anicus who didn't even look remotely like Gandalf. Graham just sighed, shaking his head, but you could see that smirk creeping up his face. The doctor and Anicus both gave you a confused look, not knowing what you were all laughing about.

"This really isn't the time! Maybe you should take some of your own advice (y/n)!" She told you all.

You instantly shut up, that comment really hitting your heart. Clearly there was going to be some talking going on later between you both. Although you could just run away from her and hide in the TARDIS so you don't ever have to have that talk. Yaz and Ryan wheezed a little as they took their deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your head for you to come up with that" Yaz commented, trying to compose herself.

You sniggered a little at the comment, nodding in agreement. You were such a child sometimes.

You suddenly felt another cramp wave over you, and it genuinely felt like someone was stabbing you in your abdomen. You shouted in pain, crouching down as your legs gave way from the pain. You clutched onto your stomach, shaking a little in pain. You definitely were gifted with the worst cramps imaginable.

The doctor instantly crouched down, placing a hand on your back.

"(Y/n) I can give you something-" she didn't quite get to finish her sentence as you pulled away from her hand and backed away from her.

"No! I don't want any of your weird alien crap in my body go away! Can everyone just stop trying to grab onto me or touch me it's really uncomfortable. At least give me some warning! And I'm not going to take anything for something so minor in my life like cramps. I've gone through worse so just keep yourself and your weird ass drugs away from me!" You shouted at the doctor, your mood swings getting the better of you.

She was raising her hands, trying to calm you down. You weren't having the best of days.

"Do you know what, why the hell are you even here Gandalf?" You asked Anicus, standing up.

You heard Yaz and Ryan snigger quietly at your address for him, but quickly tried to control themselves.

"Really though, you're the one who placed the perception filter yourself and you were the one who placed these curses on Isla and Archie. You got what you wanted so why the hell are you wanting to come and see them again?" You asked him in a raised and bitchy tone.

He smirked, glancing behind you at the terrified Isla.

"I just wanted to say hello"

13th Doctor x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora