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A/n: thanks so much to 221B_babe_Xx for requesting these next few chapters and also for just being an awesome and supporting person❤️

You sighed, leaving your phone in your room. You got up, knowing that fifteen minutes had been well over now. You left your photos, stepping out of your room and making your way to the control room. You didn't really want to go anywhere. You'd rather just stay in your room. You would do it. And the doctor knew it. You'd done it before. And you really just wanted to lock yourself away again. But the doctor wasn't going to have none of it and if the only way to get her off your back was to do as she says then that was fine by you.

You walked down the corridor, snuggling into the warmth of your hoodie. You made your way to the control room and could hear the doctor arguing with the others about something. You decided to ease drop just a little, knowing it was probably about you anyways.

"Doctor..I don't think that's the best idea" you heard Ryan say.

"That's my decision to make" the doctor said defiantly.

"No doctor it's her decision" you heard Yaz say.

Okay, so they were definitely talking about you then, seeing as you were the only other female on board.

"And do you really think that she's in the right state of mind to be making these decisions? She's suicidal and I really think that she could do it. This is the only way to help her. And I'm making that decision." The doctor said sternly.

You heard a silence, and you took that moment to just think about what she was saying. You were wondering what the doctor had in mind to help. Anything would be welcomed at this point. You needed some help to get through this. And the doctor always seemed to know what to do. But it also made you question why the others were so against her decision.

"Doctor" you heard Graham say quietly.

You got back to listening in. If Graham was against something that was bad. His grandad instincts were always very caring. Also a little too cautious sometimes though.

" stays with you. And...I know that. Travelling and seeing and doing all these wonderful things really helps. It helps me immensely with Grace. I'm sure they're helping her too. So I don't think this will help her. Look, with need time" Graham said solemnly.

You never got to meet Grace. You'd heard how much of an amazing person she was though. You didn't even stop to think how much Graham and Ryan must be hurting.

"That's why I'm giving her time." You heard the doctor say.

You sighed under your breath. What the hell was she thinking of doing that was getting everyone else so defensive? You were already praying for death to finally take you away what could be worse than that?

"Doctor? Didn't you say you gave her fifteen minutes? It's been nearly twenty five" Yaz said nervously.

"What?! Oh..god she better not have done something stupid!" The doctor urgently said, moving away from the controls and your way.

You picked this moment to come out and just pretend like you didn't hear anything. You walked in, almost bumping into the doctor. You rolled your eyes, walking around her.

"Come on then. What did you need to show me?" You asked, walking up to a golden shard and leaning against it,

The doctor turned around, giving everyone else a look. You didn't know what it meant but it was probably something along the lines of 'don't say anything'.

"Well, it's just somewhere that'll give you some time off. Just for a few days" the doctor nodded at her words, hoping they were the right choice.

You narrowed your eyes at her, crossing your arms. She was trying to avoid eye contact and that was always a bad sign. You had no idea where the heck she was planning on going but even you were starting to question her now.

"Where?" You asked suspiciously, keeping your eyes glued on her figure.

The doctor walked around the console, not replying. You were really suspicious and slightly scared now as to where she was taking you. Perhaps it would have been best to not have tried to do anything in front of her. Now she was getting all mysterious and supposedly trying to help you. You didn't want to be helped. Especially if everyone else was against this idea of hers.

"Doctor, where are we going?" You asked a little more firmly.

She still didn't reply, making you roll your eyes and look to the other members of the TARDIS for answers. None of them were trying to make any eye contact with you, in fact they were trying to avoid you. You threw your arms up in frustration, folding your arms again.

"Are y'all gonna talk or not? Cuz this is just stupid now. If you're so reluctant to tell me then it's obviously a bad idea" you said, looking back to the doctor.

She wasn't exactly looking your way even now. You sighed, really just wanting to know where she wanted to take you now.

"'d be best to just show you" the doctor said "you know, actually take you there"

You shrugged your shoulders, not really knowing what to say considering you had no context about the place. Maybe it was some nice sandy beaches or a nice view from up top on a hill. There's not a lot to do there so maybe that was what everyone was trying to say. That it's better to go places which had you doing stuff instead of just sitting around and letting your thoughts get the better of you. But honestly some peace and quiet would be nice right now.

"Right then, hold on" the doctor said, flickering a few switches and nobs.

You quickly grabbed ahold of the golden pillar and waited for the doctor to take off.

She pulled the last big leaver and had the TARDIS jolt into flight. You held on tight as you shook around. It seemed as though the TARDIS was shaking even more than usual and the doctor was working even harder to drive her. It was almost as though the TARDIS herself was also reluctant to go to that place. You felt your arms aching already from holding yourself and fighting against the shaking and hurling of the TARDIS.

Thankfully it came to a halt before you felt like you needed to let go. You stepped away from the gold shard, shaking your arms. You shrugged your shoulders, heading for the door with the others still decomposing themselves. Wherever she was taking you you needed to know now. So you really quickly opened the door and strided out before you even got a look at the place you were at.

But when you stepped out and saw where you were your heart filled with absolute dread. You were...home. The one place where you couldn't be! You just couldn't! This was the least safe place for you to be.

You heard the TARDIS dematerialise behind you and your face turned pale. You quickly turned around, watching the disappearing box.

"Doctor! Please don't leave me here! I'll do anything! Doctor!" You shouted out in fear.

But it was too late. She was already gone.

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