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You walked down the corridors, sighing heavily. You could use a good bathing right now actually, just to calm yourself down and relax, so that was a good idea from Missy. Plus she was really good at flying the TARDIS. Although you did enjoy the bumpy rides. And that noise was beautiful.

You were not angry as such anymore, just frustrated and annoyed. You just wanted a few minutes away from the doctor.

As you were walking down the corridors, you saw a door which you were sure was the doctor's room. You didn't know why but you went to open her door. You turned the handle, seeing that it wasn't locked and you opened it. You stepped inside, seeing her room for the first time.

The place was decorated a lot more like the control room was. Much more yellow and bright, like her bubbly personality in many ways. Exept for times like now when she was just angry. There were several small golden crystals around the bottom of her king sized bed and her drawers and wardrobe.

You walked around, looking around and seeing what you were sure were some of Yaz's clothes thrown about in her room. You weren't surprised, the two were dating after all. You walked around some more, curiously opening some of her drawers, seeing loads of weird gadgets and gizmos and some things which looked just plain strange. You didn't touch a single one of them. And you weren't going to touch anything that wasn't yours, until you saw something that was.

You focused on the object, making sure you weren't imagining it. You found it. It was the pocket knife that she took from you. You reached forward and grabbed it, observing it. It didn't look like it was touched or anything, the blood still disgustingly staining the metal and dried on the edges. You swallowed hard, the memories of the pocket knife coming back.

It wasn't a pretty sight but you took your knife anyways, placing it in your already full pockets of alcohol and closed the draw, making sure it looked like nothing had been touched as you walked out of her room, closing the door behind you.

You quickly walked down to your room, not getting distracted by any more doors. You walked into your room, stumbling a little and locking the door behind you and quickly took off your jacket.

You took out the several bottles of alcohol and hid them in your wardrobe, right at the back behind all the clothes. You came back and took out the pocket knife, trying to think of somewhere safe to put that. You walked over to your bed, pulling up the mattress and putting it on the bed frame. You put the mattress back down, rendering the knife completely hidden and out of sight. You weren't intending on using it any time soon but you never knew when you really would need it, just as a backup plan. Something that would be able to get rid of your thoughts and the voices.

You walked over to your draws, bringing out a one piece swimsuit. You'd gone off bikinis because of your scars. Plus you did still have those bruises Jason gave you from the beating at home. The doctor did not need to see those. Nor did anyone else. The scars on your arms and legs though, you could deal with people staring at, even if it was uncomfortable. So you just changed really quickly.

You looked around your room and saw your phone. You considered taking your phone with you but seeing as you'd be in water you thought it would be best to just leave it. You thought about giving your siblings a call. For them it probably hadn't been that long since you talked to them but for you, you hadn't spoken to them since being beaten up by Jason at home. Not even they knew about him.

You decided on doing it when you got back. Also, you remembered you still had some of that healing cream which works really well on healing bruises and you were about to put some on when you remembered the water would just wash it off again. So you planned on putting some on just before bed. You grabbed a towel and wrapping it around yourself as you walked out. At least for now the towel would cover a few more scars.

You walked back to the console room, wondering if anyone else was ready yet. When you got there you saw that everyone was already there in their swim suits and towels. As always you were last. You were never really good with time management.

You stepped up, trying not to look the doctor's way. If she knew you went in her room and took your knife back she'd have your head. She was worried enough as it was. And her being worried all the time was what annoyed you. You were old enough to make your own decisions. It just felt like sometimes she still saw you as that sixteen year old that first flew away with her. But you'd grown up, and in case she'd forgotten, she'd left you for nine years!

You walked over, standing next to a golden pillar, waiting for everyone to get out. However the refusal of both you and the doctor looking in each other's direction had the air thick with tension.

"Right then. Let's go shall we" Missy broke the silence, walking towards the doors.

You quickly followed behind her, not wanting to be in that tense environment. Missy opened the doors and you could already feel the warmth from the steam coming in. You walked out after her and squinted your eyes as they adjusted to the new lighting.

You stepped out a little more, and the view brought a smile to your face. There were huge creators scattered around the planet, each of which were filled with water which was steaming from the warmth. You couldn't wait to get in and just chill out and let the water do it's job with easing your tense muscles.

"Whoa! Can we go in?!" Ryan exclaimed in excitement.

"That's what we're here for. Come on then" Missy smiled, walking towards one of the creators with all of you following suit.

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