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You opened your eyes after what certainly was much much longer than you thought it had been. The sun was going down now, mid sky, not right above your head like before. It wasn't dark but it certainly would be in a few hours. You smiled, feeling a lot more cheerier and stood up.

You walked back to the grand hall you were in before, hoping that the others were still there. You quickened your pace, mostly to see everyone again and apologise for being a bitch.

You walked into the hall underneath the two huge trees that bonded together so well.

"(Y/n)!" The doctor called as soon as she caught a glimpse of you.

You giggled, waving to her and smiling. You walked over to her, more cheery than before. You looked around to externally relieved and also concerned faces.

"What? Y'all don't look so good" you said, sitting back down on the chair as the others stood tensely.

"Where were you!" The doctor asked with a panic in her voice.

You shrugged, smiling.

"Oh I just went for a walk like I said" you replied.

"What for three and a half hours!?" Yaz asked with just as much concern and panic.

"Ah, you see, I kinda started to zone out. I sat on a nice patch of grass and just meditated. It was nice." You nodded to yourself, folding your arms as you got comfortable in the chair.

The doctor started pacing around, trying to simmer down her anger.

"If it wasn't for the others I would have gone out to find you and you wouldn't have had anyone back here for you. You were gone for ages! Anything could have happened! Just imagine what I was thinking (y/n)!" The doctor rambled, lecturing you.

You rolled your eyes, shaking your head a little as a smile played on your lips.

"Doc I'm fine. Like really actually fine. I feel a lot better now. Oh that reminds me Erm...sorry for being in such a mood with you all earlier. It was just one of those days" you said, looking down at your hands in embarrassment for a moment, feeling guilty for everything you said and did.

"No more walks for you!" The doctor said sternly.

Your eyes snapped upwards to her tense figure. She couldn't be serious could she?

"What! Why!" You asked. "I-" but you were cut off when several people surrounded you, pushing past the doctor and the others.

These people all looked very familiar and it took a while for it to click. But you got there and realised that they were that princess' bodyguards, surrounding you. They looked incredibly tense and angered, like a new found wrath had been found within them and they were going to get it out on you.

"You!" He shouted, pointing an accusing finger at you" You're coming with us!" One of them said, grabbing you roughly by the arm.

"Ow!" You cried as he grabbed your arm.

He was being unnecessarily harsh on you for some reason. He dragged you along with the other bodyguards and confusion hit you. What did they want with you? If it was about earlier you were sure to apologise to her. But this seemed a little extreme.

"Hey! Where are you taking my friend" The doctor asked as she tried to stop them from dragging you further away.

The all simply stared at the doctor for a moment then averted their gaze to an angry one towards you. You stared back in confusion and fear, swallowing down the lump in your throat as you saw the eyes of pure anger and hate on you.

"You're friend here is a murderer!" One of them announced.

"What?!" You all shouted in absolute shock.

You dug your heels into the ground beneath you, trying to fight the men now. You had no idea what they were talking about but you didn't want to go with them. And you certainly had no idea what put them under the impression that you were a murderer.

"I didn't do anything why the heck would I kill someone. Let me go! Doctor!" You cried as they dragged you further away.

The doctor ran up to you, taking your other arm.

"You must be mistaken sir" she started, looking at your worried face as she gripped your arm.

"No! The princess celatrice has been murdered and has been found dead in a hole" the man started. "She was the one who said in front of us all that she'd like to see her dead in a hole!" He shouted, making you flinch.

Your eyes few wide as you realised they were talking about the woman who spilt the drink all over your food. You also recalled being the stupid arrogant bitch telling her to go die in a hole and now she ends up dead in a hole. No wonder they were taking you, all fingers point to you.

"You're wrong! I didn't mean what I said I swear! I would never kill someone" you protested, trying to pull away from the man. "Doctor tell them!"

She stood frozen, staring at you in disbelief.

"You don't think I really did this do you?" You asked her, almost pleading her to believe you.

Her grip on your arm loosened as the man pulled you away. You stared at her in disbelief and shock as she watched you with a horrified look on her face while you were dragged away by these people. You looked over to the others to see the same disbelief on their faces.

They really thought you killed her. All of them. The people who were supposed to be your friends and whom you were supposed to love and trust to always be by you no matter what really thought you were a murderer. They didn't believe you.

Your heart sank at the thought as you stopped fighting the men dragging you. You lost all sense of what was happening around you, you were only focused on the faces of your friends who thought you'd committed a horrific murder. Your eyes flooded with tears as you shook your head in disbelief.

They really thought you did it.

13th Doctor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now