Grand hall

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You stood up to walk towards the door, stepping out after the others. Your eyes widened at the scene before you. It was an outdoor hall but with everything an indoor hall would have. Tables were neatly sat dotted around under a beautiful tree shelter. Two humungous trees came together and intertwined above your heads. It was absolutely gorgeous.

"Whoa!" Ryan breathed, staring around.

"Couldn't have said it better myself" Graham gaped, staring up at the trees.

"Right then, let's grab a table" the doctor smiled, walking over and sitting down on one of the round tables.

Graham and Ryan day down, Graham next to her as they still sat gawking at their surroundings. You smirked, knowing how to push the doctor and Yaz together. You sat next to Ryan, leaving the only empty seat for Yaz next to the doctor. You pretended to look around your surroundings, which to be honest you were taken aback by. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

Yaz stood frozen for a few moments, realising where she'd have to sit. She walked over, trying not to show her nervousness. As soon as she sat down you couldn't help but smile at how close you'd managed to get them to sit, on a formal occasion too! The two tried not to keep their eyes on each other but you caught them giving each other glances when they thought the other wasn't looking. It was strange, once you'd noticed that they liked each other, it became more and more obvious to you, like you could see little actions they did a lot easier, as if it was always present in the corner of your eye.

"Doctor this is beautiful..." Yaz breathed, still staring around the grand hall.

The doctor stared at her smiling.

"Ready to take your orders sirs, mam's?" A woman came round asking.

She looked for the most part human only her hair was bright purple. It didn't look dyed or anything either and you wondered if it was the way these aliens looked.

"Oh, Erm...we didn't really look at the menu.." Ryan stuttered, looking around for the menu.

"Oh it's fine Ryan who needs menus. Just get us whatever's nicest. I really want some nice food right now. Erm...please..." you smiled up at her.

You all nodded to the waitress who sighed, shrugging and going away to bring the items of her choice to you. You slouched in your chair, bringing out your phone. Everyone on the table stared at you and you knew they wanted to tell you to behave or something. But the doctor didn't really want to upset your feelings so while you weren't looking mouthed to Graham to be the grandad and tell me off.

"(Y/n) sit up please" Graham said in his nicest yet authorising voice.

You rolled you eyes while sitting up, your eyes till glued to the screen. You scrolled through your Instagram and then snapchat. You looked at a few vines and whatnot but stopped when a plate of hot, steaming food was presented in front of you.

"Oh, thank you" you said, picking up your cutlery and digging into the food.

The others weren't as eager to eat as you were but soon were digging away as well. You had no idea what it was you were eating but quite frankly couldn't care less. It was warm and tasted amazing, warming you up inside. You knew you always ate a lot in the mornings and this was definitely proving that.

You were torn away from your happy state when a woman spilt some of her drink all over your food, ruining your meal.

"Oh god! I'm so clumsy" the woman scorned sarcastically in a really bitchy tone.

You looked up to her, giving her the actual death stare.

"What the hell did you do that for" you said, raising your voice through gritted teeth.

She simply laughed, her bodyguards and another person, a man, surrounded her protectively. She dressed much posher and glimmered up than everyone else you saw.

"You know if you're going to apologise you should just go fuck off and die in a hole somewhere" you scorned, crossing your arms in a huff.

"(Y/N)!" The Doctor screeched, staring at you then apologetically at the woman.

"Who dares speak to me like that!" She laughed, flicking her hair. "Princess and to be queen one day I am!"

"Me that's who princess. Hi! You know, the person who really just wants you dead in a hole somewhere right now. Actually just wants the whole world dead in a whole right now. Actually it'd be easier if I just died. God I really want this all to just stop. I should go do that actually..." you trailed off, getting deep into your suicidal thoughts.

The woman and her associates gave you a horrified look. The team TARDIS seemed to be in absolute shock whereas the doctor was wearing a face of shock and worry. The princess huffed walking away from your table. You sighed, staring at your ruined food then slouching back in your chair, getting out your phone and plugging in your music.

You looked up to see all the shocked faces around you but you didn't really want to deal with them right now. One thing was for sure, anyone who ruins your food was always going to agitate you and make you mad. You loved food! you closed your eyes, listening to the tunes for a good few minutes. Finally, You sighed, pulling out your earphones.

"What was that about! A death threat!" The doctor almost shouted at you.

"She deserves it. I was enjoying that meal. Bitch was a little full of herself" you huffed.

"She's actually the princess of this planet! You've been acting strange today are you okay?" The doctor asked a little more softly.

You sighed, standing up.

"I'm going for a walk, clear my head a bit" you mumbled, turning to walk away.

"I'll keep you company" the doctor said, standing up.

You turned straight back around, glaring at her.

"No! Seriously pleeeaaasee everyone just leave me alone for a few minutes I'm in one of those moods" you groaned, walking away.

Luckily the doctor didn't follow you, taking your words to heart.  You just needed to step away from everything for a moment.

Things like this happened rarely but when they did you knew it wasn't going to be plain sailing for the day. The world just seemed way too much to cope with sometimes and it was difficult to handle. Everything just seemed to be happening around you without just stopping. You just wanted it all to stop. You wanted peace. And being alone on a world full of nature and it's beauty was exactly what you needed.

You breathed in the cool air, listening to the rustle of the trees around you. You tried to feel at peace here. It helped to be honest. You found a nice open patch of the blue grass beneath a tree. You smiled, sitting down into your cross legged position and placed your hands in a prayer position, resting your chin on top of the tips of your fingers. Some people who were watching you seemed a little weirded out that a random person just came and sat down but you couldn't give less of a damn about what they thought right now. You went to your happy place in your mind and became at one with the nature, stopping the chaos around you, stopping the world and just being at peace.

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