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You were all back in the TARDIS, full on...clouds? That was a strange thing you never thought you'd say. There was still an underlying feeling of sadness between you all and you all knew it.

The doctor sighed, walking over to the controls. She flicked a few switches, turning off the screens that showed the planet outside. You sighed quietly, standing awkwardly. You could see that the others were all still looking very uncomfortable and something was bothering them. You decided not to say anything, assuming it was something to do with before. But Yaz walked up to the doctor, not looking at her directly.

"Doctor" she called.

The doctor turned her head towards her, smiling. Yaz didn't look at her, tapping her fingers lightly on the metal of the controls.

"Can I..go home for a bit?" She asked.

The doctor's face dropped a little. She hated sending anyone home for any amount of time. She hated being alone or not having a part of her fam around.

"Of course. Do you all want to go?" She asked.

"Yeah" Ryan said quietly.

"Just for a bit" Graham said.

The doctor nodded her head, flicking a few switches.

"I just...wanna go see everyone. This has made me realise how much I need to appreciate having my family. There's no way I could leave things on a bad note" Yaz explained.

The doctor nodded in response, refusing to meet Yaz's eyes. She fiddled a little before turning your direction, not looking directly at you either.

"Do you want to go home as well?" She asked sadly.

"NO!" You screamed instantly.

Your response startled everyone, everyone's eyes focusing on you. You smiled a little, laughing nervously. You didn't want to go home. You wanted to stay on the TARDIS.

"I mean...nope. I..erm..wanna stick around here for a while" you said in a calmer tone.

The doctor gave you a suspicious look to which you just raised your eyebrows and nodded innocently. She knew something was up. But thankfully didn't press it any further.

"Let's get you guys home then" the doctor said quietly, turning away from you all, towards the controls.

She quickly started to pull different leavers and switches before without warning she made the TARDIS take off. You quickly grabbed onto the nearest object, stopping yourself from falling. The TARDIS shook as the doctor seemed to be trying to get her to fly faster and get them home quicker. It was obvious she didn't want to dwell on them leaving and just wanted to get it over and done with so she could go and pick them up again.

The TARDIS eventually came to a halt. The doctor looked sadly at them all.

"See ya doc, (Y/n)" Graham said.

"Till the next time" Ryan smiled a little.

Yaz didn't leave and the other two got the message. They walked out of the TARDIS, leaving Yaz with the doctor and you. You stood a little to the side, trying to give the two a little privacy.

Yaz walked up to the doctor who was looking down in sadness. She hated to have to say goodbye, for any period of time. But this was the first time she was saying goodbye to Yaz after finally going out with her.

"Doctor" Yaz said softly.

The doctor looked up, smiling sadly. Yaz sighed, moving a step closer to her so they were right next to each other.

"It's only for a couple of days. And you can just hop forward in your time machine. It's okay doctor, I won't be long" Yaz smiled.

The doctor instantly hugged Yaz, holding her tightly. Yaz hugged her back, wrapping her arms around the doctor's neck.

"I'm going to miss you" The doctor whispered, resting her chin lightly on Yaz's shoulder.

"I'll miss you too. But I need to see my family. And then we'll be together again. Just... promise me you won't leave me behind" Yaz said.

You knew she was referring to how the doctor left you for nine years. And you sure as hell weren't going to let her do that to Yaz or anyone else.

"I'll come straight back for you. Two days" the doctor replied, squeezing her tightly "I'd never leave you behind...I don't even want to let you go" she whispered.

Yaz chuckled lightly, giving her one last squeeze before pulling back a little. The doctor planted a gentle kiss on Yaz's forehead before they parted, leaving them both feeling cold without the other. Yaz smiled placing a hand on the doctor's cheek.

"Goodbye doctor" Yaz said.

"Until two days time" the doctor smiled.

Yaz chuckled, nodding before walking away. Before she left she stopped and looked at you.

"Keep her company for me" she smiled.

"Sure thing" you replied.

Yaz nodded, walking towards the doors. She gave one last look back at the doctor, waving her goodbye. The doctor returned it, not wanting Yaz to go but at the same time wanting her to step out so she could materialise the TARDIS two days into the future.

Yaz gave one last smile before stepping out and closing the door behind her. You heard the doctor sigh loudly behind you. You turned around, watching her already messing with the TARDIS controls. You furrowed your eyebrows, stepping closer to her.

"What are you doing?" You asked her.

She looked at you, freezing her movements.

"(Y/n) are you sure you don't want to go home. Because I can take you and you don't have to keep me company I can just hop into the future straight away" the doctor said.

"No! Please I don't want to go home! Don't send me back" you quickly said.

The doctor looked at you, still a little taken aback by how determined you were not to go home.

"Okay...but if you ever want to go, just tell me okay." She said.

You breathed a quiet sigh of relief, nodding your head.

"Also, we need to talk about the consequences of you walking off on your own all the time"

13th Doctor x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें