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You woke up from your sleep. You weren't sure how long you slept for but you felt a lot calmer and happier than when you went to sleep. That reminded you, you had a bit of apologising to do. It wasn't fair to keep blaming her for leaving you. It was an accident. And it wasn't like she made your life crap for you. Plus the fact that it was you that asked her to leave in the first place.

You sighed, getting out from under the covers. You stretched, cracking a few body parts and heading for the bathroom. You decided on wearing a simple white top with some skinny jeans. You had a look in the wardrobe and found that there was a nice jeans jacket that complemented your outfit.

"You have really good taste you know that" you told the TARDIS.

She hummed in response, warning a smile from you. She'd probably had loads of people to pick outfits for over the years. The doctor told you once of how many companions she once had. You often wondered how she lost them all but you knew that was a sensitive subject for her. It was probably why she was so over the top with the whole 'don't wandering off' rule.

You sighed, knowing you'd have to stick close today. You knew the doctor said that she wanted to keep travelling with you, but what then were the consequences going to be?

You slung the jacket over your shoulders, sliding in your arms. You grabbed your phone and some earphones, stuffing them in your pocket. You walked over to the door and realised it was already open. Great. That meant the doctor probably came into your room while you were asleep to make sure you weren't locking yourself in. Or just to make sure you were okay. Or maybe it was to say sorry to your face. There really wasn't any need. She had nothing to be sorry about. That was all you.

You stood, staring at the door for a few minutes. This was the first time in over a week you were properly coming out of your room, in front of the others and everything. You didn't even know how long they had been on the TARDIS door. But it must have been a while for Yaz to have come to you that one time and tell you they were worried about you.

You reached for the handle of the already open door. But you didn't know what happened to you. You were really scared about what they would all say to you about locking yourself away for so long. You honestly didn't even want to talk about that.

You took out your phone and some earphones, plugging them in and putting on your playlist. You hadn't been in the music room for a while. Perhaps you should go there some time. You nodded, placing the earphones in either ear and stepped out.

You made your way to the kitchen for some breakfast. You weren't overly hungry but you still needed to eat something. You walked in and saw the cupboard still had a spoon through its door handles. You smiled at that. The doctor must have seen all that happen. How you full on threw the pots and pans in the cupboard and jumped up to hold the doors closed with a spoon! Although it was holding up.

You walked over, opening the fridge. You looked inside and saw nothing really to your taste. You saw a bottle of some port in the fridge though. You made a mental note to yourself that it was there. You searched through all those cupboards and shelves and made such a racket for no reason. There was a bottle in the fridge all along.

You smiled, closing it and walking around the kitchen counters. There was a bowl of fruit and you shrugged your shoulders, seeing nothing better to eat. You picked up a pear that lay neatly on top of several different fruits.

You turned around, biting into the pear and walking towards the console room. You didn't really like pears that much but they were okay. You continued to walk, taking a good few bites of the pear while on the way. While on the way to the TARDIS you wondered how you should act when around everyone. You didn't exactly plan on locking yourself away but that's what happened and everyone was pretty worried. You just didn't want the whole talk from them too.

You took out one of your earphones as you stepped into the controls room. You barely got into the room before you heard a very serious sounding doctor call out to you.

"(Y/n)!" She called.

You turned to look at her, swallowing a bit of the pear. Everyone was in the control room already.

"Sup" you nodded to her, smiling.

"Okay, listen to me very carefully" the doctor said in a serious and worried tone, holding her hands up in front of her.

"What?" You looked around to the others who looked just as confused.

"Put that down, very slowly" she told you, staring at the pear in your hand.

You were confused for a minute before deciding it was best not to argue with the doctor. You sighed, putting it down on a table top in the room.

"Now walk towards me carefully. Don't make any sudden movements" the doctor told you, taking out her sonic very slowly from her coat pocket.

You started to wonder what it was that had the doctor acting so cautiously all of a sudden. You then started to wonder if that fruit really was even a fruit. Maybe it was some weird alien organism! You just ate that!

This sent fear through you. What had you just done? You slowly did as told, stepping forward and behind the doctor. You turned around, watching as the doctor scanned the pear. She gave it a death stare and a look of disgust.

"What is it?" You asked.

"It's a pear" she stretched "pears are evil! Pears are disgusting. Never ever eat pears. They're too squishy and make your mouth all-"

You sighed, cutting the doctor off and walking forward again. You picked it back up and took another bite out of it. This made the doctor give you a very disgusted look. You just looked back at her, shrugging your shoulders.

"What? It's breakfast" you told her.

"They're evil" she said in a deep and distasteful voice.

"They're breakfast." You repeated, earning a small laugh from the team.

The doctor huffed, staring at the pear for a few more seconds before turning around and back to the controls.

"Right then gang. Where to?" She asked, with that smile on her face.

Guess everyone was over with the whole locking yourself away thing. Good to know. You wanted to get on with things. With your friends. With your family.

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