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The giants both turned around and started walking down the hill in excitement. You and Missy has to run after them but you still couldn't keep up with their long strides.

"Hey! Some of us have smaller legs here!" You shouted out at them.

"Yeah, it's a little difficult keeping up!" Missy smiled.

The two giants stopped and turned around with an apologetic smile on their face. They walked back up to you and crouched down to your level.

"How about we carry you then?" Loui suggested, holding out his hand.

You looked at Missy who just shrugged. You smiled, nodding at him. He held out his hands which were huge in front of you. You and Missy laughed as you climbed onto their hands. You had a hand holding onto Missy pretty strongly as he lifted his hands off the ground and carried you.

"Hold on tight then. You're really small in this world, don't want you falling" Ken smiled.

You were just holding onto Missy really tightly as she seemed to have a steady stand. The two giants smiled as Loui tightened his grip on you both a little, allowing you to look over his fingertips and finally let go of Missy to hold onto his giant fingers as he started striding down the hill.

You reached over his fingers, resting your chin on the tips of his finger as you watched out at the beautiful world. It was like everything was so big and gigantic like you were in Alice and the wonderland world. You smiled at how beautiful everything was and looked over at Missy. She had that same sparkle in her eye she did before when looking out at the world. You didn't quite understand why she was acting so amazed and happy on this particular planet but you didn't really care enough to find out about that. You just cared that she was happy. She looked so happy like you'd never seen her before, and her smile was so gorgeous. You loved seeing her like this.

You quickly looked away, not wanting Missy to find out you were staring. You looked up at the two giants, smiling.

"Where exactly are we going then?" You asked.

Ken looked down, a huge smile plastered on his face. You couldn't help but giggle at how happy the two always looked.

"You'll see. Just enjoy the view for now" he replied.

You nodded and looked out. It looked like you were heading around the hill and through the jungle towards the glacier. You looked back and could see the cliff and couldn't help but think of the lion king scene.

"Hey Missy" you smiled.

She looked over to you, humming.

"We should totally go to the edge of the cliff again later on and do the scene from the lion king. I'll be Simba for sure" you laughed.

Missy looked over to the cliff and smiled, laughing as well. You laughed, looking back forward. The giants started to run now and you held on a little tighter, not wanting to fall. You smiled, breathing in the fresh air and closing your eyes, letting the cool, refreshing wind brush past you. You felt so at peace, so happy.

You opened your eyes and could see you were running through the forest now. You looked around and to your left on the ground there was a beautiful river flowing through. There were a few other giants here and there too. You could see on the trees that there were several fruits. The only one you could really make out was a huge apple the size of you! You laughed, looking forward again and what you saw took your breath away.

It was the most magnificent waterfall you've ever seen. It was so big and tall and the water fell from two levels. Th melt water from the glacier was where the water was coming from. Two smaller waterfalls, still huge alone, fell together on a rock foundation and then fell down together to form one huge, beautiful waterfall and lead to the river.

"Wow..." Missy breathed.

"Couldn't have said it better myself" you whispered, smiling and looking up at the giants "this is amazing!"

They laughed, looking down at you.

"Wait till we get to the top. Hold on tight" Loui laughed.

"Why, What are we doing?" You asked.

"Patience, you'll see" Ken laughed.

They ran and quickly made their way up the hill, towards the top of the waterfall. They made it up pretty quickly considering there were already loads of steps carved out for them. You came to the rock platform where the two waterfalls met. You were in a huge cave like structure and were basically behind the two waterfalls right now. You were already getting soaked from the spluttered of water but you didn't care at all. You were behind two waterfalls right now and on top of the other half of it!

"Right then. If you guys want some fun and some thrill, hold on really right okay! We're going to run through the water and then jump down the big waterfall and dive into the river below!" Ken told you.

You and Missy both looked up at him in both shock and excitement. This was amazing! It was going to be so much fun, jumping down a waterfall! You looked back at Missy, both of you with really exited expressions.

"Better hold on tight then, this is going to be amazing!" Missy shouted.

"Yeah! I can't wait!" You shouted, looking back up "can we dive yet?!"

They laughed and nodded. Loui looked down at you, a huge smile on his face.

"Hold on. You may get a little wet!" He laughed.

The two giants started running towards the waterfalls in front of you and you immediately held onto Missy. She looked down at you, laughing before she wrapped an arm around you and you both screamed as you ran through the ice cold waterfall. You got completely soaked as you ran through as the water cascaded onto your figures and as soon as you got out of that waterfall, the giants jumped down and practically slid down with the waterfall!

You screamed with Missy, holding onto her really tightly, all the while a huge smile on your face.  Your heart was beating really fast but in a good way. The adrenaline was rushing through you and you loved every second of it. You looked and saw Ken jumping with you next to you, Missy and Loui. You laughed as the water kept hitting you and you looked down, seeing the river get closer and closer.

"CANNONBALL!" Ken shouted as he hit the water just before Loui did with you.

You held onto Missy even tighter as she wrapped her arms around you even tighter. You closed your eyes as you hit the water. It was so cold but it was the best experience of your life!

Loui lifted you up from the water and let you and Missy go while you all laughed your heads off, the waterfall only a few meters away from you. You were laughing so hard and so was Missy.

"That was amazing!" You shouted loudly, splashing some water about.

Unfortunately some of that water splashed straight on Missy and she looked at you with a raised brow. You knew exactly what was coming and started to back away, laughing even harder as she splashed a load of water over your head. It was cold as well and you were already swimming in the cold river. You gasped as it hit your head but soon started laughing and splashing a load of water over Missy. You were soon in a splashing fight and you couldn't stop laughing your heads off.

Ken then got up and his giant body towered over yours. The two giants were laughing watching you and at the experience of jumping down the waterfall. Ken then kicked a load of water over you and Missy, joining in with the fight. The wave engulfed you both for a few seconds and your heads popped back up after. You both stared at him with wide yes before you burst out laughing again.

It took you all quite a while before you started to calm down. You looked back at Missy, floating in the water much more calmly now. You were just on your back, floating and looking up at the trees then back at Missy.

"I really needed this" you sighed peacefully, closing your eyes slightly.

"Me too. It was so much fun" Missy smiled.

"Well then, who's up for round two?!" Loui smiled.

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