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You turned around after watching your siblings leave. The doctor set the TARDIS to orbit in space while you decided where to go next. You walked over to the console, running the tips of your fingers along the cold metallic surface.

"(Y/n)" the doctor called softly for you.

Your head turned up to her, smiling. She seemed concerned as she walked over to you.

"We need to talk" she said.

You moved back, walking away from her.

" we don't..." you laughed nervously, walking around the console away from her.

You really didn't want to have this conversation with her. You'd rather just keep it to yourself. You couldn't bring yourself to tell anyone. That would take more strength than you had.

"We need to talk (y/n)" the doctor repeated, walking towards you.

"We really don't" you replied, walking further back from her and around the console.

The doctor sighed as she watched you. She continued to walk towards you, to which you continued walking away. You weren't going to spill the beans no matter what. And you knew you'd have to keep moving away from her because this was the doctor we were talking about, she was always capable of making you tell her everything.

Suddenly there was a bright white flash beside you and a figure was stood next to you, way too close for comfort.

"Delivery for the doctor" it spoke from beside you.

You screamed, sprinting behind the doctor in fear. You hid behind her taller figure. You didn't dare look at it, stepping back a little. You breathed unbelievingly quickly and your heart rate rocketed.

"Relax (y/n), it's just the kerblam man!" The doctor said cheerfully as she walked over to the figure.

you pulled a weirded out face. That didn't even sound like a word. You looked over to see a plastic figure standing with a box in its hand. You breathed a sigh of relief, realising it wasn't a real person.

"Guys...I'm going to die of a heart attack aren't I. I mean, realistically it's not the aliens or the drink or even the damn voices or those really nice tall's a bloody heart attack that's going to get me in the end." You breathed deeply as you closed your eyes.

You placed both hands on the controls as you leaned in on them. The TARDIS hummed under your feet, reassuring you it was okay. You caught your breath, sighing and shaking your head. It really wasn't normal or healthy for you to be so scared all the time.

The doctor took the parcel and smiled at the robot. She obviously knew what this thing was then.

"Delivery successful. And remember if you want it, kerblam it!" It said, raising its hand before disappearing.

The doctor smiled, setting the parcel down on the console and opening it like an overexited child on Christmas. She pulled out a letter and her smile widened as she gasped.

"I've got mail!" She screeched, looking excitedly at you all.

You walked over to her. You looked in the box and saw nothing else in there. You picked up the bubble wrap and we're about to pop it.

"Best not do that" the doctor suddenly said.

"What?" You questioned, really confused.

"That bubble wrap could contain a deadly gas that would vaporise you in seconds. Although we did stop that from happening again...but still, best to be safe than to be sorry" she explained.

You looked at the bubble wrap, surprised that someone in the universe actually managed to make bubble wrap dangerous. You slowly and cautiously put it down back in the box. The smile that set across your face couldn't be helped as you shook your head. Anything could happen in this silly old universe.

"Ah! It's from JJ" the doctor smiled.

You looked to her, smiling. That name seemed really familiar.

"That's your son right. Erm...JJ...Jenny.."" you said, trying to remember the name.

The doctor smiled, nodding as she read the letter. You couldn't help but feel happy for her. The thought of not seeing your child for so long then suddenly finding out they were alive must have been a total shock to her.

"What does he say?" Yaz asked, moving closer to the doctor.

"Oh he's just telling me of all the adventures he's had. In fact, he's actually currently on a planet called Chloed." The doctor smiled.

She continued to read the letter and looked up to you all with a glimmer in her eye.

"Should we go visit him?" She asked in a voice just over a whisper.

She grinned, moving around the console.

You all smiled at her, nodding. You hadn't seen JJ in nine years. You wondered if he even remembered you. Actually he probably spent less time away from you than you did away from him. It might come as a shock to him that you grew up so fast.

"Right. Next stop, planet Chloed!" The doctor shouted excitedly.

She pulled the leaver down and the TARDIS shook about, taking you all through the time vortex and to the doctor's child. You honestly were really happy and relieved you were going somewhere else now. Partly because you really didn't want to have that conversation with the doctor about yourself. And any chance to delay that talk at least you happily accepted. You knew she was worried and was trying to help but you'd rather just not face it. You half hoped that she'd forgotten about it now but how could anyone forget let alone the doctor.

The TARDIS stopped shaking and landed, it's wonderful noise coming to a halt. You let go of the controls and stood up straight.

The doctor was the first to go running towards the door this time. You all followed closely behind. It was nice to see her just as exited as you usually were for once. And that excitement the doctor had was enough to delay the dreaded talk at least for a little while while she saw her son again.

"Right. Let's see what JJ has in store for us this time" Graham smiled as you all stepped out the TARDIS doors.

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