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"Right so you did wander off! And to find out if a story tale was real or not! I'm disappointed in you" the doctor said sternly.

"No! I...stumbled upon it while I was lost" you emphasised, really trying to cover up wandering off.

You didn't want her to drop you back on earth and never let you travel again just because you kept walking off on your own.

"Wait! Hold up, you're saying, that story was true! You saw Isla and her beating heart and you saw Archie as a rat!" Ryan yelled in excitement.

You smiled slightly at his expression. Yaz seemed to be just as exited. Graham however was more grumpy and didn't seem too keen on the idea of going to find them again.

"Fascinating. You actually managed to find the tunnel?" Anicus asked you.

You nodded, looking back the way you and Anicus came from. Everything happened so quickly you weren't really sure what happened back there. Maybe that was why the tunnels were so difficult to find, because they always disappear and appear in different places? That was the only explanation you could find of the tunnels easily disappearing out of sight so quickly. But you had to show the doctor where you'd seen it.

"The tunnel was back there" you said.

The doctor gave you a look which you tried not to look at. You cleared your throat a little, trying to ignore the stares the doctor was giving  you and trying to avoid the whole lying thing. As much as you didn't enjoy it when the doctor was mad with you, lying through your teeth to her was difficult to do.

"Can we go check it out?" Yaz asked a little too cheerfully.

You instantly focused your attention on her, smiling as brightly as you could.

"Yes! I think we should go! It's just this way" you quickly said, gesturing back the way you came and taking a few steps in the direction.

Ryan and Anicus followed you instantly, really intrigued by this. Graham just sighed, walking your way too. Yaz seemed hesitant to go after seeing the doctor looking not so keen on the idea. She walked over to her, placing a hand on her arm.

"Doctor? Everything okay?" Yaz asked.

She knew she was mad at you for wandering off and knew you didn't just get lost. Maybe you were acting too calmly to have actually got lost. That was one of your biggest fears ever since you could remember. But you could tell Yaz wanted to go see the tunnels.

The doctor turned towards Yaz, giving her a small smile.

"Yeah. Guess we're going then" the doctor said, turning her head back to you and giving you a glare.

You were glad looks couldn't kill because the amount of times she'd given you these looks would have had you killed long ago. You turned around, heading back down with Anicus right on your tail. He seemed really exited, clearly never having expected the story he'd been telling for years to actually have been true. Ryan and Yaz both looked really exited to be seeing it all. Graham knew it was dangerous but he followed through with the plan as always. And even though the doctor was mad at you, you could see the slight sparkle in her eye that she always got when she was curious and exited about something. And what better thing to be curious about than a story like that being real!

You continued to walk, all of you careful not to go too close to the edge. You didn't want to fall right now.

You showed them all to the place you were sure you saw the tunnel. But you weren't imagining it when you couldn't see it anymore. It wasn't there. But you got that strange feeling again, like the hairs at the back of your neck were on end and something just didn't feel right. But the tunnel was no where to be seen.

"I swear...the tunnel was just here" you told them all. "I really do think it's a disappearing tunnel. I mean, I didn't see it, then I did, then I didn't!"

You continued to search for it, concentrating extremely hard. You felt as though it was there, like in the corner of your eye. So you looked there, concentrating hard and slow. Scanning every little detail. Until you saw it. It hadn't moved or anything, still in the same place and as big and dark as before. You had no idea how you looked over something as big as that.

"Doctor! It's there. Can you see it?" You called out, pointing at the tunnel which you refused to take your eye off now.

"Where?" She asked.

Everyone else was looking in your direction too but couldn't see anything. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. How could so many people look over something as big as that?

"Okay. Do what I did. Concentrate suuupper hard, like looking in the corner of your eye" you told them. "Just...look..."

They all did as told. You could tell it still wasn't easy for them to see them. The doctor was the first person to catch it.

"Oh" she simply said.

"Why can't anyone see it? And why was it so hard for us to see it? I mean, something as big as that isn't normal to be missing" you asked.

The doctor took out her sonic, scanning ahead of you.

"Perception filter" she mumbled.

You remember that from when you last saw JJ down in the training place. But that was a key necklace. You guessed there was some other, bigger, perception filters too.

The doctor fiddled with her sonic and pointed back at the tunnel. She pressed it, sending that familiar buzzing noise though the air. You suddenly could hear everyone else making 'oh' and confused noises. Clearly the doctor had gotten rid of the perception filter then and the others could all see it too now.

"Amazing! You actually found it!" Anicus exclaimed brightly, clapping his hands a little.

"Yeah. You wandered off to find this" The doctor said sharply.

You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms in a huff.

"I told you I didn't wander off. I got lost" you told her.

"Oh and just happened to stumble across the very tunnels in the story!" She said.

"T...that was a erm....coincidence! Yeah, that's what it was!" You quickly said.

"No such thing as a coincidence the universe is never that lazy" the doctor told you.

"Didn't Sherlock Holmes say that in the tv show?" You questioned. "Love Benedict Cumberbatch" you smiled.

"Never seen this show but if he agrees with me then he's right. There's no such thing as coincidence (y/n)" the doctor replied.

You sighed in defeat, looking away.

"Come on then, let's go give Isla and Archie a visit"

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