Hello again

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You walked into the console room. You still felt at awe when staring at the beautiful golden machine, not realising just how much you'd missed every second of it. The doctor started flicking switches and pulling leavers before she finally tugged on the last, large leaver.

The TARDIS shook so much you nearly fell off your feet if you hadn't grabbed onto the golden shard beside you. You could remember the TARDIS being a bumpy ride but you were nine years out of practice and you were remembering fully how much of a bumpy ride it was. You looked up, closing your eyes as you smiled, hearing the whoozing, wheezing sound the TARDIS always makes. That beautiful noise you missed so dearly.

And then it came to a halt. A little too quickly you thought but you removed your hand from the TARDIS' golden shard and stared at the door, waiting for Yaz and Graham and Ryan to enter.

"What am I going to say to them?" You asked the doctor a little worriedly "it's been nine years since I last talked to them"

"It's only been a week for them. Don't worry. It'll be fine" the doctor smiled reassuringly.

You nodded, taking a deep breath, staring at the door. You were so nervous. You took of your hat and looked at it properly. It had been nine years since you'd seen this hat. You might have kept that memory with your mother but the hat just always reminded you of her and that day. It was hard without it. You missed your mum. Ten years without her or Alice was extremely difficult. You thought you'd never see it again and although you blamed the doctor now, the whole time on earth you blamed yourself for asking her to leave. Even though you said two weeks, it was still you that asked to leave and you blamed yourself all nine years. And now you were finally facing the doctor you just needed to get the anger out on her and feel like it wasn't your fault for once.

"Sorry" you mumbled quietly, putting the hat on and glancing at the doctor.

"What for?" The doctor asked in confusion.

You looked down, opening our mouth to answer but you heard the TARDIS doors open in front of you and your head snapped up.

"Doctor, Ryan accidentally slipped on a banana peel. You know, like in the comics. I told him, that never happens in real life but he just stared up, landing on his bottom. You should have seen......" Yaz trailed off as she walked in, stopping dead in her tracks when she saw you.

"Ow! Yaz why d'you stop walking. I just walked into y....oh......" Ryan tailed off too, staring at your grown figure.

"Erm..your kinda holding up the queue Yaz. Oh...." Graham saw you and started staring.

They all wore the same shocked expression, their mouths hanging wide open. You stared back at them for a few moments, taking in the fact that they were all here, realising just how much you missed them all. Your face turned into a smirk as you shook your head.

"It's rude to stare guys" you giggled, smiling at them.

"(Y/n)? H..how...what?" Ryan asked, confusion written all over his face as he tried to close his mouth.

The doctor coughed, making their heads all turn to her.

"I might have....accidentally arrived a little late when going to pick (y/n) up again...." the doctor mumbled, scratching the back of her neck.

"How late?" Yaz asked, glancing back at you.

"Well...." the doctor trailed off, looking down in shame and guilt.

"Nine years!" You replied sternly, staring at the doctor with your arms crossed over your chest.

The doctor clears her throat, looking up again. You sighed and looked away towards the three friends. Their eyes were wide with shock and their mouths seemed to have somehow ended up hanging further.

"N..nine years..." Graham stuttered, blinking a little.

"Hmm" you nodded, "I'm twenty five" you added.

Their eyes grew even wider and you couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips. You shook your head again, loving their funny reactions. You realised just how comfortable you already felt around these guys, even after nine years.

"You're older than me" Yaz said, as she broke out of her trance. "I'm only twenty four. You were sixteen last week!"

You smiled, giving a little bow.

"Not for me. I haven't seen you guys for nine whole years. So...hello again guys! Missed ya loads" you smiled.

They all smiled, finally coming to terms with what they saw. They shuffled closer to the controlled a little.

"Missed you too" Yaz smiled.

Yaz came forward to give you a hug to which you instantly backed away from fearfully. Yaz looked confused and worried when you did this, stepping back a little as you scrambled away.

"Erm...one rule with me guys. Don't touch me. I'm not one for physical touch or any sort" you told them, smiling a little behind the golden shard.

"Why.... what's wrong?" Graham asked in concern.

You sighed, stepping out from behind the shard and looked at them all properly.

"I'm not the same person I was nine years ago guys. Just a few things to know about me, all of you. First off, please don't touch me. I can't handle any sort of physical contact. And please just...don't ask about it. Like I said, I'm not the same person now. Secondly, I don't really cry anymore...like....ever." You said, thinking back to yourself when you were sixteen.

"Why not?" Ryan asked.

You shrugged "I learnt that there's no point in crying. It's a waste of time and energy. Crying doesn't change anything. So I learnt not to" you explained.

There was a long, awkward silence.

"How about a hand shake then if not a hug" Yaz smiled, reaching out her hand to you.

You stared at it, opening your mouth for nothing to come out. You shook your head, looking sadly at Yaz.

"Sorry..." you mumbled.

She frowned a little, pulling her hand back. And that awkward silence fell again, making you feel incredibly uncomfortable. You certainly weren't the same person you once were. And not the same person they remembered.

"Right!" The doctor said enthusiastically, averting the attention back to her.

You all turned and smiled at her as she beamed back, flicking a few switches.

"How about an adventure?" She smirked, placing her hand on a leaver.

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