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You kept one hand on the doctor's coat, gripping it gently to not get lost or separated from her and you kept hold of the boys hand with your other hand. You didn't mind crowds it was just the thought of getting lost that was making you feel on edge. You kept a tight grip on the boy too, knowing that he would be the easiest to get lost if someone didn't take care with him.

"Are we looking for the same police face we saw earlier?" You asked the doctor looking around to try find the face.

"No, Krylitane can change their looks" she simply replied.

You sighed, realising it was a waste of time searching. Instead you kept a tight grip on the boy who was getting pushed about a lot by the rush of people scrambling by in all directions. You also tightened your grip on the doctor, feeling the crowd get thicker. You looked around to see that Ryan and Graham were struggling a little to keep up but seemed to be coping fine.

Yaz was getting the occasional stumble. You all continued to walk, the doctor following her sonic, mumbling quiet things under her breath. But once, one of the tall aliens nudged last Yaz with brute force that she almost went flying away from the group if the doctor hadn't grabbed onto her hand. Yaz stared at the doctor in shock for a few seconds, occasionally glancing down at her hand that was now sitting neatly within the doctors.

"I don't want to lose you here Yaz" the doctor simply said softly, not glancing at Yaz.

Yaz smiled a little, looking through the crowd of people only to see the woman standing beside her. And all the doctor could ever want right now was to hold Yaz's hand forever without the threat of aliens or anything. And all they both wanted was for the other to feel the same way.

You smiled at how clueless the two really were. You must have loosened your grip on the doctors lilac coat because when one of the tall aliens bumped into you you ended up stumbling back and nearly falling over, only just standing on your feet by another person bumping into you from behind. It all happened so quickly and you made sure you at least tightened your grip on the boy. The crowd was flying past you and you were just two very short figures in the middle of a swarm. You looked up ahead of you to see the slight lilac tint of the doctor's coat between several silhouettes.

You breathed a sigh of relief, trying to walk forward, making sure to keep the boy near you. But before you could move any further a knife was held at your neck from behind. Your heart raced as fear shot through you. This was most likely the Krylitane and you kept an even tighter grip on the boy.

"Doctor!" You screamed. "Help!"

You saw the doctor turn around and have a shocked and scared look contoured across her face.

"(Y/N)!!" She shouted in return, trying to push past the crowd.

But before she could reach you you felt yourself get transported to a different place, away from the safety of the doctor and the others. The last thing you heard from that place was the doctor screaming out for you before you disappeared before her eyes with the Krylitane. You closed your eyes out of reflex and reaction.

You opened your eyes nervously, not feeling the knife to your throat anymore. You were standing still with he boy in your grasp. However it was a completely different place. You looked around. It was dark and damp, water trickling and dripping down the sides of the walls.

You turned to the boy, kneeling to his height, checking him over.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah. What happened?" He asked.

You sighed, getting up and looking around. You tried to study your surroundings, listing all the possibilities.

"No idea. But don't worry, the doctor will find us" you smiled at him reassuringly.

He nodded timidly. You smiled at him, looking around again. You really did hope the doctor would come for you. It wasn't that she would leave you or anything. She would never do that. It was that she had no idea where you were at all. You swallowed hard as you looked around, realising you had no idea where you were either. It wasn't like a room or a cell, it was just one long wide corridor.

You held the boys hand and started to walk down the corridor, the feeling of you being lost really sinking in now. You gulped, trying to hold back tears and control your breathing. You had no idea where you were and neither did the doctor.

"W..what's your name?" You asked, trying to take your mind away from the fear.

"Harry" He squeaked.

You smiled, nodding.

"My name's (y/n)" you said, squeezing his hand a little, half to comfort him, half to comfort yourself.

You carried on walking down the corridor only to be met with a fork - the path splitting into two. You swallowed, really not wanting to get any more lost. You took deep breaths, trying to stop the tears threatening to fall.

"Afraid?" A whisper echoed through the corridor above your head.

Your heart raced, your stomach churned more than already doing. You slowly looked up to see a Krylitane hanging upside down like a bat above your head. You resisted the urge to scream, shaking a little. It flew down, facing you both. It's red eyes glowed in the dark as it stared at you both.

"Where..where are we..." you stuttered, trying to keep calm for Harry's sake.

He laughed maniacally again. But it's laughter urned into growls and screams. You stood staring at it, unsure of what to do. You were nothing compared to this ting. You were a useless sixteen year old human who can't even pass her exams and who could easily get killed by this thing. Nothing compared to this alien.

"Hand over the boy!" It screeched.

You glared at it, stepping in front of the boy protectively. It stared right back at you, it's huge shape dominating your own.

"I'll happily go through you first!" He grinned evilly.

You scoffed "go for it mate. I took so many hits for my little sister growing up it's a reflex and a norm for me now. Go for it. But you're not getting to him without going through me first!" You stated to him, making sure your whole body was in front of the boy's protectively.

"Very well. If that's how it must be" he replied smirking.

He moved closer and closer to you with his claws and horns in your way. You knew full well that you could get killed by this thing down here. But you weren't going to let this thing just take this young boy.

You closed your eyes and held your breath, awaiting the painful impact to come.

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