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You walked for a while, the doctor explaining how everything formed on the planet and several stories and myths on the planet about several things about the planet.

"You know, some people claim to hear someone singing when the wind is blowing along with the chiming melody of the gems hitting each other" The doctor smiled as she wandered though the woods.

It seemed a peaceful walk, the doctor smiling and pointing at different things like a personal tour guide. You continued to walk, staring at the beauty around you when you all saw a man sized creature run past you.

"What was that?!" Yaz exclaimed as you all stopped dead in your tracks.

It had moved too quickly for you to have gotten a proper look at it. But it seemed in a hurry to get somewhere. Or to get away from something.

"I don't know. Wanna find out?" The doctor smiled at Yaz before turning and running in its direction.

You all ran after her, running through shimmering trees. The forest seemed to go in forever and you found it increasingly difficult to see where that creature went. The doctor was using her sonic and seemed to have picked something up as it looked like she was following a signal from it.

You all stopped when the doctor fell to her knees and started examining something. You turned your head and saw that it was a huge pile of the gemmed leaves. You moved closer yourself, crouching down next to the pile.

"Oh no" the doctor whispered, scanning the gems then looking around herself.

"What is it doctor? What's wrong?" You asked, looking at her worried expression.

Her head turned to you, the worry clear in her eyes.

"These gems...the pile they shouldn't be here." The doctor told you, looking at the pile again.

"Well, let's not think of the worst doc" Graham said, smiling nervously.

You looked over to him, then back at the doctor "yeah, I mean, they could just be all the leaves the trees have shed. And someone's trying to clear them up." You suggested.

"No. These trees don't shed their leaves. Each year they're harvested by the locals but it's no where near that time of year yet. To pick the leaves at any other time of year is strictly forbidden on the planet. And my guess is that creature we saw running picked them, probably to gain a profit out of them. Why is everything to do with money?" She clenched her teeth.

She got up and started to look around her for the creature. You leaned closer in to the gem pile. You couldn't help but admire their sheer beauty and you could definitely see how someone would steal these. But the doctor was right, Why is everything about money for some people. Can they not just sit back and simply watch and admire the beauty of them instead of searching for the worth of something for once. You sighed, shaking your head. Guess there were some crimes such as stealing which were on other planets as well. They may not be as serious as trying to kill people or take over a whole planet but this need for money was disgusting.

You were so wrapped up in your thoughts you didn't hear when the others had left you. You only realised once you heard footsteps coming your way. Your head snapped up and was cleared of the deep thoughts and you saw Yaz coming towards you.

"(Y/n)! Oh thank god your here. We thought we might have lost you" Yaz breathed a sigh of relief

"I didn't even realise you guys left. Sorry, guess I got really wrapped up in my own thoughts" you smiled, standing up.

"Come on, we should get back to the others" Yaz said.

You nodded and we're about to get moving when you heard a gun clock behind your heads. You and Yaz instantly made a worried eye contact, swallowing hard.

"Don't you two move!" Someone snarled begins your backs.

Yaz's police training kicked in as she slowly turned her head to see the guns being pointed directly at your heads. There were two creatures that had yellow skin holding the guns. Your heart rate increased dramatically and you couldn't help but feel dread at the bottom of your stomach.

"Okay. How about you put the guns down, and we can talk about this" Yaz said calmly.

"Shut up!" One of them said.

"Why are you pointing guns at us?" Yaz persisted.

You heard one of them snort as he scoffed.

"You two have been found with the pile of our precious stones. You two stole them and therefore are criminals of the highest nature! Stealing!" One of them shouted.

"What! No! Hold on, you've got it all wrong. We didn't-" you tried to explain but were instantly cut off by the one holding a gun at your head.

"Shut up thieves!" He shouted.

The volume of his voice and the slight knock to the head of the gun made you flinch and squint your eyes.

"I can assure you you're mistaken" Yaz insisted calmly.

You wondered how she could be so calm while being held at gunpoint and on her birthday of all days. Even with all her police training she must be feeling some fear. You held your breath, looking at Yaz for reassurance.

"And I can assure you that you won't get away with such a crime! Do you realise how important these gems are to us!" The one holding a gun to Yaz's head shouted.

Yaz flinched a little as the gun slightly brushed past her dark hair. She looked at you, as if trying to tell you to stay calm. But you were already feeling the tightness in your chest from the fear.

"You two are coming with us!" One of them said.

You both had your hands up at the level of your shoulders and didn't hesitate to start moving with them. You had no idea where they were taking you and could only see more trees through the never ending forest. You thought you and Yaz were doomed until you saw the familiar lilac coat of the doctor.

"Guys!" She shouted urgently.

The two people stopped and so did you and Yaz to face the doctor and the boys. You instantly felt relief wash over you at the sight of them. You could see a hint of the oncoming storm as she made eye contact with Yaz.

"You'd better be putting those weapons down now!" She shouted, glaring at the two creatures behind us.

She was putting in a brave face but you could see the worry in her eyes at the sight of you both being held at gunpoint. And she kept giving glances at Yaz's figure, almost as if she was trying to reassure her, or herself, that she would be alright.

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