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You walked back to the TARDIS which was parked just next to the plume of smoke. The doctor opened it, everyone stepping in. Thinking about it now you didn't think it was just cider you drank. It must have been something stronger to have you slurring. Or maybe you dunk more than you thought? You weren't exactly paying much attention to how much you were drinking while distracting the robots, you just kind of...did it.

You made your way next to one of the shards and lent against it, feeling like you needed a shower. You were covered in smoke and charcoal, and so was everyone else. You just needed to clean yourself up a bit. You were going to head down to your room for a shower until the doctor came up to you with a hard look on her face. You furrowed your eyebrows, not understanding why she was this angry.

"We need to talk about you walking off on your own. And the drinking." The doctor told you sternly.

"Oh...I told you. I was walking in slow motion" you burst into laughter before you could say much else.

"(Y/n) does this look like a face that's amused!" The doctor snapped angrily at you.

You cleared your throat, standing straighter and your face falling. She did not look happy. You gulped, looking down and trying not to break under her gaze.

"Doctor relax, she's fine-" Missy was cut off by the doctor putting up her finger in anger at her, shaking her head as her eyes stayed fixed on you.

"No! Missy don't interfere! (Y/n), where did you walk off to?" The doctor said.

"I..I didn't go anywhere.." you stuttered "still on the same ship wasssn't I" you slurred a little again and you winced, squeezing your eyes shut and cursing yourself under your breath.

"Oh and that reminds me, how exactly did you know where the drink was?! Now I understand why you were so quick to distract the robots. You just went for a drink! Hang on, is that where you went when you walked off?! You had a drink before as well!" The doctor asked you angrily.

You kept your head bowed, biting your lip. You could practically feel her eyes on you and the silence was killing you. She was angry at you, big time.

"Answer me (y/n)!" She shouted at you.

"Fine! Yes I went to the kitchen when I walked off annd had a few drinks is it really that bad?!" You snapped, slurring slightly, throwing your arms up and looking her in the eye. "Why the hell do you care so much?!"

"I have a duty of care to everyone who travels with me" She exclaimed.

"Which I never asked for! Ever! I make my own decisions! I'll drink if I want to. I'll do what I want to!" you told her angrily.

"Not when you're travelling with me! You need to listen and follow my rules if you want to carry on travelling with me!" She told you sternly.

You clenched your teeth and made your hands into tight fists. You hated the fact that she was threatening to send you home.

"Why don't you ever follow my rules?! I'm trying to keep you safe" She asked you angrily.

"Why the fuck should it matter if I follow your rules when you just send me home whether I follow your rules or not anyways! You sent me home when I did nothing wrong! When I specifically asked you not to take me home! It doesn't fucking matter whether I do as I'm told because you just take me home anyways! Do you have ANY idea what I'm going through at home! I just lost my dad back there and where did you send me?! Home! You literally had to pick me up FROM THE STREETS! I screamed out for you doctor but you didn't come and help me! I was NOT safe! So yes. I'll ask you. WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I FOLLOW YOUR RULES!" You shouted at her angrily, your nails digging into the palms of your hands so you could feel the blood pooling at the cuts.

She was at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond. Your body was tense and ridged, and your breathing was heavy. You could feel the blood seeping out of your nails and the stinging sensation spreading through you. You were so angry at her right now. She always left you at home, whether you asked for it or not. She does a lot you don't ask for and it's not her choice!

Missy walked up to you both, placing one hand on either one of your shoulders.

"You two need to calm down. Let's look at the positives. No one got hurt and everyone was saved and free. And...I've taken us to a planet which has its warm waters. We can bathe in them and clean ourselves up from the charcoal. And it'll help us all relax" Missy told you both.

"Wait, hang on we haven't moved. Have we? I didn't feel a thing. Or..that noise.." Graham said confusedly.

Missy looked at him with a smile which wasn't great seeing as both you and the doctor was basically having a staring contest, giving each other death stares.

"I used the blue stabilisers. And it's not supposed to make that noise. The doctor leaves the breaks on. Although...I do like that noise. I guess I'll keep the breaks on next time. Anyways" Missy turned back to you both, sighing as she saw you still glaring angrily at each other "get your swim suits on people. We're going bathing in the hot waters of planet Haliod"

It didn't take you very long to shrug off Missy, your teeth still clenched as you seethed through gritted teeth while glaring at the doctor. "I'd love to get some place else"

You walked away, not waiting for the doctor to try talk you back or anything. You walked down the corridors towards your room in anger. You didn't need her to be so rules-y with you. She had no right. And you weren't going to let her think otherwise.

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