Please... believe me

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You slowly creaked open the doors, closing them behind you as you wandered down the corridors, slipping the Bobby pin back in your hair. You passed several cells with some angry prisoners inside. You gulped, knowing that these people really were criminals and had committed murders and other crimes.

You quickened your pace, heading the way you saw the prince going, ready to confront him. You were mad at him beyond belief, for framing you and committing murder.

You quickly reached the main door that you assumed led to the offices. You cautiously opened the door, preparing yourself to have to get your bobby pin out again. However to your surprise the door slowly creaked open. You shot your eyebrows up, freezing for a moment before grinning, crouching behind the wall as you very slowly pushed the door open.

You peaked through the gap in the door to see loads of offices and another door which had a window showing the outside through it. You tried to look around the office but couldn't see much. As far as you could tell there weren't any people in the offices so you decided to quietly open the doors and crouched down to the ground, crawling behind the desks towards the door.

You stayed as quiet as you could, shuffling on your hands and knees towards the door.

"(Y/n)?" A voice asked, startling you.

You jumped, springing up a little too fast as you hit your head on a desk. Ignoring the pain you stood up, turning around to the voice. There stood the doctor, Yaz , Graham and Ryan all talking to that prince murderer guy.

"" you pointed shakily at the guy, walking a little further back.

"How did you manage to get out? I should call security. We don't want a cold blooded murderer wandering about" the prince said, walking over to you.

"Me! B..but you're the murderer! You murdered your fiancé!" You shouted, glaring at him.

"(Y/n) what sort of a conclusion is that! Pushing the blame to him" The doctor asked, crossing her arms.

You stared at her and the others. They were all staring at you in disgust. They really did think that you did it then.

"It was him I swear! I didn't do anything!" You protested, pleading the doctor.

The doctor shook her head, crossing her arms. You stared at the prince as he clicked for security. You got angry as you clenched your fists so your nails dig into your skin. He made the only friends you ever had not trust you anymore.

" could you say I did something like that my dearest love...." the prince cried fake tears again.

You shook your head angrily, grabbing him roughly by the arms and holding him in place so he would stare at you. You glared at him.

"Just...tell them the truth! You did it all! I didn't do anything I'm innocent! It was you!" You screamed.

However this only made him cry even more fake tears. The doctor and the others started to walk towards you cautiously, still believing you killed someone and worried you might do the same to him. Security came in and surrounded you. It were weary of coming closer, afraid for the prince's safety.

"Please, (y/n), stop this" the doctor asked softly, giving you a stern glare however, "you haven't been yourself lately and the fact you murdered someone.."

You shook your head, cutting her off in desperation.

"It wasn't me it was him! You have to believe me..." you cried, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes as you stared into her hazel eyes, tightening your grip on the prince.

"This isn't like you. But killing someone... I thought you knew better. Just stop this. You can't push the blame on an innocent person" the doctor reasoned, trying to take another step towards you.

You shook your head, tears falling to your cheeks as you held the prince. He was pretending to cry. Damn he was a good actor, fooling everyone around you.

You turned your head towards the prince in front of you "Just tell them you did it please!" You cried, shaking the prince back and forth.

"There's no evidence against him (y/n). You on the other hand..," Yaz spoke up.

You cried. Shaking your head.

"Let him go. Don't push the blame to the innocent" the doctor said.

"I didn't do it just believe me. Please... believe me" you whispered, crying.

No one moved, they simply stared between the two crying figures. One which was acting frightened and yours which was pleading to be believed. Yet no one,  not one of your friends would believe you.

"Please... believe me..." you whispered again, letting go of the prince and falling to your knees.

You sobbed, crying as you bowed your head, shaking.

"I didn't do it..." you whispered so quietly the only person to hear would have been the doctor with her time lord hearing.

The prince immediately scrambled away in his fearful act, sobbing as he stared at you. The guards all came rushing to you, surrounding you and handcuffing you. You sobbed, your eyes stinging from the tears. They stood you up, moving you back towards your cell. You stared at the doctor through tears eyes.

"You don't believe me..." you whispered.

The doctor didn't reply, she simply stood there, watching your figure get pushed away.

"I thought you were all my friends and you think I'm capable of...this..." you said to all of them in a hurt voice. "Please..."

They all simply stared and didn't say a word. You begged them but they all stared at you, watching as you were pushed through the doors and were taken back to your cell. You didn't dare look back and as they locked you back in your cell they made sure they locked properly, clearly not knowing how you escaped and also arranged for a guard to stroll through the cells corridor now and again to make sure you were all in your place.

Your whole body curled up into a ball in the corner of the cell room as you cried loudly, sobbing, the reality of just losing your only friends hitting you hard. You didn't think you could ever trust them ever again after this and feared what was to come tomorrow with your trial.

That night you sat curled up into a ball and cried yourself to sleep as an unbelieved, lonely, framed murderer. All on a planet way too far away from your own. Too far away from home.

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