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You didn't remember the journey here. You were so caught up in your thoughts about how the doctor had really thought that you had done it. They all thought that you were capable of killing someone. You had stopped fighting the bodyguards and gave up in defeat, thinking back to the doctors face. The way she looked at you when she thought you'd committed murder. The way she let go of you and loosened her grip because she thought you did it. How could she think you were capable of something like that!

You were hurled into a cell pretty hard you fell to your knees. They quickly locked the door, leaving only a small amount of light to come through from between the bars.

"I'm innocent! I swear I didn't do anything. I would never...please...." you begged, crawling up to the bars.

But they simply glared at you and walked away, leaving you in the darkness and locked up in this prison cell.

You leant against the cold, stone wall, bringing your knees up to your chest. You buried your head in your knees, letting the tears flood out of your eyes. Short sharp sobs escaped your lips as you struggled to control your breathing.

Your mind was filled with the thoughts of the doctor. You'd never felt more betrayed and helpless and...alone. And that was saying something! You really thought that they were your friends but they gave up on you so easily.

You decided to stop these thoughts and to try and breathe. Calm down. You brought your head up, whipping your tears with your shaky hands.

"No. No way did they all think I did this. The doctor just let go because she was frozen from shock. They don't think I actually did this" you whispered to yourself, trying to reason with the gangs faces.

You closed your eyes, breathing deeply to stop the pain if that was rising and to concentrate on those words of reassurance. The doctor was just stunned for a moment that's all. Your body relaxed a little, letting your arms loosen around your knees and your head rest on the stone wall behind you.

You were brought out of your somewhat peaceful mindset when you heard footsteps coming your way. Your (e/c) eyes snapped open as you stared out of the bars.

"Here your highness. The one who murdered her" a guard said in a disgusted voice.

"C-could you leave me...I Erm...I..." the man seemed to chock on his words as he looked down, a tear escaping his eyes.

"Of course sir. Take all the time you need. Her trial isn't until tomorrow" the guard informed, walking off.

The man was left alone on the other side of the bars, staring at you. It took you a while but you realised he was the man who was with the princess earlier.

"Sir...please...I'm innocent. I know what I said but I swear....I would never..." you begged in a voice just above a whisper.

The mans face turned from upset to a...grin? A totally evil grin. The tears were whipped away as he bent down, smirking at you. His eyes weren't full of sadness or tears, but of pure evil and menace. He was acting before. He wasn't upset at all.

"Oh I know you didn't do it because I did" he whispered.

Your eyes widened as you stared at him, moving further back to the wall in utter shock and fear of this man. He'd just killed a person and framed you for it. He saw your distress and started to laugh maniacally.

"As soon as I got engaged to that bitch I wanted to get rid of her. I never wanted to marry her! But the pretty young prince must carry on the family line. I never had a choice! I'd been planning a murder for ages and finally you come along with causal death threats. Perfect opportunity to get away with it" he smirked, staring you right in the eye.

"W...what about me! I'm innocent!" You said shakily.

"Collateral damage. While I walk away free" he shrugged, grimacing.

You stared in horror and disbelief.

"You should never have killed her. We could have helped you with this. You could have talked to your parents or even to the doctor and us, but murder... you blamed it on me.." you whispered.

He laughed quietly, shaking his head as he stood up. You kept your eyes on him, tears in the corner of your eyes.

"Thank you for finally giving me a way out of this" he smirked, walking away.

You crawled to the bars, shaking them vigorously in anger.

"You won't get away with this!" You shouted out to him.

You sank further back to the floor, your arms falling from the bars. You ran everything through your head. That guy was a prince, engaged to the princess. He didn't want any of that so murdered her. And blamed it on you.

You cursed u set your breath, clenching your teeth in anger at him. You stood up, looking at the locks on the bars. The looked nothing like the ones back on earth however did have a key hole and some sort of keys which you saw from the guards when they locked you in.

You combed through your hair, looking for something you always wore just in case. A bobby pin. You pulled it out, positioning it inside the key hole and started to move around. You hoped that it would work as you tried to unlock the door. Back on earth you learnt how to pick several locks with paper clips and Bobby pins through the years, just in case. You were always in some trouble, whether it be with your family or at school with bullies beating you up and locking you in some room and leaving you. It was almost like a life skill that you kinda needed to know. And even more now you were travelling with the doctor.

Your movements froze for a second as your mind wandered back to her horrified face at you. You closed your eyes, shaking the images, telling yourself she was just frozen from shock, she didn't really think you did this. And now you knew who did do it. You opened your eyes and resumed picking the lick, working through different pressures and positions in the key hole. You knew to find the doctor and tell her everything. She'd believe you and help prove your innocence and bring justice to that prince.

You concentrated hard on the lock for a good few minutes before you started loosing hope, wondering if it was really going to work, with it being an alien lock and all. But just then you heard a faint click come from the key hole.

It was open.

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